Have friends who would enjoy March. Memorable? Please share this newsletter.


Luminary is a global, inclusive collaboration hub for women, women-identified, and their male allies, who are passionate about professional development and expanding their networks. Luminary is one of my favorite "places" both virtually and physically and I am honored to be a Luminary Ambassador.

I am delighted to share that for the month of March, Luminary is opening access to all events and programming for FREE to the public. This is an outstanding opportunity during Women's History Month to experience the power of Luminary, to network with members, and to embrace this game-changing experience.

I joined Luminary 2-years ago, and as an avid networker, I have to honestly say, there is nothing like this community out there. There are work spaces, and women's groups, and some interesting programming available elsewhere, but with Luminary you get all of that AND the bonus of a community you can count on. If you value intelligent conversation, enriching experiences, and meeting women of value that you value, then Luminary is for you.

Click on my picture below to access Luminary's event page for March, and be sure to check back often for new additions. Please register via the Guest of Luminary Ambassador portal under your RSVP and let them know I sent you.

If you love it (and you will!) and you decide to join, please use my name in the referred by spot on your registration form. When you do so in March, you will have access to an additional 5% off your membership! Oh...and their super popular Digital Membership that is currently $600 a year will be going up on April 1st to $900 a year. (And if you join now you will forever be able to renew at $600.) So, MARCH is the perfect time to energize your network and your access to premier programming by joining Luminary!

Want to know more? Email me and let's talk.


What are members saying about The Recalibration Network?

"I am grateful for the time that you shared today via your Recalibration Circle! I truly appreciate you because you allow me the space to reconnect with myself and others in a way that I don't often do on my own." ~ Karen Clark-Reddon

“Thank you so much for the Recalibration Circle Zoom call today - it was energizing and thought provoking, with some good networking all wrapped up into one hour. It was my first time seeing you in action and you are great !!” ~ Diana Polack

"Randi Levin, you have been a positive light ever since I "virtually" met you last fall. Your energy, inspiration and collaboration efforts (just to name a few) bring a spark in so many ways and to so many people!
Keep up the good work!" ~ Dottie Soland

"After Randi's Recalibration Network Circle group today, I left feeling wonderful and grateful. I feel grateful first for having Randi in my life and also for being able to attend as many of Randi's events as I can. The gathering of people that are around her and come to her events is always special. This is a testament to Randi. During this time especially, when we need connection, support , non-judgmental acceptance, and compassion, it is nice to know that I can always come to Recalibration Circles and to this group, and walk away feeling complete and whole." ~ Jessica Bush

'Randi, you have attracted and put together a wonderful group of people in your Recalibration Network.You make members feel like they are in a safe and supportive space in which to share. Synergies between attendees abound, nudged by Randi's encouragement. Randi is a thought leader and inspiration. She has encouraged me to forge forward with a new initiative that will help people with their financial future. Thank you Randi for being a constant source of support, encouragement, and inspiration." ~ Ella T. Newman

"Great event today! Great quality of members and inspiring conversations all around the virtual "room." I look forward to future opportunities." ~ Anne Akers

"Randi Levin is a true thought leader. Inspired by disruption during the pandemic, Randi created her Recalibration Circles, and invited community in from her various networks to interact, connect, and share wisdom through a Facebook page and Zoom meetings. Finding ways to encourage new relationships and positive directions has been her gift to us all. I am grateful to know Randi and I encourage anyone seeking clarity to avail themselves of her guidance." ~Tracey Lawrence

"Thank you Randi for your group session today. Your Recalibration Circle was uplifting and my energy was so great afterwards. All your Circles have been awesome and the other members make me think out of the box about different things in my life. You have a way of opening up a stream of thoughts that change perspectives and shift our lives for the best. Being a part of this group has helped me during a difficult time." ~ Zahava Schwartz

"I have been participating in Randi's virtual Recalibration Circles and finding them inspiring and thoughtful. I appreciate Randi's laid back leadership style and insightful feedback. She clearly enjoys doing this work and offering her expertise to others.The group also offers opportunities to connect with other like-minded people, and I have made some business connections as well. I suggest checking out her work and seeing if it may be a good fit for you." ~ Gary Powsner
Not already a Recalibration Network Member? Join us here.

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