Congregation B'nai Harim
at the Nevada County
Jewish Community Center
March / April
2024-5784 Newsletter
Nevada County Jewish
Community Center Newsletter
Serving the members of our Diverse Community
as together we search, study, and learn the history, the culture,
the principles, the Values ..... explore and take on moments here and there
of just what does it mean & how does it feel to take on this Jewish experience?
What is this Jewish Identity .......
Upcoming Events!
Services via Zoom and In Person
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 669 9137
One tap mobile +16699006833,,9456699137# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location   +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Shabbat Services
Join us Friday
March 15th and April 5th
for our Family Shabbat Dinner followed by our evening Shabbat Service

March 15th @ 7:00 PM
April 5th @ 7:00 PM
April 19th @ 7:00 PM

Torah Study

March 16th @ 10:00AM
April 6th @ 10:00AM
April 20th @ 10:00AM
Saturday Torah Study:
Studying the Torah,
the Hebrew Scriptures, from the
very beginning of the Bible.

via Zoom and In Person
Rabbi David Azen

Rabbi Office hours
by appointment only please.
You may contact Rabbi Directly or the NCJCC Office
Please visit our Website
for more information and to find our links
to event RSVP's, payments, and donations!

A $5-10 donation for all Friday night dinner events unless otherwise noted for special events is appreciated. Thank you for your support.

Important Dates

Events will be held in Person and by Zoom when possible.
Any change will be noted in the weekly schmooze.

Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 10th @ 2:00AM

Israeli Circle Dancing
March 10th @ 2-4

Orders due for Purim in a Bag
March 13th @ 5:00PM

Pick up Purim in a Bag
March 17th 12:00-2:00

First Day of Spring
March 19th

Adult Purim
March 23rd @ 7:00

Movie Night
March 29th @ 7:00 PM

Passover -Community Sedar
April 23rd @ 5:30 PM

Monthly Programs by Department

NCJCC Board Meeting
First Thursday each month
March 7th @7:00 PM
April 4th @7:00 PM

Sisterhood Meeting
First Thursday each month
March 7th @12:30 PM
April 4th @ 12:30 PM

Sisterhood Book Club
Second Monday each month
March 11st @ 1:30 PM
April 8th @ 1:30 PM

Sunday School
March 3rd and 17th @ 9:30 AM
April 7th and 21st @ 9:30 AM

Rabbi Kids
Contact Rabbi David for details

Youth Hebrew
Thursdays @ 3:30 PM

Adult Hebrew Classes
Contact Kinneret at

Israeli Circle Dancing - Sunday March 10th
Place your Order Today for Purim-in-a-Bag
Orders Due March 13th and Pick up March 17

Purim March 23-24
Join us March 23rd for our Adult Purim Service
With celebrations including costumes, skits and songs, noisemakers, and gifts of food, Purim is definitely full of fun! Purim is a joyous holiday that affirms and celebrates Jewish survival and continuity throughout history. The main communal celebration involves a public reading—usually in the synagogue—of the Book of Esther (M'gillat Esther), which tells the story of the holiday: Under the rule of King Ahashverosh, Haman, the king's adviser, plots to exterminate all of the Jews of Persia. His plan is foiled by Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai, who ultimately save the Jews of Persia from destruction. The reading of the m'gillah typically is a rowdy affair, punctuated by booing and noise-making when Haman's name is read aloud.
Passover April 22-29
Join us April 23rd for the Community Passover
Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) is a major Jewish spring festival celebrating freedom and family as we remember the Exodus from Egypt more than 3,000 years ago. The main observances of this holiday center around a special home service called the seder, which includes a festive meal, the prohibition on eating chametz, and the eating of matzah.
On the 15th day of Nisan in the Hebrew calendar, Jews gather with family and friends in the evening to read from a book called the Haggadah, meaning "telling," which contains the order of prayers, rituals, readings, and songs for the Passover seder. The Haggadah helps us retell the events of the Exodus, so that each generation may learn and remember this story that is so central to Jewish life and history.
Passover is celebrated for either seven or eight days, depending on family and communal custom. In Israel and for most Reform Jews around the world, Passover is seven days, but for many other Jews, it is eight days.
President's Message

While we are cleaning up from winter storms, spring is right around the corner and with it comes a season of renewal. Soon the crocus, daffodils, and tulips will pop up around town and Purim and Passover will be upon us. These important holidays hold deep meaning in our tradition and now, especially, so as our community fights antisemitism in all its forms.
As the spring bulbs emerge in all their beauty, my hope for all of us is that the beauty of our natural world inspires those that would otherwise choose ugliness and hatred to choose beauty and love instead. 
I invite you all to sign up and read our weekly email blast to see all the happenings and check out the calendar of events on our webpage to stay informed of all that we offer.   

