March 2022
Mission: Using food to build community, feed hope, and share the love of Christ with those who are hurting financially, physically, or emotionally.
What an exciting month it has been! Just over 6 weeks ago, we formally announced the creation of the Ivy Table at a dinner that many of you attended. To say that we were overwhelmed by your support and enthusiasm would be an understatement. The encouraging words, offers to help, and financial donations that have already come our way has been incredible. Thank you for not only affirming the calling that God has put on our lives, but for also wanting to partner with us in the mission.

Although for now, much of our ministry with The Ivy Table will be a continuation of what we have already been doing through our business Whisk and Ivy, we can already see how having the nonprofit status is opening doors and providing us new opportunities to further expand and grow our efforts. Shortly after our we announced the creation of our new foundation, we were contacted by an experienced grant writer, who has offered to help us locate potential funds. We were also put in touch with a local builder and realtor who have both offered to help us evaluate our options and estimate the costs to acquire a physical space in the Brighton area. Earlier this week, we met with Laurie Bourbonais, the Executive Director of Love Inc. to not only educate ourselves regarding the current needs in Livingston County, but to discuss new ways that we can partner with her organization to help meet those needs.

For those of you unfamiliar with what prompted us to start The Ivy Table, or what our long-term vision is for it, please watch this brief video.
Feeding Thailand
With Jessica, one of our Founding Directors, temporarily living in Pattaya, Thailand, we are so grateful for the unique opportunity to not only see the need in that exists there, but to actually have the ability to make a difference. In a country that is only 2% Christian, God connected us with Mercy Pattaya, a Christian organization that is located just 10 minutes from where Jessica lives. Mercy has been serving the poor in that city for nearly 25 years, and for the past several months, Jessica has had the privilege of serving with them. She has visited the slums, made home visits to struggling families, and participated in several free food distributions.

Most recently last December, in collaboration with Mercy Pattaya, she organized a food give-away for over 400 people, a project which was funded 100% by the very generous donations of many of you. The documents every step of the process- from buying the food to packing the food, and then to getting it in the hands of those who need it. Thank you to everyone who made this possible! Take a few minutes to watch...
Easter Heat and Eat
Help support The Ivy Table with a Heat and Eat Meal from Whisk and Ivy. Skip the shopping, the cooking, and the dirty dishes. These Heat and Eat Meals will be ready for your table in less than 30 minutes, and 100% of the proceeds are being donated to The Ivy Table. Each meal is designed to feed about 8 adults and can be customized to create a brunch or a dinner. View complete menu options and ordering details here (a few of the dishes from last month's W&I celebration dinner and Ivy Table launch are included).
Donations to The Ivy Table can be made by Paypal or major credit card. In addition to a one time gift, there is also an option to set up a reoccurring monthly giving amount.*
*Our 501c3 application was accepted by the IRS on Feb 25 and is awaiting final approval (which can take up to 90 days). Once approved, all donations will become tax deductible, retroactive to the date of our inception.

Over the next month, please pray regarding following:
  • That God's plans for The Ivy Table would continue to be unveiled to us as we keep stepping forward in faith.
  • For clear direction as we explore new ministry partnerships and giving opportunities
  • For safety to the team delivering our food supplies to the refugee camp at the Thailand/Myanmar border the weekend of March 25. It can be a very volatile area, with sudden outbreaks of violence.
  • For the planning of our next mobile food distribution in Pattaya, that our request will be approved by the local Government (is us currently illegal to distribute free food there without a permit), that God will direct us to visit the exact places and people that need it the most and that He will give us opportunities to offer prayer and share God with those receiving the food.
  • For a timely and smooth 501c3 approval from the IRS

In His name,
Barb, Jessica, and Sandy
Founding Directors

The Ivy Table
Feeding Faith, Hope, and Love
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in" - Matthew 25:35