Memories are made here . . .

and friendships, new ideas, and possibilities.

Thanks to all who support outdoor learning adventures for kids in any way.

Spring overnight Tahoe science camps just wrapped up with happy campers, teachers, and parent volunteers. A teacher who just left wrote: "Thanks for another amazing GBOS camp adventure!" and reserved for the same time next year.

Family-friendly Teacher Workshop

at Tahoe July 6

Earn recertification hours at Tahoe learning standards-based activities linking all subjects to nature and our watershed. Your school-age children can join us for nature activities too.

9 AM at Spooner Lake and afternoon on the shore of Tahoe at Camp Galilee until 4

Save your spot now right here

And see details here

Family Hike June 8

Our last family hike was so fun with a very intent lizard hunt that we can't wait to try another new location, Hidden Valley. We'll meet near the equestrian area at 10:00. Prepare with sunscreen, water, snacks, etc., and we'll have an easy walk until noon. Register here and consider donating.

Update on future hikes: We're switching July and August destinations. We'll go to Mt. Rose Meadows July 13 and to Spooner Lake August 17 with our friends from Gear Hut. Please remember to donate your used mountain sportswear and gear for them to sell to benefit Great Basin Outdoor School programs for kids. We recently picked up a check for over $1000 there thanks to our sharing community!

S T E A M =

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math

Can you suggest any wonderful guest presenters to support our Adventure Day Camp STEAM learning activities with 45-minute presentations for 6-12-year-olds? Maybe it's YOU!

Please let Emily know.

Day camp is practically full and has waiting lists, but we have plenty of openings for adults who want to add to the fun. Pictured below are Mark Vollmer and Jim Eaglesmith of StorySongs sharing their unique combination of geology, photography, music, and more. 

Eventful May Re-cap

We taught almost every weekday plus a Saturday in May. Citizen science, overnight Tahoe science camps, eco-service projects, day field trips at Spooner Lake and Galena Creek, Snapshot Day water quality monitoring, and a family hike. Wow!

Tahoe Overnight Science Camps hosted nine classes of fourth and fifth graders at Camp Galilee, and another five classes joined us for day field trips. Excursions included the Tahoe Environmental Science Center, Spooner Lake, Tahoe research boat, Rabe Meadows, and Galena Creek. Students studied astronomy, forest, wildlife, and aquatic ecology, geology, and sustainability. They volunteered clearing drainage areas to help keep Tahoe blue, made new friends, hiked, sang, and performed.

A few quotes from our fourth graders:

The MOST IMPORTANT new thing I learned is: keeping Lake Tahoe clean, that Lake Tahoe was formed by faulting, we need to care for the world, how to conserve water, to preserve energy, learning about water pollution and the environment, Lake Tahoe is 1600 feet deep. 


The MOST EXCITING part of forest and wildlife ecology was: the trees made me feel like I was at home, learning about the wildlife, seeing the wildlife, having the best time, the predator game, the most exciting part was seeing the wilderness, the nature around us, playing camouflage, hiking on the trails, seeing a lizard. 

Snapshot Day is an annual citizen science event testing and documenting the health of our Truckee River watershed. Fourth and fifth graders learned to use water quality tests, did Project WET activities, and wrote water haikus.

Dip netting for aquatic macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality is always a highlight at Snapshot Day and our life science outings. We were lucky to welcome a new volunteer, Jerry Wager, who shared his impressive science background.

More Citizen Science--Amy Langston of the Desert Research Institute involved our students in data collection for her meadow restoration project at Spooner Lake. They helped gather baseline data to compare with future conditions.

Our UNR Intern Chloe Hatcher participated during spring semester programs and program prep and was recognized at a May event at UNR. We enjoyed and appreciated having her with us.

She reflected on her experience saying,

“This internship has significantly expanded my understanding of the importance of environmental education for children. Throughout the past semester I’ve had the privilege of interacting with individuals from diverse scientific backgrounds. I found immense joy in interacting with children and facilitating their experiences at the camps. This opportunity has enriched my expertise in advocating for the preservation of ecosystems and spreading awareness about sustainable living practices.”

Plan Now for Next School Year

Work with Executive Director Emily on the perfect trip for your students for next school year. Plan ahead to get school bus ordered and parent cabin leaders background checked in time. Reserve sessions with a deposit six months to one year ahead. Schools get "first dibs" on "their week" for the following year and build traditions.

Start your new school year with a science day trip to Galena Creek or Spooner Lake and focus on life science including dip netting for aquatic invertebrates.

Introduce your students to snowshoeing and snow science in January or February.

Activities support

Nevada Academic Content Standards for Science.

Thanks for caring and sharing so more kids can have life-changing outdoor experiences.

Donate online securely here

or mail checks to:

Great Basin Outdoor School, 1000 Bible Way #53, Reno, NV 89502.

Special Thanks to

Ski Club Friends

who help in so many ways!

Students Learn the Reason for the Seasons

Happy Summer Solstice !

Please share these opportunities.

Forward to colleagues who care about kids and our Earth.

See more on our website and our Facebook page.


1000 Bible Way #53 - Reno, NV 89502


Emily Baldwin, Executive Director

Derik Knak, Development Coordinator

Sue Jacox, Board President

Visit our website