Special Update March 19, 2020
Instructors Invited to Join Educator Community "Shop Talk" on 3-26
In response to recent school closures, Edu2Mfg is hosting a Shop Talk video conference call so Advanced Manufacturing teachers can share how they are overcoming the challenges of delivering their courses online.

Connecting to a community of teachers is more important than ever before, according to Steve Dicus, retired CTE high school teacher and consultant to the Advanced Manufacturing North Region. "Recent Shop Talk video conference calls have proven to be valuable to participants," said Dicus. "We are building a positive community of teachers who can share their best practices. With the current situation, we all benefit from collaborating and sharing our experiences teaching students remotely."

Join Shop Talk on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 3:30 PM
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/574822054
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,574822054# or +13462487799,574822054#
Or Telephone Dial:
  • +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
  • +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
  • +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll)
  • +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
  • +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll)
  • +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 574 822 054
International numbers available: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/u/aNbFu8Dtx
Or Skype for Business (Lync):

For more information about Shop Talk, contact Steve Dicus.
Project Update
How can we help you?
Jeff Briggs, Regional Director, Advanced Manufacturing North Region, can be a resource to those in manufacturing education and industry who are being affected by Coronavirus. "The good news is that the businesses I work with in China are resuming manufacturing activities," said Briggs. "If we all work together to reduce the spread here now, I hope this crisis will resolve in the next few months."

"In the meantime, our manufacturing educator community can come together with new educational methods to continue teaching the next generation of designers, engineers, machinists, welders and technicians. For instance, this might be the ideal time for industry partners to give a virtual tour or present some aspect of their business to students via teleconference. Industry mentors could make online guest presentations or answer Q&A from students. I'm eager to help by connecting those who are interested in exploring the possibilities."

Briggs has asked readers to share with him via email:
  • How are you dealing with teaching a hands-on subject remotely?
  • What resources have you found that others might want to use?
  • How can we help you?

As we collect ideas and resources, they can be posted on the Advanced Manufacturing North Region Edu2Mfg blog. Please contact Jeff Briggs at 916-316-8100 or JeffBriggs@SierraCollege.edu.
Online Manufacturing Resources
We've started a list of possible resources that can supplement your online instruction. Help us help you by sharing what other materials you've found online.
If you can suggest other resources, please contact Jeff Briggs at 916-316-8100 or JeffBriggs@SierraCollege.edu.
Jeff Briggs . Regional Director . Advanced Manufacturing North Region 
916.316.8100 . JeffBriggs@SierraCollege.edu  .  http://www.edu2mfg.org/  
Hosted at Sierra College . 5100 Sierra College Blvd., Rocklin CA 95677
Funding provided in part through Sierra College Grant #19-452-001, administered by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.