Return to Dragon Boat Statement
March 2022
Dragon Boat Canada would like to thank our athletes and supporters for their ongoing commitment to safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, and adherence to National and local protocols.

As the COVID-19 situation develops across Canada, DBC remains committed to updating protocols and practices in alignment with Public Health and government direction. As we approach our on-water competitive season, DBC will require clubs, teams, athletes, and member events to adhere to the following protocols and practices*:

1. Clubs, teams, and member events shall have a symptom screening policy in place which allows participants (at minimum) to self-screen for symptoms of COVID-19 infection** and advise on next steps for participants in the event of a failed screening.

2. Masks and proof of vaccination continue to be required only in alignment with local Public Health measures. However, member events and clubs may implement mandatory mask and vaccination policies, in consultation with DBC, should it be considered in the best interest of all participants (e.g., the participation of teams wherein a significant portion of athletes are immunocompromised).

3. All member events shall have masks available for participants should a participant request it for their own personal safety.

4. No club, team, or member event may ban the use of masks, if a participant so chooses.

*These policies will continue to be evaluated and updated as the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve

**Visit your local Public Health Unit website to download a copy of a COVID-19 health screening questionnaire |