Kansas e-tips

Upcoming environmental-related events and information for Kansas businesses are listed below.  If your small business has environmental compliance questions, give us a call at 1-800-578-8898 or email us at    sbeap@ksu.edu

For pollution prevention technical assistance or P2 intern program information, email KSU-PPI@ksu.edu
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Emission inventories due April 1

If your K ansas facility has a Class I or Class II operating permit, the deadline to submit your annual emissions inventory is April 1.

This year all inventories must be submitted on the state and local emission inventory system, or SLEIS. If you haven't signed up for a SLEIS account, please see the registration form on the KDHE Bureau of Air, or BOA, website.

If you are new to using SLEIS, K-State SBEAP hosted a webinar on Feb. 20, a recording of which is now online for viewing.

If you are a small business and need assistance completing your SLEIS reports, feel free to contact SBEAP at 800-578-8898 or sbeap@ksu.edu, for assistance or with questions you may have regarding how to successfully complete your emission inventory by the April 1 deadline.
Summer P2 intern for small projects

Would you like assistance investigating how much an LED lighting project or solar panels would save your company? Do you use compressed air and would like to know how much money small leaks in your system cost you on your electric bill? Do you want to investigate how to reduce hazardous waste, or use fewer VOC- or HAP-containing coatings or solvents in your processes? The Circuit Rider P2 Intern will be available again this summer to work with small businesses on one or two pollution prevention projects. This intern is free, but availability will be limited to five or six companies. First to signup, will be first served!

Apply online by submitting the application located on our P2 intern business application page . If you have questions about the P2 Intern Program, please contact us at 800-578-8898.
Hazardous waste handler training

In Kansas all staff who handle hazardous waste must be trained within six-months of taking their position and then annually. This training must be documented. Lack of this documentation is one of the top noncompliance items noted by hazardous waste inspectors. In many cases one (or a few) primary lead staff can be formally trained and then simply train other staff on their specific tasks related to hazardous waste handling.

One low-cost training option includes the KDHE-approved online training course offered through K-State SBEAP. The course will take the user about 60-90 minutes to complete, but remains open to the user for 30 days. The cost is $30 and a certificate of completion is provided at the end of the course. If you have questions about this training or other hazardous waste management procedures, feel free to contact SBEAP at 800-578-8898 or sbeap@ksu.edu . Check out the other hazardous waste resources including a container management video and the 2020 hazardous waste compliance calendar .
Industrial Environmental Sustainability course - professional development hours available

The Pollution Prevention Institute, part of Kansas State University Engineering Extension, is offering the intersession class, Industrial Environmental Sustainability Practices , May 18-21. 

Professional development hours are available for those who complete the course. Participants will gain insight into reducing a facility's environmental footprint, primarily through source-reduction strategies. The material will cover introductory and general strategies in identifying, developing and implementing possible projects, tools and resources available to evaluate needs and possible outcomes - all with an emphasis on the "triple bottom line" - the idea that being truly sustainable means being socially and financially sustainable as well as environmentally. For more details on this intersession opportunity, contact Lynelle Ladd at lladd@ksu.edu or 800-578-8898.
EPA adds 172 new substances to TRI

Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, 172 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAs, have been added to the list of chemicals required to be reported under the Toxic Release Inventory, or TRI. Facilities in TRI-covered industry sectors should track and collect data on these chemicals during 2020. Reporting forms for them will be due to EPA by July 1, 2021, for calendar year 2020.

The reporting threshold is 100 pounds for each listed PFA. The de minimis level for perfluorootanoic acid (PFOA) (CASRN: 961-11-5) is 0.1%. All other PFAs on the list have a de minimis level of 1%.
For a complete list of PFAs required to be tracked, please see TRI list of PFAs.
Upcoming events

Mar. 31 - Apr. 2:  KOR WORKS! Conference , Topeka, Kansas
May 18 - May 21 Industrial Environmental Sustainability Practices, Manhattan, Kansas
Important dates to remember

Tier II reporting due annually March 1
Class I and II air emission reports and fees due annually April 1
TRI reporting due annually July 1
March 2020

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About us

Established in 1989 within the College o f Engineering at Kansas State University, the Pollution Prevention Institute (PPI) has been providing environmental compliance and pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance to Kansas and Region 7 industries, communities and institutions for 30 years.
Entirely grant-funded, PPI provides a number of services including, 
P2 technical assistance, P2 engineering interns, P2 and environmental-compliance training. 

PPI partners with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to host the Kansas Small Business Environmental Assistance Program known as SBEAP and with U.S. EPA to support the National SBEAP .