Precision Assessment: Using Maturity Models to Drive Human Capital Excellence in the Energy Sector

The Challenge in the Energy Sector The Department of Energy (DOE) operates in one of the most dynamic and mission-critical sectors in the country. Their diverse portfolio hinges on a capable and empowered workforce. Yet, many DOE sites face challenges in hiring, training, and retaining the necessary human capital.

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Change Management in a Dynamic Nuclear Landscape: Navigating Transitions Successfully

The nuclear landscape is perpetually evolving. Technological advancements, shifting global policies, and the quest for sustainable energy sources compel the nuclear industry to pivot, adjust, and transform. While change is inevitable and can usher in new opportunities, it often brings challenges - especially when organizations are ill-equipped to manage the transitions.

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Eight Key Project Management Insights from Seeing Around Corners by Rita McGrath

Rita McGrath's Seeing Around Corners is a deep dive into the art of spotting inflection points in business before they happen. While the book is a masterclass in strategy, its teachings also have profound implications for the realm of project management. Here are some key takeaways that project managers can glean from McGrath's insights: 1.

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