Making the Most of

Ordinary Time

by Father Ted

For the last few months, we have been slowly making our way through the longest season of the Church year: Ordinary Time. It stretches from Trinity Sunday, which was way back on June 4, all the way to the beginning of Advent, which won’t happen until December 3 this year. That’s nearly half of the year; five months of ordinary church. That’s a lot of green.

The word ordinary has meant a lot of things over time. Today, the word carries an indifferent, if not negative, connotation. Calling someone an ordinary student isn’t much of a compliment, especially if that person is being compared to extraordinary students. Restaurants don’t go out of their way to promote their ordinary hamburgers; they’d rather sell you one that’s over-the-top and unexpected. In our overly-competitive culture which is obsessed with success, being ordinary is not good enough. To quote the great Ricky Bobby from Talladega Nights, “If your not first, your last.” (I’m pretty sure that’s how he would’ve spelled it.)

But in reference to the liturgical season in which we find ourselves, ordinary shouldn’t come with any negative connotation whatsoever. The root of...

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In this E-news:

  • Faithful Departed - Forrest Jones
  • Service Update for Paul Welch
  • Nibbling at Small Bites
  • Hispanic Heritage Celebration
  • SWANs Meeting
  • Second Half Lunch Bunch
  • Holy Cross Solemn Evensong
  • Food Pantry on Monday
  • Austin Street on Wednesday
  • Art Music Reschedule to Monday
  • EMF Shrimp Boil
  • Buy Tickets for Hillcrest Live
  • Vestry & Diocean Delegate Call
  • Outreach Fall Coat Drive
  • DOK Rosary Workshop
  • Giving Stock to Transfiguration
  • Youth Bible Study
  • Children & Youth Formation Registration

Faithful Departed

Forrest Jones

It is with deep sadness we share the news that long-time member Forrest Jones died this past Monday.

He and his wife Sally were regular attendees at the 5:30pm service on Saturdays. Arrangements are being finalized now. We will provide an update once they are complete. Please hold Forrest, Sally and all who love him close in your prayers.


Service Update for Paul Welch

A Requiem Eucharist for long-time member Paul Welch, whose death we announced last week, will be held in the Church on September 23, at 2:00pm. A reception will follow in Roper Hall.

Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.

May the souls of Forrest and Paul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.

Connect with Your Calling

One of our goals at Transfiguration is to connect everyone with an excellent way to serve God here. We created Small Bites: hundreds of ways to try ministries at the Fig and exercise your spiritual gifts. We hope you will take two small bites between now and November. Who knows, you may find a ministry that speaks to your soul! At the very least, you’ll have some fun, meet new people, and learn more about what we do. We can’t be the beautiful, Jesus-shaped church God has asked us to be unless everyone shows up and shares their gifts.

Explore Small Bites at the Fig

This Weekend at The Fig

Hispanic Heritage Celebration

On Saturday, September 16, at 6:30pm our Racial Justice Ministry invites you to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month at the Fig! The festivities will include dinner catered by Mattito’s and dances from Latin America taught by accomplished ballet folklorico dancer, Joel Cortez. If you have not already registered you can contact Barbara Woster for more information.

SWANs Meeting Saturday

The Single Women Alone Network will home its newly combined meeting Saturday, September 16 at 4:00pm in the Parlor. All single women who live alone, regardless of age, are invited to participate for support and fellowship. If you have questions or need additional information, contact Pastor Nancy.

Sunday School Is Underway

Sunday School classes started last Sunday and continue until October 22, 2023. Don't miss out on these great opportunities to grow in understanding and faith. We hope you'll join us this Sunday at 10:15am.

To see a complete list of classes and view full details visit

Second Half Lunch Bunch

Join us for the Senior Lunch on September 17 at 12:45pm. We will meet and enjoy a meal at Manny's Tex Mex located at 7601 Campbell Rd., Dallas, TX.

Please register using the button below so we can make sure we reserve enough space.

