As spring unfurls its vibrant tapestry, we extend these springtime flowers to you! May your acts of kindness—much like sharing a delicate blossom—create ripples that touch hearts and inspire greatness. The Arc Rhode Island Newsletters also bring you essential news, advocacy updates, and heartwarming community stories.
We hope you enjoy exploring them!

-The Arc Rhode Island Team

Springtime brings a symphony of blooms, even though it seems to be moving a bit too slowly this year. Each flower tells stories of renewal and hope. Let’s explore the symbolism behind two springtime flowers:

Crocus: Emerging from the still-cold ground, the crocus is a harbinger of warmth, light, cheerfulness, and mirth. Its shape, resembling a light bulb before petals unfurl, mirrors the anticipation of brighter days.

Daffodil: The daffodil embodies faith, honesty, forgiveness, and clarity. Interestingly, daffodil bulbs contain galantamine, a chemical used in Alzheimer’s treatment. Its calming scent was once used to soothe anxiety. 
March Awareness
  1. Women’s History Month: A time to celebrate and honor the achievements and contributions of women throughout history.
  2. National Reading Month: Encourages literacy and fosters a love for reading among people of all ages. Find out how it is connected to Dr. Suess!
  3. Disability Awareness Month: A dedicated month to promote understanding and inclusion for people with disabilities.
These are just a few of March's awareness topics. These provide valuable opportunities for education, advocacy, and positive change.

Let’s continue to spread awareness and make a difference!
March 8th 2024
International Women's Day

We can all Inspire Inclusion!
Spread Awareness

Women are underrepresented in most forms of media. This International Women’s Day event idea you might want to consider is work and virtual friendly, and pretty inexpensive. Pull together some media and create an event or workshop that features women creators (ideally telling women-focused tales!) Here are some ideas to get you started.

I Am Greta 
Period. End of Sentence.
He Named Me Malala 

Women & Power by Mary Beard 
Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez
Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics by Bell Hooks

Motherhood Sessions
The Guilty Feminist
Our Body Politic

For International Women's Day and beyond, let's all  #InspireInclusion.

Inclusion isn't just a
it's a must-have!

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. Collectively we can all #InspireInclusion.

Special Notice from SPEAR:
Watch for details regarding the Facilitated - IEP Office.
The Arc Rhode Island plays a vital role in advocating for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Through their Special Education Advocacy program, they empower families and individuals to navigate the complex special education system. Additionally, they collaborate with grassroots organizations like SPEAR to drive legislative changes that benefit both children and adults with IDD. Together, they champion the rights and educational opportunities of this community, ensuring that everyone receives the support they need during their educational journey.

Please contact us for more details on our services and programs.

SPEAR, a dedicated group of parents, champions the rights of children with special education needs, ensuring that the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) are diligently followed. In collaboration with The Arc Rhode Island’s Special Education Advocacy program, we provide essential connections to valuable resources and robust support systems.

We invite you to complete a questionnaire that will empower us to guide you effectively through the special education process. Your input will not only assist us in enhancing our services but also contribute to meaningful improvements for all involved. Thank you for your participation!

Please contact SPEAR for more information and ways to get involved!
March Fun
March 17th Is
ST. Patrick's Day!
Who’s there?
Irish who?
Irish you a happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Looking for some fun?
Click below for St. Patrick's Day inspired Coloring Pages - FREE!
Wheelchair Dancing in Southern Rhode Island
The Fred Astaire Dance Studios of Narragansett is excited to bring a fresh and new style of teaching to people in wheelchairs. We offer a hobby/sport that’s social, active and fun. That is why we are excited to bring adaptive ballroom dancing, or Para Dance, to our Rhode Island community.

With Love Transportation
is dedicated to facilitating your journeys with utmost convenience and care. Whether you require transportation for a wedding, a visit to the movies, a local restaurant, medical appointments, airport transfers, rehabilitation services, behavioral health/Mental Health consultations, physical therapy sessions, methadone appointments, counseling, dialysis, outings, errands, and beyond, we are committed to ensuring every aspect of your trip is delightful, from the beginning to the end.
Survey Invitation
Perceived Accessibility to Public Transit
You are being invited to participate in a volunteer, online survey titled Perceived Accessibility to Public Transit being conducted by Dr. Kaylyn Levine, an Assistant Professor at East Carolina University in the Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment. The goal of this research is to understand how accessibility impacts first and last mile travel to public transit in the United States. 
The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete and is conducted on Qualtrics. Your identity will not be tied to your survey responses. The survey is completely voluntary and may be stopped at any point. 
If you would like to participate in this survey, please use the link below to begin:
If you have any questions about this study, email at
World Down Syndrome Day, March 21 
Raise public awareness of Down syndrome, a congenital disorder caused by having an extra 21st chromosome.
The 21st day of March (the 3rd month of the year) was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome.
According to the UN, about 1 in 800 people are born with Down syndrome.
On World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), we come together to celebrate individuals with Down syndrome and raise awareness. Here are some ideas to participate and spread awareness:

Wear Mismatched Socks: Join the “Rock Your Socks” initiative by wearing mismatched socks. This campaign symbolizes that despite differences, we’re all the same, just like socks. Share your funky sock photos on social media using the hashtag #LotsofSocks
Perform Random Acts of Kindness: Spread kindness in your community. It doesn’t have to be grand—simple gestures like leaving a postcard or having a conversation can make a difference. Explain that it’s in honor of a loved one with
Down syndrome for WDSD!
Designed to help both beginners and experts elevate
the impact of their advocacy. 

Who Should Attend:
  • People with disabilities 
  • Family members of individuals with disabilities
  • Board members, staff, trainees, and volunteers of disability organizations
  • State and local public policy committee members
  • Public policy staff
  • Any disability rights activists! 

Join The Arc - Register Now!
Best of 2023: Must-Read Articles by and for ADHD Experts

ADDitude’s expert contributors examined flaws in the DSM-5, prenatal risk factors of ADHD, implications of the first-ever adult ADHD guidelines, and new treatments for substance use disorder and depression, among other vital topics. Here are 10 of our favorites, along with supplemental resources.
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month (DDAM)
is observed in March in the U.S. It aims to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life. The campaign also highlights the barriers that people with disabilities sometimes face in connecting to their communities. This year’s theme is...
“A World of Opportunities,”
celebrating people and working together to remove obstacles. Let’s build a community committed to creating a world where everyone can thrive!
Many Students Don’t Inform Their Colleges About Their Disability.
That Needs to Change.
By: Stephanie A.N. Levin Mar 1, 2024

"I could no longer look at a computer screen for long periods of time, which was a key element of so many of my classes. When I explained this to one of my professors, his response was, “Well, you better get used to it, because that’s what college is — looking at screens.” I ended up dropping that class."

2024 R.I. 401 Gives is coming!
Rhode Island's Day of Giving
Have you dreamed of making a real impact?
Change the life of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities!
On April 1st, we all have a chance to be a part of
Rhode Island's 401 Day of Giving!
We need your help!
This year we are inviting you to become a
Peer To Peer Fundraising Champion!
More details to come on our social media and website.
The Arc Rhode Island provides programs for children, adults, and family members with the generosity of our partners, followers and subscribers...
- in other words - YOU!

For more information, please visit
or call 401-294-2342