Fourth Sunday of Lent

March 10, 2024

Lætare (Rejoice) Sunday

The central theme of today’s readings is that our salvation is the free gift of a merciful God, given to us sinners through Jesus, His Son. The readings stress God’s mercy and compassion and remind us of the great love, kindness, and grace extended to us in Christ.

Today’s Gospel provides a theme that parallels the Gospel, but on a much higher level. Jesus, the Son of God, becomes the agent of God’s salvation, not just for one sinful nation but for the sinfulness of the whole world. Through John 3:16, the Gospel teaches us that God has expressed His love, mercy, and compassion for us by giving His Only Son for our salvation. Nicodemus, the wealthy Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin, meets Jesus by night and begins a long religious discussion. Jesus explains to him that he must believe Jesus’ words because Jesus is the Son of God. Then, by referring to the story of Moses and the bronze serpent (Nm 21:1-9), Jesus further explains God’s plan of salvation. Just as God saved the victims of serpent bite from death through the bonze serpent, He is going to save mankind from its sins by permitting the crucifixion and death of His Son Jesus, because the love of God for mankind is that great.

Life messages: 

1) We need to love the cross, the symbol of God’s forgiving and merciful love: As a forceful reminder not only of God’s love and mercy, but also of the price of our salvation, the crucifix invites us to more than simple generosity and compassion. It inspires us to remove the suffering of other people’s misery. It encourages us not only to feel deep sorrow for another’s suffering, but also to try our best to remove that suffering. Hence, let us love the cross, wear its image, and carry our own daily cross with joy, while helping other to carry their heavier crosses.

2) We need to reciprocate God’s love by loving Him in others. God’s love is unconditional, universal, forgiving, and merciful. Let us try to make an earnest attempt to include these qualities in sharing our love with others during Lent. 

3) Our rebirth by water and the Spirit must be an ongoing process. That is, we must lead a life of repentance and conversion which will bring us, with the help of the Holy Spirit living within us, to an ongoing renewal of life through prayer, adoration, Bible reading, frequenting the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist, and doing corporal and spiritual works of mercy.

Fr. Anthony Kadavil  

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March 9 - 15, 2024

To schedule a Mass intention, please stop by the parish office.

Saturday 5:00 PM

Sal Lipari †, Ilumin Siblings


Sunday 8:30 AM

Edwin Gotico & Family,

Matt Russell (Thanksgiving)

Sunday 10:00 AM

Laura Bringas †, Guillermo Ilumin †


Sunday 11:30 AM

Rita & Tony Verracchie †

(Deceased members of ICF)

Monday 8:30 AM

Girlie Borjal †

Tuesday 8:00 AM

Girlie Borjal †


Wednesday 8:10 AM

Julie Gotico

Thursday 9:00 AM

All Souls

Friday 8:00 AM

Cecilia Desmond †


Alfredo Nisperos, Spike Standifer, Duane Overby, Msgr. John Coleman



Al Husted, Annamary Keethaponkalan, Joey Segui, Erna Prasetyo, Esther Wald, Louise Vento, Egualberto Abaya, Katie Hernandez, Amy Gastelum, Paul Krill, Megan Favoli, Bekah Dominguez, Emma Firpo, Jimmy Verna, Greg Rhodes, Kathleen Lupo, Roberta Williams, Connor Vierra, Frances Pizzo, Tom Rodenfils, Marie Flemate, Rodger “OB” O’Brien, Sr. 

Please pray with us for our parishioners, family and friends.


ADA 2024

Supporting Our Mission Together

Our Parish Goal: $150,560


Please prayerfully consider pledging your support to our Diocese. Once our Parish reaches its goal, the additional funds will be returned to the Parish.  Donations can be made by completing the pledge card mailed to your home, using the QR code provided here, or online at Additional pledge cards are located in the back of the Church and in the Parish Office. Thank you, St. Martin of Tours Parishioners, for your great generosity. 


# Pledges

$ Pledge

Parish Goal





$52,448 to go!

To make your pledge, please scan the QR code or click on the ADA link to help us reach our Parish goal as we all participate in 

Supporting Our Mission Together.

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Sunday Offering 3/3/2024 Fiscal Year to Date










If you would like to donate online, please use the

QR Code provided.

Thank you for your generosity!


St. Martin of Tours Lenten Calendar


Click Here


Catechumens and the Obligation

to Celebrate the Scrutinies


Q. Do the catechumens have to celebrate the scrutinies before they are baptized?


A. Catechumens are required to participate in all three scrutinies, which are central to their spiritual preparation for initiation. Only the bishop may dispense someone from the obligation of celebrating a scrutiny (see RCIA 20). The scrutinies are only for the elect (not catechumens who are not yet elect, baptized candidates, or the baptized faithful).


The purpose of the scrutinies is “to uncover, then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect” and “to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good” (RCIA, 141). The scrutinies hold significant power for both the elect and the baptized faithful. As the elect celebrate the scrutinies in the midst of the community, the rites become a powerful experience that inspire the baptized to seek God’s love and grace through the sacrament of reconciliation.




Merry Kaelani


Dates to remember:

- Marc 12 - Parish Reconciliation Service at 6:30 PM

- March 13 - CCM, Sacramental Preparation, Youth Confirmation - Family Stations of the Cross at 4 PM

- March 17 - OCIA - Third Scrutiny at 10 AM Mass - followed with session

- March 17 - Youth Confirmation Session at 4 PM


Dear parents and children, kindly click on the link below to download and print out catechetical activity for children for this weekend. This link is updated every week with activities that corresponds to the readings and Sunday celebrations.


Diocese of San Jose Impact Report 2022-2023

Learn about the impact of the Diocese of San José ministries over the past year that serve more than 528,000 Catholics in Santa Clara County, including 54 parishes, missions and pastoral centers, and 34 Catholic schools. Click here to read the full report. 

Stay up to date with Diocesan wide news, events, and stories as well as news from the USCCB and the Vatican. Read the Bishop’s messages, see what our children are doing in school, and learn about upcoming community events. Follow the Diocese of San Jose on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Vimeo. Social Media Posts: Facebook Instagram
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