Linda has served several stints over the last few years as a Host at the Visitor Information Center (VIC). She was with us when the VIC closed in March and has been with us since our partial opening in mid-October.

Hosts greet visitors and answer their questions. In a normal year, we have over 10,000 visitors, so this is an important responsibility. With the pandemic raging this year, Hosts have had to adapt. The VIC building and grounds remain closed, so Hosts interact with visitors across the fence. We have written brief descriptions of hikes in the area and posted them on the fence. Linda developed the format and wrote several of these descriptions, as well as editing others.

We have Tony and Rene Donaldson to thank for bringing Linda to the canyon. They knew her in Taos in her capacity as a Property Manager. When she retired 5 1/2 years ago and started traveling full time with her camper, they suggested she visit. She did, participating in the National Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count. By the following March, she was a Volunteer Host. She loves the community spirit here and has has gotten to know local birders and hikers. Some of her wildlife encounters have been close, such as the time a black bear climbed onto the hood of her truck to get at the acorns that had collected at the bottom of the windshield.

We hope Linda continues to include us in her itinerant lifestyle for years to come. She and Alan make a good pair when working the fence line. As we continue to navigate the pandemic, we will benefit from her knowledge of the area, her adaptability, her good humor and her dedication.