Many Hearts, One Farm
January 2022 | Edition 4
Spotlight of the Month
Ryan Hinkle
Veteran | Police Officer
The powerful connection that occurs when a friendship is formed between a horse and a human is no secret. Horses, like all animals, don’t care about material values or outward appearances. Rather, they take us as we are and choose to only see our hearts. However, scientific research has shown that horses specifically, have a unique ability to feel empathy at an extremely deep level. A horse’s response to a human’s emotions is the true phenomenon that makes the connection so powerful. Horses mirror our own energy, even reflecting back feelings that we may not even be aware we’re feeling. Consequently, this helps to bring our self-awareness into perspective and may help heighten our emotional intelligence. Truly, the connection that happens between a horse and a human is the exact wonderment that has been the driving force of Main Stay’s mission since the very beginning.

Similarly, one does not need to be in a therapeutic setting to experience this connection. Sometimes, for people like Ryan Hinkle, it happens without even looking for it. In the Horse Nation article titled “Of Veterans and Horses, Part 3: Officer Ryan Hinkle” written by Aubrey Graham, Ryan, a police officer and U.S. Navy veteran, shares that the experiences from his childhood, the Navy and police work caused him to feel miserable. So much so, he began to accept that being unhappy was part of his everyday life. While this may have been his truth, Ryan explains in the article that it all changed after the Atlanta Police Department hired him for the mounted unit where he was assigned to a horse name Cody. Working side by side helped them to develop a wonderful friendship – a friendship that changed everything for Ryan. Cody challenged Ryan’s emotional state of mind and helped him embrace life in a positive way. He fully credits Cody as the force that shifted him to have a more positive outlook on life.

Ryan Hinkle’s friendship with his horse Cody runs parallel to the many friendships that are made here at the Farm. If you have a story about how a friendship with one of Main Stay’s horses changed your life or perspective in some way, we would love to hear it!   
Do you know someone who should be featured in our next Spotlight of the Month? Let us know by sending Mikki an email at or you can simply reply to this email!
Significant Days in January
January 13th: Korean American Day- Established in 2005, this day recognizes the first Koreans to immigrate to America in 1903 after the SS Gaelic arrived in Hawaii with 102 people.

January 17th: Martin Luther King Jr. Day- This day honors the life and contributions of one of America's most prominent civil rights leaders. Using nonviolent methods, Martin Luther King Jr. lead a movement to end racial segregation. His actions led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
If there is an awareness month, week or day you would like featured in next month's newsletter please let us know!
Holidays | Celebrations | Awareness Days
January 6th

January 7th
Orthodox Christmas Day

January 14th
Makar Sankranti
Orthodox New Year

January 17th
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tu Bishvat
Let's stay connected!