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The Many Faces of Connected Riding ®


Table of Contents


The Many Faces 
of Connected Riding   p. 1

Even Eagles need a Push   p. 3

Connect with your Horse 
in Motion   p. 5

A Consideration of Knots   p. 6

Of Privilege and Appreciation   p. 7


What's Hot!!

Hello Connecte d Riders

As this year comes to an end, I am especially grateful about the growth of Connected Riding.

Our  Germany group hosted the largest 101 training thus far and it was fabulous. It is very gratifying working with such a motivated group of riders. We are offering another 101 course in Germany in Spring, so check our 2019 schedule for this opportunity.

Part of what enriches these training courses are the local practitioners who assist in the courses and continue supporting the students by answering their follow-up questions and helping them stay on track to the next course. It also really helps having the translation of the work in another language and culture being supported by our great team of practitioners. They are doing a super job teaching and spreading the word to others.

Continued on page 2.

I was fortunate to work twice with a very dedicated group of riders in Switzerland this past year. What excites me about working with a group like this, is how immediately they took on the work by practicing what they had learned in between my visits! Furthermore, they, too, are sharing their enthusiasm and raising interest with other riders.

Spain continues to grow as another satellite center for Connected work. Melin Farriols, our practitioner there, continues educating riders to a new way of thinking and being with themselves and their horses. Alba Esteller, a practitioner-in-training, is working on also creating her place to host Connected Riding in Spain.

Yes, CR is very alive and doing well in the  United States too. We had a super group of riders in our 101 course in Wisconsin. Deb Davies, Senior CR instructor, assisted by practitioner Anke Johnson, continues the local support post course.  The changes made in the riders and horses during this course were inspiring. 

Crown Park Dressage, near our home base in   McMinnville,   Oregon, was the location of our summer camp held in June.  Sandy Weller, a practitioner from Germany, spent the month here horsing and helping with CR organizational work.  Relana Beck, also a German practitioner (currently living in Costa Rica) joined Sandy for our second summer camp in Corvallis. This was held at practitioner Karen Cheeke's Wild Plum Farm, where we had another fantastic riding camp. Deb Davies again added her expertise to the week and we were all grateful for the  brilliant time together. We're looking forward to another camp there next summer, join us!

On Bainbridge Island, Washington, I have a keen group of riders. These are students of trainer Sarah Odell, who is making a huge difference using Connected Groundwork and Riding with horses that she is rehabilitating and training.

We have a new group in Astoria, Oregon, of very hungry learners! I am looking forward to my next visit with them.

I have had good fortune to be support person to Amber Varner, Executive Director of Forward Stride, a Therapeutic Riding Center in Beaverton, Oregon. I teach her assistants and therapists and some volunteers. They are giving so much to the surrounding communities with their various therapeutic programs and their horses carry a big responsibility.

Great Britain
has six practitioners-in-training who are close to becoming certified practitioners. I appreciate how they work together to introduce the work to others, while supporting each other and the horses and riders they meet. They are really making CR come alive in the U.K.!

We formalized a new 100 course that is to be taught by practitioners. The purpose of it is to introduce the Basics of Connected Movement, Groundwork and Riding to newcomers. This prepares people who have the interest and ability to come into the 101 course. Many more of our practitioners will be offering this opportunity through our school next year.

I am really proud of how Connected Riding is growing and I want to share this quote excerpted from a favorite book that I read from in my 100 series trainings (See side panel).

Excerpted from:

Even Eagles Need a Push
by David McNally and Mac Anderson

From the chapter entitled:
"A Life-Changing Experience" 
by Gail Pursell Elliott

"We touch the lives of others in ways we often never know. People sometimes come into our personal world for fleeting moments and can leave us forever changed. We have more power to create or to destroy than we can imagine. We can leave things or individuals better or worse than we found them. A look, a word, a gesture has a tremendous impact and frequently we blither along blind to the effect every communication wields.

Our interactions with the people we encounter can impact at least the next five people they encounter. A smile and words of simple appreciation multiply themselves geometrically.

We cannot control people and situations that come to us, but we can always control our responses to them. In each of our decisions lies our power to make a positive difference. It's something anyone and everyone can do."



In memory of this magnificent teacher that came to live his last three years with our practitioner in training Hayley Howells from Wales. She only had him about four years and he was pretty broken and shut down when she got him. He passed on Aug 24.