Mya Russell 
Facilities Update
If anyone is interested in helping out with any facilities projects, please contact our Facilities chairperson by emailing Mya Russell at We do have several smaller projects that require very short time commitments so if you only have a couple hours to help, we have something for you and if you have a student needing volunteer hours, this is a great opportunity for them to work with other community members.

Our CalOES security grant project is underway with finalizing design plans, obtaining permits and collecting bids from contractors. In the coming months you can expect to see activity outside the building. Please do not disturb any landscape flags, paint or other markings you see outside the building as the various utilities have been surveyed.
Friday Night Movies
Fifth Friday   
 Movie Nights

At the NCJCC

March 29th
Watch for details in the Schmooze!

Social Action
For March and April we are looking for donations to the Nevada County Diaper Project.
Our donations last year were SO appreciated and we hope to be even more generous this year.
They are currently looking for
Diapers -all sized and Wipes.
Donations may be dropped off at the NCJCC at services and events or you may call the office at 530-477-0922 to make arrangements.
Quick Diaper Facts
  • Infants require approximately 12 diapers per day, and toddlers need 8.
  • Government programs, including food stamps and WIC, do not cover any portion of the cost of diapers.
  • A baby crying non-stop from being in a soiled diaper for a prolonged period of time, is more likely to be a victim of abuse.
  • Low income parents cannot take advantage of free or subsidized childcare, if they cannot afford to leave a day’s supply of disposable diapers at the childcare center. If parents cannot access childcare, then they are less likely to attend work or school on a consistent basis, leading to increased economic instability and a continuation of the cycle of poverty.
"Fresher Sacramento seeks to enable everyone to go to bed well-fed and build wealth from health for generations to come. With nearly a quarter of a million folks in Sacramento County lacking regular access to affordable, nutritious food, our team of Fresher Chefs are cooking up a brand new model for making sure everyone goes to bed well fed, by preparing affordable, convenient, delicious, and nutritious meals for folks who lack the time, knowledge, and resources to prepare their own."
Youth and Adult Education
Kinneret Vinitzky, Principal Religious, Hebrew School
for Children, Youth and Adult Education.
Hi Everyone,

We will celebrate our family Shabbat dinner
Friday, March 15th, at 5:30pm.
Sunday school meets on:
March 10th and 17th at 9:30 am - 12:00pm,
March 17th, we will celebrate Purim with the kids at 9:30 am - 12:00pm, at noon the kids can help deliver the Purim-in-a-Bag in the Hamantaschen drive!

We will meet for Hebrew classes Thursdays.

I am looking forward to seeing you!


Men's Club
Gordon Mann, President

Men's Club is looking forward to the 4th Annual Golf Tournament in September.
This is a great way to meet other members! They will be looking for sponsors, auction donations, volunteers and of course participants, very soon. Watch the weekly Schmooze/ Weekly Events for more details as they become available.

Men's Club is also working on additional upcoming programs and looking ahead at some Facility Spring Cleaning around the property. Please contact the office at if you can help with handy work.


B'Nai Harim Sisterhood
of the NCJCC
Officers and Committee Members

Sisterhood meets the first Thursday of each month at the NCJCC.
March 7th @12:30
April 4th @ 12:30

President:   Carol Brown
VP Programs:  Cheryl Kelly
VP Membership: Jackie Levy
VP Fundraising: Judy Silberman
Recording Secretary: Antia DuPratt
Treasurer: Gail Atlas
Judaica Shop Chair: Jackie Levy

Corresponding Secretary: Cheryl Klein
Bereavement/Caring Hands Chair: Arline Mehr
Charitable Giving Chair: Susan Halperin
Oneg Shabbat Chair: Debbie Lamont
Book Club Chair: Ruth Goodin
Past President: Ruth Goodin

Sisterhood Book Club
The Sisterhood Book Club meets on the second Monday of each month at the NCJCC. Gather and Greet at 1:30 with lively Book Discussions beginning at 2:00.

Hope you all will join us. If you haven't read the book, that’s ok, you can join in on the stimulating conversation.

March 11th The Librarian of Burned Books, by Brianna Labuskes
April 8th The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride
Jan Brenner, Membership Chair
March / April Birthdays
March / April Anniversaries
We honor those who went before us....who helped us become who we are!
By sharing the names of family and friends
who forever hold a special, precious place
in our hearts and minds .....
the people who we keep close within our
person as we move
We Remember
Thank you to our Sponsor's
Know your Evacuation Zone
Please be safe as we find ourselves in high fire danger.

Know your Fire Evacuation Zone, use the following link ZoneHaven - Now