
Nevada GEAR UP Digest 
March 2020 

March 13, 2020

Wow! Hard to believe it is already March and spring break is just around the corner. Not too much longer and this academic year will be over. 
Just in case you haven't had a chance to see them, check out our new student profile videos on our YouTube channel and Facebook page. We have some phenomenal students attending our NSHE institutions and we just had to share their stories on how they became involved with GEAR UP and how they believe Nevada GEAR UP has helped them make it through their first year of college. 

In this month's GEAR UP Digest you'll also have an opportunity to meet our new NSHE GEAR UP Director, Programming & Outreach - Janet Stake. You can find our welcome message to her and her bio below.

We also thought March would be a good month to remind you of our pledge to all our Nevada GEAR UP students - namely that every staff member in our program will work diligently to see that they have what they need to become a successful high school graduate prepared to enter college and persist all the way through to successful completion of their degree or certificate program. We will always be there for you!
Theme of the month: PURPOSE  GRIT
This March, GEAR UP is all about purpose . D efined as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. 

All of us involved in Nevada GEAR UP agree that our purpose, our reason for doing all that we do, is to make sure all of Nevada's students have a fighting chance to become the incredible successes we know they all can be. That's why we spend the hours we do in planning our programs - including workshops and seminars, STEM camps, and college visits. 

At the end of the month, our goal is to highlight one student from each of our institutions that exhibits purpose on an inspiring level, and share their story on social media. Stay tuned and follow us @GEARUPNV on Facebook and Twitter to see when these students have been chosen!
Welcome to our new Director, Programming & Outreach! Spring
Please join all of us in giving a great big Nevada GEAR UP Welcome to Janet Stake - our new NSHE GEAR UP Director, Programming & Outreach!

Beginning on March 30th, Janet will once again be a part of the Nevada State GEAR UP Grant team as the new Director of Programming and Outreach in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Office. Some of you may remember, Janet was the Project Director/PI for the NSHE Ambassador Coordinator program a few years ago. She is very happy to be working with the team again and is excited about meeting the requirements of the new grant and helping Nevada's GEAR UP students to Dream, Believe, and Achieve! Janet has twelve years' experience in higher education with 5 years at NSHE which includes three years with the prior GEAR UP grant. Janet has a master's in counseling and educational psychology/instructional design. She will be located in the NSHE Reno Office.
Student Spotlight Som
This month's student spotlight shines on Nadya Gbane, a GEAR UP student featured in UNR's student profile series.

During her interview, Nadia talked about her experience with GEAR UP in college, stating that "GEAR UP gave me the motivation to get out of bed every day.  It was very hard to just get out of bed and go to school... but every time I talked to Andrea in the GEAR UP office I just felt like there was a weight lifted off my shoulders... When you have people who constantly care about you, and constantly make it known how important you are to them, it gives you the motivation to want to do better, not for yourself but for other people." 

To see the full video as well as other student profiles, subscribe to the GEAR UP NV YouTube channel
In This Issue
Theme of the Month
New Director
Student Spotlight
March Blog
UNLV GEAR UP Ambassador Morgan Fullmer is our featured blogger this month! Read her article here.
Upcoming Events
Test-Taking Strategies Workshop 
March 24, WNC
WNC will be hosting a test-taking strategies workshop to help students prepare for midterms on Tuesday, March 24th from 12:30-1:30 PM. 
Meals With Faculty
March 24, GBC
GBC North will be hosting a Meals With Faculty event on March 21st. Follow @GEARUPNV on social media or contact GBC ambassador Stephanie Contreras for more details. 
Financial Aid Workshop
March 31, NSC
NSC will be hosting a Financial Aid Workshop for students to discuss scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid available for the upcoming Fall semester. Follow @GEARUPNV on social media or contact NSC ambassador Lizbeth Vega for more details. 
Important Links
NV GEAR UP Directory
Coronavirus Information & Resources
FAFSA Application 
GEAR UP Business Network
DACA/Undocumented NSHE Contact List
Tips for Transfers
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