When I was little, I wasn’t sure what conferences were, but I knew they were important because my dad would go to them all the time. 

From how my dad described them, I understood that conferences were where smart people went to walk through fancy hallways in nice clothes and say hi to each other and talk about big ideas. 

On July 21 & 22 at the Hyatt Regency in Phoenix, Prevent Child Abuse Arizona will put on our 26th Statewide Child Abuse Prevention Conference

Connecting to others, I’ve found, is my favorite part of conferences. Everything happens through connection.

That’s why we made this year’s conference theme “Connection: The Power of Relationships.” We’ll have a stellar lineup of workshop and keynote presenters to inspire our big ideas (including Prevent Child Abuse America CEO Dr. Melissa Merrick, and Dr. Robert Sege, researcher on Positive Childhood Experiences). 

Registration opens on April 1. I look forward to walking down the fancy hallways in my nice clothes and saying hi to you.