NRMN Shares Research, Programs, and Initiatives at 10th Annual Understanding Interventions Conference
Understanding Interventions is a research conference aimed at broadening participation in the sciences. 
Click here to learn more about NRMN's participation at UI.
Drs. Angela Byars-Winston and Christine Sorkness Featured by University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dr. Byars-Winston, co-investigator of the NRMN Mentorship Training Core, was featured for leading a scholarly committee to study the role of mentorship in increasing diversity in STEM.

Dr. Chris Sorkness, Associate Director of the NRMN Administrative Core, discusses her recent publication, and how NRMN supports mentorship among students from underrepresented backgrounds.
SETH Grant Success: Dr. Lufei Young Awarded 
Intramural Grant!

Dr. Lufei Young, Associate Professor, Augusta University
Dr. Lufei Young joined NRMN's SETH (Strategic Empowerment Tailored for Health Equity Investigators) grantwriting program. After participating in this intensive weekend program, she was awarded an intramural grant from Augusta University.  We corresponded with Dr. Young about how SETH mentorship supported her grant writing goals and  scientific trajectory. 

Click here to learn more about how NRMN helps during the grant 
writing process. 

Coaches Corner: Dr. Loren Wold, Ohio State University
Dr. Loren Wold, PhD, FAHA, FAPS, Ohio State U.

This month, we would like to take time to recognize one of our grant writing coaches - Dr. Loren Wold has served as a coach for both our STAR and P3 programs and is an active, motivated mentor. 

As part of our Coaches Corner series, we are highlighting mentors on MyNRMN who are actively seeking mentees. 

Click here to learn more about Dr. Wold and his story with NRMN. 
Consider Joining the Upcoming GUMSHOE Grant Writing Coaching Group!
GUMSHOE is a 6-month grant writing training course, held in Honolulu, Hawaii, May 14-18, 2018. 

If you are of native Hawaiian or Pacific Island descent, or work with these populations, consider applying to this program to receive coaching on your research grant.

To learn more about GUMSHOE, click here

Upcoming Opportunities with NRMN and Partners
SACNAS New England Meeting
April 21, 2018
UMass Medical School, Worcester, MA

This SACNAS Regional Meeting focuses on "Scientists as Advocates and Agents for Social Change." In addition to workshops surrounding this theme, SACNAS NE gives an opportunity to present your research! 

To learn more about the conference, 
Society for Leukocyte Biology Meeting
October 14-16, 2018
Chandler, AZ 

Joint Meeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology & the International Endotoxin and Innate Immunity Society: "Myeloid Cells: Development, Environment and Inflammation"

Consider submitting an abstract to this research conference, which recently partnered with NRMN! For more information, click here.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 
2- 4 PM EST 
The MARC U-STAR institutional training grant provides support to undergraduate students who are underrepresented in biomedical science, to prepare them for graduate programs.  

If you are interested in learning about this grant program for your own university, attend this webinar  to learn how to craft your NIH application! 

Have questions about how to make MyNRMN work for you?

Join one of our webinars to learn more about MyNRMN - our networking and collaboration platform. This 30 minute webinar will introduce you to current and new features, and allows an opportunity to engage in a 10 minute Q&A session.

Click here  to register! 

Interested in Learning More About 
Grantsmanship Training?
Subscribe to our Grant Writing Digest to learn more about various training opportunities, and be notified when cohorts are recruiting!

Editor-in-Chief: Sarah Gluck, 
Associate Editor: Alexis Short,

Interested in Contributing?  Would you like to share your experiences in science or contribute a research write-up? We're looking for articles approximately 500-1000 words related to the NRMN mission. Contact our Editor-in-Chief,  Ms. Sarah Gluck, for 
more information.
NRMN is part of the

Click here to learn more about this NIH initiative.

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