March 2021
Play Along With Sean
Musical master and Sacramento Community Guitar Orchestra Conductor Sean O'Connor has released another cool duet to play along to! This month's tune is "Invention no 13 by J.S. Bach." It includes a special training montage, and video of the individual parts so you can play along.

Click the video above to hear the piece, and click the button below to download the sheet music. Enjoy!
Annual Survey
We want to know who you are and how we are doing! Please fill out this quick survey below to let us know what we're doing right and how we can do better! It'll only take a minute!
The Sacramento Guitar Society has partnered with another nonprofit organization, Guitars4Vets, to help our Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) achieve healing thru the power of music. Thanks to a grant from the California Art Council, we are able to extend the private guitar lessons they receive from Guitars4Vets by an additional 10 weeks. But these grants require matching donations from our community. Read more here and donate for this GREAT cause.
Big Day of Giving is Coming
May 6th will again be our major fundraising event, Big Day Of Giving. Like last year we will host a virtual event, and we are inviting you to participate by sending us a video of you playing a song.

What are we want:

A video of yourself playing one or two of your favorite pieces. It can be a solo, or if you’re feeling ambitious, a duet, trio, or whatever your creative mind invents.

Please be sure to position your smartphone or camera horizontally and set up your picture so that it includes all of you (both hands) in the shot.

When is it due:

Saturday, April 17, 11:59pm.

We set the deadline early so if we notice something is off about the video (neighbor’s dog barking, screen is vertical instead of horizontal, poor quality) we can notify you and give you the chance to fix it.

How do I submit my video?

Click the “Submit Video” button below to upload your video to the SGS Dropbox.

If you have any other questions regarding this event, email Sandy at

Need inspiration?

Click here to see last year's BDOG event.
Keep the Music Going
Have you been enjoying watching or participating in the Virtual Guitar Orchestra concerts? The Sacramento Guitar Society's Community Guitar Orchestras are funded by the Artists in Communities grant from the California Arts Council. This grant requires matching funds in order for us to maintain eligibility, so please consider making a donation. The grant helps us offer the Virtual Guitar Orchestra program and will and ensure that the in-person orchestras return when the pandemic is over. Your donations are tax-deductible.
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Other Supporters Include...
Sacramento Guitar Society | (916) 572-7464 |