We accept relevant contributions for our events calendar and news blog. Members may also share program-related training, events, and activities on our Facebook and LinkedIn groups.
Women Veterans Conference
March 24–26, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh Marriott North, 100 Cranberry Woods Drive, Cranberry, PA
Agenda includes Veterans benefits and how to access proper health care and benefits for women; presentations by several women veterans’ advocacy groups; leadership seminars; a motivational speaker; networking and camaraderie and much more. All women veterans in Pennsylvania are welcome to attend.
Save the date! Crisis in a Post-Pandemic World
April 26–27, 2023
The Crisis Intervention Association of Pennsylvania
Seven Springs Mountain Resort
Champion, PA
Crisis workers, first responders, law enforcement and service-related providers are charged with returning those exposed to trauma back to a new normal, and this often takes a great toll on those responding. Attend the conference to identify crisis intervention strategies for working with specific populations; discuss methods and techniques that crisis workers can use in assessing and responding to crisis situations; and develop an understanding of the frustrations of those struggling to overcome the effects of mental health stigma.
SCOPE First Responders Training
The University of Pittsburgh’s Strategies to Coordinate Overdose Prevention Efforts (SCOPE) Statewide project provides continuing education for first responders on the topics of substance use disorder 101, recovery-oriented systems of care, naloxone administration and leave behind, and understanding the barriers created by stigma and bias. Upcoming training dates and registration are available online. Email SCOPE@pitt.edu for more information.