Malheur Musings
November 2020
The Buena Vista Overlook is a sight to behold any time of the year, but autumn brings a genuine brilliance of red and gold that gives new perspective to appreciating the 'fall colors'.
Photo by Isabelle Fleuraud
Squirrels are caching, coyote are stalking, and badgers, otters, and beaver are all busy preparing for winter. I often think of autumn at Malheur NWR as being the time when mammals really shine. (see last month's article on Malheur's Mammals)

This year of uncertainty is drawing ever nearer to a close and winter is about to settle in on us all. It has been, for many of us, a year of loss and frustration and as we face the election next week - anticipation or anxiety. It has been, regardless of our various degrees of privilege, all consuming. Much like I imagine the all consuming nature of a wild animal preparing for the unknown elements of the season ahead.

For me, as the Director of the Friends, I choose to take this time to build hope, construct plans, dream of what is possible and strive to achieve it. Despite all we have accomplished and how we continue to grow, I believe that our organization's capacity to make meaningful and lasting positive impact is still yet to be fully realized!

I intend for 2021 to be among our greatest years yet! Of course, it takes Donors and Members contributions to fund the work. I am glad that YOU are a part of the network of support that will make it possible.

Ready, Set, FRIENDRAISE! End of year fundraising starts NOW!

Find information below about how you can set up your own fundraising page and join or set up a Giving Circle team, what I am calling a 'Fundraising Flock'!
As always, Thank you for being a Friend.

Janelle L Wicks
FOMR Executive Director
Conservation Corner
By Janelle Wicks

When you are duck banding through the night with 20 other people you hardly know but have a lot in common with, sleep-deprived conversation tend go here, there, and everywhere in a delirious attempt to stay awake until the sun comes up. These conversations often don’t go anywhere, lost to the sunrise and sleepy morning. In August 2019, Portland Audubon’s Teresa Wicks and volunteers Jon Brown and Karen Tillou did not know that their midnight musings would become the actuality that they are today.
By Janelle Wicks

On the morning of October 8th, just one week after beginning their work on a full tree inventory and risk assessment, Jon Brown and Karen Tillou, discovered that the infamous John Scharff Blue Spruce at Refuge Headquarters was experiencing a trauma A crack had formed between codominant stems of the main trunk. Both stems were leaning outward and presenting imminent failure of at least one. Read More
By Peter Pearsall
In keeping with the Mammal theme, we revisit this November 2018 article. Enjoy!

The vast marshes and riparian thickets of Harney Basin are a sanctuary for water-loving wildlife, from the scores of birds, insects, amphibians and fishes using its waterways to more than 50 native mammal species. Of these mammals, several are specially adapted for the life aquatic, including the American beaver (Castor canadensis) and the muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus).
By Peter Pearsall

What is the largest living organism on the planet? A number of candidates spring to mind, such as the 100-foot long, 190-ton blue whale, or the 350-foot tall coastal redwood tree, both giants in their own right. Surprisingly, another candidate is a honey mushroom (Armillaria ostoyae) growing in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest! 
Programs & Events

From November 1st to January 15th it is FriendsGiving Season for the Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. We are celebrating our ability to adapt and make creative and innovative ways to stay active in 2020 while also planning for a bigger and brighter 2021!

New this year, PEER-TO-PEER Fundraising Pages! Make a donation to a Team or create your own giving circle, or 'Fundraising Flock' by setting up your P2P Fundraising Page. Peer to Peer fundraising is an easy and fun way to amplify your support for the Friends of Malheur NWR!
Read all about our plans for 2021 on our Campaign Page.

Make your Donation HERE!

Login to your Friends Account and set up your own Fundraising Page or Team!
Here is Helpful How-To for setting up your own Fundraising Page and/or Team.

While travel remains a risk for many we are committed to our #HarneyatHome campaign:
Coming Soon: Malheur Symphony Photographic Experience on USB!
Eternal Vigilance
By Carl Woodward, FOMR Board Member
It has been said that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. That maxim applies equally to the preservation of our public lands and spaces. Without regular and careful watchfulness over and vigorous advocacy for our refuges, open spaces and wilderness areas, they may be abused, diminished and no longer those places we treasure for what they are designed to protect and preserve, and for the comfort and healing we experience there.  

