The Chimes

Church Hill United Methodist Church

11 Church Street, Norwell, MA 02061

(781) 826-4763

Pastor: Rev. Nicholas Perez

Sunday Service 10:00 am

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For God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength.

(1 Cor. 1:25, NRSVue) 


Dear Church Hill Faith Family, 


It is impossible to tell the story of Jesus without the cross.  As Jesus journeys with his disciples toward Jerusalem, he teaches them that it is necessary that he suffer the pain and humiliation of crucifixion.  Jesus’ understanding of his purpose as God’s Son stands in stark contrast from the popular expectation among the people of Israel that the Messiah would be a warrior king who would institute his kingdom by force.  A Messiah who willingly gives himself up to death on a cross, who willingly submits to being treated like a common criminal—this seemed like foolishness!  But the seeming foolishness of the cross is revealed as divine wisdom when Jesus is resurrected on the third day.  The seeming weakness of the cross is revealed as divine strength when Jesus defeats death by dying, when through his sacrifice, humankind is gifted with forgiveness of sin and new life. 


In our own day, the church must ask ourselves whether we are guided by human wisdom or divine foolishness.  Will we think God’s thoughts or human thoughts?  Will we faithfully walk the way of the cross even if our actions provoke laughter and derision from others?  Will we be holy fools or wise in the eyes of the world? 

In Christ’s love, 

Pastor Nicholas 





Ruthelyn is requesting prayer for Dottie Holbrook, who has been experiencing stomach pains and will have tests done at Brigham and Women's. Please join me in praying for relief from pain for Dottie and wisdom for the medical professionals.