Water Wisdoms | March 2022 Newsletter
MWMC Releases 2021 Annual Report
Our 2021 Annual Report is here! Scroll through it to learn about what we've been up to in the last year at a quick glance. We're proud of all the work our team has done and continues to do to fulfill our mission of protecting our community's health and the environment by providing high-quality wastewater services to the Eugene-Springfield area. We invite you to explore the stunning photos, stats, and project information related to this mission within our Annual Report.

The MWMC is comprised of three partner agencies: the Cities of Eugene and Springfield and Lane County, with approximately 97 staff working on behalf of the MWMC. The support of our seven-member Commission and our ratepayers is what helps us continue cleaning water for our community in a sustainable and fiscally responsible way.
MWMC Staff and Video Receive National Awards
In February, the MWMC was recognized with two National Environmental Achievement Awards (NEAA) from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA). Several staff members attended NACWA's winter conference and awards ceremony, and were honored to represent the MWMC on a national level.

MWMC Environmental Services Supervisor Todd Miller received an individual Environment Award for his exemplary environmental leadership and service to the MWMC, City of Springfield, and City of Eugene, as well as the Pacific Northwest region and beyond.
Additionally, the MWMC received an NEAA award in the Public Information & Education: eMedia category for our Community Partnership for Clean Water video and digital campaign, produced last year. Lead Communications Coordinator Loralyn Spiro and Communications Coordinator April Miller, pictured above, accepted the award on behalf of the MWMC Communications Team and the many staff and partners who contributed to the video. Loralyn and April also accepted a Public Information & Education award on behalf of the City of Springfield for their Capacity, Management, Operations, and Maintenance video.
World Water Day
Tuesday, March 22 is World Water Day, a day to recognize the importance of clean water and how we can better protect it. World Water Day is an annual United Nations observance, and one of its core focuses is inspiring action toward UN Sustainable Development Goal 6, of water and wastewater services for all by 2030. Currently, 2 billion people live without access to clean water.

Water connects us as a resource needed by all living things to survive. We'll be sharing what water means to us at the MWMC this month on our social media channels and invite you to consider your water why. To learn more about World Water Day from the United Nations, click here.
Did You Know?
Antibacterial wipe
"Flushable" wipe
Toilet paper
Have you ever bought a pack of personal care wipes, believing they were perfectly fine to flush down the toilet? Even those wipes labeled as "flushable" aren't truly flushable, as they don't break down in water the way toilet paper does. Check out the above three images to compare what an antibacterial wipe, "flushable" wipe, and toilet paper look like after being submerged in water for 12+ hours. This resembles what they look like in your pipes and the public wastewater collection system!

When these non-dissolved materials accumulate in pipes and pumps, it can cause some serious clogging problems. If the clog occurs on private property, the property owner is responsible for the plumbing bill. To avoid that expense, be sure to only flush #1, #2, and the paper hanging next to you. You'll also be helping to protect our local waterways and environment, as an accumulation of too many wipes in pipes can lead to backup of wastewater into homes and public spaces.

Starting this July, product packaging for baby wipes, makeup wipes, cleaning wipes, and other personal care wipes sold in Oregon will have to clearly indicate that these products should not be flushed down toilets, after HB 2344 takes effect.

Thanks, Eugene-Springfield for keeping our community safe and beautiful! Learn more about how you can prevent pollution and protect our waterways on our website.
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