Working Differently with COVID-19
Ken Bloch, Program Manager

The COVID-19 virus is already bringing many changes to how we go about our daily lives. It may bring even more. We at Maine PTAC are not immune to it. We recently held an all-staff meeting via Zoom and will be holding them regularly. A screenshot of that is below. We could not ignore the resemblance to a famous TV “Bunch”.

The important point here is that we are going to use technology to continue to bring you the government contracting support that you need. We are not going away and while we will have to modify how we provide that support, we are determined to provide you with the great assistance that you have grown to depend on. You can find all of our email and phone numbers by clicking here .

Please reach out to your local counselor or any of us with your questions or to request assistance. The PTAC Bunch will be ready to help you. Oh, and stay safe and wash your hands!