February 2024: Happy Valentine's Day!
Recovery community centers illuminate hope
World Recovery Café Opens
Fancy yourself a chef? Maybe you can recall a special dish or dining event that gave you warmth and comfort? Food can be such a powerful force to connect and ground us. Please join us for the World Recovery Café, launching this winter!

This project is based on the international World Café format. Trained facilitators help guide discussion as we work to explore the role of food in recovery, identity, and belonging. Speakers highlight their experiences as members of groups underrepresented in recovery meetings, advocacy efforts, and positions of leadership, with a different group featured each month. Participants help grow vegetables and herbs, trade recipes, cook, and share their stories for a culminating World Recovery Cookbook.

Want to get involved? Facilitator training is coming up at the end of February, with the first Cafe just around the corner in March! Spots are limited. Please message us to learn more and apply.
Han Ferguson
WRC Outreach Coordinator
(207) 553-2575 x101
Governor Mills State of the State
In her recent State of the State address, Governor Mills spoke to the many past accomplishments and upcoming challenges facing Maine. Mills stated her intention to devote $6 million to substance use recovery in the coming year. First, the Mills administration intends to add nine new peer recovery coaches to Overdose Prevention Through Intensive Outreach Naloxone and Safety (OPTIONS) teams. OPTIONS liaisons work with first responders to collaborate on potential overdose responses. We collaborate with OPTIONS on Nalaxone distribution and training on resources and community support.

The State would also expand access to Naloxone and treatment programs in Maine’s jails and prisons. “In all, we are on track to see a more than 16 percent reduction in fatal overdose deaths for 2023, the first time in five years we’ve recorded an annual decrease,” Mills said. “I believe the investments we’ve made in prevention, treatment, and recovery services have contributed to that decrease.” 
Maine Legislative Session 131
Funding Recovery Community Centers Through Cannabis Tax Revenue
LD 1714 will increase funding to recovery community centers by using 12% of the tax dollars collected from adult cannabis sales. The bill estimates that $2,233,385 could be collected in 2023-2024 and $5,757,990 in 2024-2025. As of now, the state Taxation Committee has unanimously approved LD 1714 and it retains strong bipartisan support. This funding would be a boon for the recovery community centers across the state. Currently, the bill is awaiting funding from the Appropriations Committee. On February 2, the Maine Committee on Taxation posted their priority list for session 131. They listed LD 1714 as their top priority. These tax dollars would go a long way to helping PRCC and Maine's nineteen other recovery community centers in helping those looking to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Young At Heart Recovery

Every Thursday at 4:30 PM, Young@Heart (YAH) gathers to make things happen at PRCC. They're on the lookout for kindred spirits to join the youth recovery movement. Your energy and ideas could be the missing piece to make this movement truly extraordinary.
YAH is also hosting the 2nd annual Soberbowl, a recovery friendly Superbowl party, on February 11, starting at 5pm. There will be popcorn and drinks, feel free to bring something yummy to share! For more information on the Soberbowl or to join Young@Heart, please contact:
Justin Judkins
Volunteer Coordinator
(207) 553-2575 x125
Telling Our Stories
Sharing our stories of recovery is vital and helps save lives. Each one of us has traveled a different road to get here, and though we had different reasons for misusing substances, we have all found our individual path of recovery. Telling our stories lets others know they are not alone, destigmatizes recovery, and changes hearts and minds. Hearing someone share could be what moves a person past a perceived barrier to a healthier life. Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR) provides a helpful guide on how best to celebrate and inspire others with our recovery stories. Here is how they break it down:

Know your audience and tailor your message appropriately. You should have a different focus when speaking to potential donors for an organization versus at a recovery meeting or to press.

Plan ahead and have a structure to your story because every contact has a potential to resonate with someone, so make a big impact. Whether you are writing, recording video, or speaking in front of a live audience, be genuine and be yourself. Honesty is welcome, especially for those new to recovery. Being vulnerable and showing emotion will help your audience connect with you.
You can find more information on story telling in recovery at FAVOR’s website.

In addition to FAVOR, if you are interested in becoming a Recovery Ambassador and getting involved in advocacy, you can sign up for training and speaking opportunities with Recovery Rising here. Telling your story is one piece of our free 4-hour training, in which you will learn about stigma & language, the science of addiction, and telling our story. The next training will be held in the summer of 2024. Registration will be posted on our website. 
What's New
Check out some new offerings from around the state.
Celebrate 2024 with the support of your recovery community!
Building Recovery Community Throughout Maine

This newsletter allows us to connect with you, our Maine recovery community. Whether you're a person in recovery, family member, or ally, you are part of the solution to addiction. Published on a regular basis and sent via email, this newsletter provides updates and gives you an opportunity to help support recovery and spread the message of hope throughout the state of Maine. To learn more about PRCC, whose programs are funded in part by the Maine Department of Health & Human Services, visit our website. Please send any feedback or information you'd like us to include to newsletter@portlandrecovery.org.