Eligible: Any Race Director, Coordinator, Chief Executive or Chief Operating Officer of a race. You may nominate yourself. Previous winners are not eligible. (Click Here for a list of previous winners.)
Criteria for Selection: Nominations must be received by October 20, 2024. Nominees will be judged on several factors, including overall ability, reputation of race, sponsor relations, creativity, and organizational ability. Please be as specific as possible in filling out the form. If you wish to submit additional materials (limit is 2), you may either list links to the materials in the form below, or you may email them as attachments to Jeff Darman at rdoy@rrm.com. (Please be sure to include the Name of the person you are nominating in the Subject line of the email after the words "Race Director of the Year Supplement.")
Did You Submit a Nomination Last Year? If you submitted a nomination last year, we understand that you might want to just update what you submitted last year. You will still need to fill out the form by clicking the link below, but send an email to webmaster@rrm.com to request your last year's nomination form, and we can send the information that you provided last year. You can then update it and copy and paste the information into the new nomination form.