Dear Friends,

As we enter into July, let's take a moment to reflect on all that we accomplished this past month. World Cares Center brought together a community of learners for a series of enriching training sessions centered around stress management and emotional resilience. Together, we delved into deep discussions, identified stressors, and crafted effective strategies for protection.

Through our Lunch & Learn gatherings, we shared insights on the crucial role of peer support and emotional first aid in overcoming workplace challenges. We connected in a virtual Roundtable to discuss the importance of fire mitigation strategies and hazard clean up awareness for lithium ion batteries and shared ideas on how to protect Ready Responders. Special thank you to Dr. Darius Sivin for being our subject matter expert and leading this important discussion!

As we welcome the month of July, we're excited to continue providing valuable resources and training opportunities to support the well-being of workers, managers and Ready Responders alike.

Lisa Orloff

World Cares Center

Founder and President

We are thrilled to host Nathan Etrog on July 25th from 1-2pm as he leads a discussion on drowning safety and awareness.

Nathan is currently the Vice Chairman of the Nassau County Firematic Water Rescue Association. His experience will spark discussion to understand how to best protect ourselves and discuss strategies to help those in our communities as we enter the summer months.

Register for FREE here!

A surge in manmade and natural disasters has put an unprecedented strain on ready responders everywhere, and World Cares Center continues to grow and evolve in order to better prepare and protect them here and abroad. As part of our annual fundraiser, the WCC community will gather to celebrate our successes and pay tribute to this year’s honorees.

September 19, 2024

Fornino, Brooklyn Bridge Park

6:00 - 9:00 PM

VIP Cocktail hour 5:00 - 6:00 PM

Please join our special guest and co-host Shelli Sonstein of the Jim Kerr “Rock and Roll Morning Show” and “9/11 Stories” Podcast as we thank our volunteers and support World Cares Center's mission to train and protect Ready Responders.

Help us honor this year's Lifetime of Service Awardee Elizabeth Crowley, of the Building Trades Employers Association and Vice Chair of the New York Building Congress for her steadfast dedication to protecting our responders and front-line workers.

A special thank you will be extended to Elizabeth Gatz, Nimat Haque, Steve Goodrich and Gayathri Punukollu, our valued tech volunteers who assisted in the redesign of WCC’s Knowledge and Communication Center.

Enjoy Fornino’s best dishes prepared by Iron Skillet Master Chef Michael Ayoub. Sip on a specialty Tito’s cocktail or quench your thirst with a craft beer from Brooklyn Brewery.

Your support will help us train citizens to become ready responders, and support those on the front line of disaster response.

Become a Sponsor

Developing a Worker Resiliency Program

Training for Managers and Supervisors

Lunch and Learns are open to individuals and groups, Please join us!

June 16th & 18th 2024

1:00 - 3:00 PM

Via Zoom

Please note that in order to receive your certificate you must attend both sessions.

Register for this FREE training HERE

This free training and materials are produced under grant number SH-000047-SH3 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Voces Latinas

Session One: Introduction to Emotional Resiliency 

Session Two: Helping Others Through Difficult Time

July 2nd 2024

10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

July 10th 2024

10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

These trainings will be conducted in Spanish.

Closed session for Voces Latinas.

Voces Latinas

Session One: Emotional Resiliency and Stress Management for Mangers

Session Two: Developing a Worker Resiliency Program

July 17th 2024

10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Closed session for Voces Latinas.

This free training and materials are produced under grant number SH-000047-SH3 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

World Cares Center provides free training on safety, emotional resiliency, disaster volunteerism and disaster management for leaders. Whether you prefer in-person training at your location or in our training center, virtual sessions via Zoom, or self-paced online courses through, we have options to suit your needs.

Take advantage of this opportunity to equip yourself with the skills and knowledge needed to make a difference in times of crisis. To schedule your training, simply email us today and start your journey towards becoming a valuable disaster volunteer.

Schedule your training today

World Cares Center launches its Resilient Worker Initiative

This critically important program Free program consists of two training tracks, one for workers and one for managers.

The worker track offers a one-hour Emotional Resiliency and Suicide Prevent Training and a 3-hour Helping Others module.

The managers track offers one hour Managing Managers Stress followed by a four-hour Developing a Resiliency Program module.

Reserve your free training today!

Donate Now!

Join the growing list of organizations that have signed on to use the Collaborative Disaster Volunteer Credential as their foundational training.

To schedule a training for your group of 12 or more click Here

This training is supported by Rutgers University Atlantic COHST and Con Edison

Reserve your free training today!

Helping Others Through Difficult Times, Training for Workers

As part of our Emotional Resiliency and Helping Others for Workers Initiative, we led our second training with members of LACA Bronx. This training session was conducted in Spanish. Information and resources were shared on how individuals can implement a peer support initiative. Learners identified if a coworker is under emotional stress and ways to provide peer support by adopting an Emotional First Aid model. Peer workers and managers were introduced to methods to help impacted workers mitigate the impact of their stress and apply a resiliency tool kit. Information was shared on the boundaries that are needed to ensure the helper is protected as well as a clear understanding of their peer role.

World Cares Center also hosted a two-part virtual Lunch & Learn that led the Helping Others Through Difficult Times training. This session was open to anyone within WCC's network.

Introduction to Emotional Resiliency and Helping Others Through Difficult Times

World Cares Center hosted two trainings in our program - Introduction to Emotional Resiliency and Helping Others Through Difficult Times. These trainings were held in closed sessions for the HOPE program.

Managing Managers Stress and Developing a Worker Resiliency Program

World Cares Center hosted two trainings in our program - Emotional Resiliency and Stress Management for Managers and Developing a Worker Resiliency Program. These trainings were held in closed sessions for the HOPE program.

Are you interested in developing a worker resiliency program for your organization? Click the button below to schedule your training today.

Register for a Workshop

World Cares Center's mission is ease the harm, suffering and loss caused by disasters trough the empowerment of under-served, at-risk communities to prevent everyday accidents and react as educated and skilled ready responders when disasters occur.