Thank you to each of you for receiving and sharing the gift of Connection. Your learning to be with horses in a different way has brought changes: in your perception, ways of thinking, ways of being with your horses, people in your life, and last but not least yourselves!

During this time of Solstice I invite you to reach out to others and offer a Connection with you so that you may know them better,   gain understanding or ask them for forgiveness.

I am always immensely grateful for all of you who give of your time to our organization. It takes a village to move this body of work forward and bring it to the world. Thank you. I look forward to moving into the New Year, continuing the practice of living our values, improving communication and learning how to better Connect with all beings.

This is a mare that I just met at a recent clinic and did a demo with her. She had always traveled with her head and neck inverted.

I did some Connected Groundwork with her and from the moment I got on she released her head and neck and she was present and with me until I changed my position which you will see in the video.

I invite riders to learn how to connect with their horse in motion. The horses feel the difference immediately. The riders have to practice changing and noticing their bracing patterns. It is a fun and amazing adventure and your horses will be grateful!

One way to 
Connect with your Horse 
in Motion 

IMG 7526

     -Peggy Cummings
A Consideration of Knots

Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart, and my life.

Remove the have nots, the can nots, and the do nots that I hold inside my mind.

Erase the will nots, may nots, and might nots that may find a home in my heart.

Release me from the could nots, would nots, and should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all, I ask the removal from my mind, my heart, and my life

All of the "AM NOTs" that I have allowed to hold me back,

Especially the thought...

That I am not good enough.


As we head into the New 2019 Year the demand for Connected work and our kinship is growing. We are grateful that this is our time to make a difference. Let's continue to doing this together. Remember, enjoy and share the Spirit of love, peace and forgiveness this time of year. 

 Of Privilege and Appreciation 

Last month, I was "across the pond" teaching a course with Peggy in Wales and spending time in Germany learning more about the Connected Riding experiences there.  

It was humbling for me to have a better understanding of how much effort our European CR teachers and students give to spreading this work and word. They have to filter our language, cultural nuances, and more importantly, the meaning of Connection as they interpret the work for horses and riders in their language and context. I have a lot more appreciation of the devotion of our friends there.

I also have an even deeper appreciation for Peggy's dedication to giving of herself to the people in Europe-the energy output of living on the road, as well as the immense satisfaction of helping riders who make such a sincere effort to learn this work. It is awe inspiring, and my biggest gift this year is having a deeper understanding of this.

I am fortunate to be spending more time traveling now to assist Peggy with trainings when needed and look in on our teachers to provide additional training and support. There is nothing that replaces face-to-face relationship time with people to be of better service. I had a super time teaching in Wales at the SCRT 103! It is very gratifying to assist these dedicated soon-to-be practitioners on their learning paths. What a privilege, and what fantastic people.

In the Spirit of Giving and Receiving

We have been gifted a new School of Connected website for next year from Christina Dietmann, who is our "official" photographer in Europe (and hopefully next year in the U.S.). She has taken all of the best photos of Peggy and our events in Europe.  She is a multi-talented artist and we treasure her support. For her own birthday, she is running a fund-raising event on our group  page, and we ask that you take a moment and join in on the contributions being made to keep us on the map next year! 
 Treat your horsey friend to a photoshoot with Christina- check out her two websites and take a look!
Thank you, Christina!



~ Keep Reading ~


**Still Open Spots
in all 3 Courses**

United Kingdom
January 31-February 4th

March 14-18th

 13-17th April

Our courses have 
become  very popular!

Our 100 level courses are designed for people who wish to incorporate Connected Riding into their own riding or teaching program, or who wish to take the initial steps to becoming certified.

Cultivate teamwork, cooperation, responsibility to group, and win-win process

2019 "Clinics" Coming Up
with Peggy Cummings

February 9-10th

February 22-25th

March 5-7th

South Africa



Items in our store have been picked personally and designed by Peggy to help connect with your horse.

Black Crown Piece for your Special USA Made Halter
CR Rope, Halter & Nose Piece all in our store



School of Connected Riding is a non-profit organization.  Donations go towards funding our workshops and providing riders' scholarships to our courses. 

Volunteer, Donate Air Miles, Help Write Grants.


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when you shop Amazon SMILE 

Thank you!!