Register Here

Holy Cross Solemn Evensong

The 20th season of Transfigured Nights opens with a Solemn Evensong for Holy Cross Day on Sunday, September 17, at 5:00pm. Joel Martinson will direct the Transfiguration Choir accompanied by Stefan Engels on the organ in his Evening Service for the Transfiguration commissioned for the choir’s first trip to England in 2013. Another commissioned work connected with the parish – The Way of Jesus – on a text by Delores Dufner OSB, will be sung as the anthem. The Rev. Ted Clarkson will officiate, and the Rev. Casey Shobe will deliver the homily. A reception will follow in the Gathering Space.

The Week Ahead

Outreach Opportunities For You

Food Pantry This Monday

Every third Monday of the month, the Fig Food Pantry puts together grocery orders for families in need. We are meeting this Monday, September 18.

We can always use volunteers and are open to all ages. No special skills required. Join us in Roper Hall from 10:30am to 6:00pm - stay all day or come for an hour. Walk-ins are welcome.

For more info contact

Jodi Dalton or Alan Justice

Austin Street This Wednesday

Our next visit to serve dinner at Austin Street Center will be this Wednesday, September 20.

If you are interested in serving a meal to our most vulnerable neighbors at one of Dallas’ largest homeless shelters, please join us.


Mother Rebecca or Matt Harms

Art Music Rescheduled

The first Art Music concert of the 2023-2024 season, originally scheduled for last Monday, has been rescheduled for this Monday, September 18, at 7:30pm in the Performance Hall. This program will feature music by Johann Halvorsen, Josef Haydn, and Herbert Howells performed by Maria Schleuning, violin, Anna Kolotylina, viola, Gayane Manasjan Fullford, cello, and Artem Arutyunyan, piano.

The program is free and includes light desserts at intermission. Since these concerts have become exceedingly popular, and seating is limited, it is recommended to arrive by 7:15pm.

EMF Shrimp Boil

The Episcopal Men's Fellowship kicks off the season with a Shrimp Boil and Refreshments Thursday, September 21 at 6:30pm in Roper Hall.

Cost is $25/person. You can pay when you sign-up or at the door.

Sign-up Here

Transfigured Nights Presents

Hillcrest Live

Get Your Tickets Now

You’re invited to Hillcrest Live, Transfigured Nights’ music showcase and silent auction on September 30 at 7:00pm.

Click Here to Purchase Tickets Now

A delicious array of hors d’oeuvres and desserts prepared by our best practitioners of the culinary arts will be accompanied by wine, non-alcoholic beverages and coffee. The silent auction will showcase the hidden talents and artistic ventures of the choir members. You can expect a wide variety of experiences and curated items on which to bid. Proceeds will benefit the Transfiguration Choir’s 2024 pilgrimage to Scottland.

Mark Your Calendar

Call for Vestry & Diocesan Delegates

Throw your hat into the ring to join Vestry or become a Diocesan Delegate. These important positions provide leadership for our church and representation in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas.

Enter your application at

or email Kristin Cutts to learn more.

Applications are due by September 22.

Outreach Fall Coat Drive

We are collecting winter coats for North Dallas Shared Ministries. Please bring gently-used or new coats to church on October 1, October 08 and October 15, to the Gathering Space All sizes are needed, from child to adult.

About Giving Stock to Transfiguration

If you are someone who has given stock to the Church in the past or if you are thinking about it, please contact our Parish Administrator, Cathleen Dolt, concerning recent changes with our Financial Accounts and how things are directed.

Youth Group News

Youth Bible Study

Grow in your understanding of scripture by attending the Youth lead Bible Study. Embracing Faithful Identities is a Bible Study for Youth (grades 6th-12th grade). We meet weekly on Sundays from 5:00pm - 6:30pm in the Youth Center with the goal of reading the Bible over the next three years starting with Genesis. You are invited to bring your own dinner and we will share faith and fellowship as we discuss the important stories that help us embrace who we are as people of faith. This is a drop in group. No registration is required. A zoom option will be available.

For more info contact:

Delynda Moravec

Children & Youth Formation Registration

Fall Formation Classes for both Children and Youth will begin September 10 at 10:15am. Register now so we can make preparations:

Children's Formation

Godly Play

Wee Wonder

10:15am - 11:00 am

The Church

Children's Formation Registration

Youth Formation

Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints

10:15am - 11:00am

Youth Center

Youth Formation Registration

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