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was created to provide a stopover for migratory waterfowl and other such species. It has long been one of the leading places to ensure that these species can make it to the breeding grounds safely. But it is so much more. It has a long history of habitation going back before the founding of the United States. It has survived periods of drought and habitat loss. Yet it endures and has the full protection of the National Wildlife Refuge System. 

As we all enjoy the spectacular beauty of this place, we must advocate for adequate funding to ensure that it continues to be able to fulfill its mission. That means that we all have the obligation to communicate with those who have the ability and power to supply the resources to bring that about. That means speaking with lawmakers and administrators at all levels of government to urge their support not only for Malheur, but all refuges, open spaces and public lands. With climate change threatening to severely reduce the resilience of these places to drought, fire and flooding, the need for effective advocacy is greater now than ever.   

So support policymakers who support our wild places. Let them know how important they are to our survival and to our future generations. Your voices are important and, on November 3, make sure you exercise your franchise and vote.   

When filling out your Ballot this election season please consider choosing local, state, and federal candidates that will best protect wildlife, the environment, public lands, and who will best support National Wildlife Refuges. 
Friends of Malheur NWR Proudly Support
By Lauren Williams, Communications & Operations Director

The Environmental Center is excited to announce a new Partner Group, Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR) whose HQ is in Burns, Oregon. I got to speak with the Director, Janelle Wicks, to learn more about their work across Harney County and how Central Oregonians can participate in their mission. I really enjoyed learning about this special place! Read the BLOG Post HERE
October's Most Popular
Every month there is excellent content on the Friends Facebook, Instagram and YouTube pages. Here We will feature the most popular post of the month.

Cedar Waxwings (10/18) Photo by Dan Streiffert
Cedar waxwings switch from a diet of insects in the spring and summer to fruit in fall and winter. This adorable trio is all fluffed up to retain body heat. 
This post reached 19,738 people through Facebook and got 174 Likes on Instagram! Follow our pages, @Malheurfriends, to see more great content like this!
Membership Minute
The sustaining support of our members is more imoportant than ever.
If you are unsure of your Membership status you can email us at today!
2020 Membership Appreciation

All New and Renewing Members will receive an exclusive FOMR Member 2020 clear decal.

Renewing Members that BUMP up a Membership level will receive a new Malheur BUMPer sticker. (Pictured below)

New and Renewing Members that sign up at the Patron ($200), Steward ($500) or Benefactor ($1,000) levels are eligible for specialty gifts! See Brochure
Current Membership Total: 681!
GIFT A MEMBERSHIP to the Malheur enthusiast and Bird lover in your life! Membership is a great way to keep up with and support the ongoing work of our organization! All you have to do is fill out THIS FORM with the recipient's name and contact information and they will be informed of their Membership!
Volunteer with Friends
Despite much uncertainty that remains, the Friends of Malheur NWR Project Committee has begun planning for 2021 and beyond. These plans may include the need for volunteers who are fully self-contained in an RV or Trailer that can be parked at Refuge HQ. There may not be access to the Volunteer Community Room & Kitchen or Bathrooms.

We are tentatively recruiting for the Crane's Nest Nature Center & Store (Monthly, March-October) Must be a couple working together who will be comfortable managing limited entry of the Store and enforcing Covid-19 safety procedures with all visitors.

All Volunteer opportunities are contingent upon and will be subject to any local, state, or federal health and safety guidelines. Volunteering may be cancelled at any point.
If you wish to be considered for a Crane's Nest volunteer position or contribute to the Newsletter in 2021 please email Janelle,
Crane's Nest Nature Center & Store
Unstaffed until further notice

The Online Nature Store is now operational and offering a selection of our favorite Malheur NWR and Friends of MNWR goodies!

This hat is made in the USA using recycled polyester and organic cotton! A double layer design makes for a snug, stretching and sustainable hat.
Now you can stay warm on winter outings, look great, and feel good!

Malheur HQ Visitor Center
Unstaffed until further notice
Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge | 
36391 Sodhouse Lane
Princeton, OR 97721