We are Growing, Again, and Looking for a New Team Member
Ken Bloch, Director, Maine PTAC

The past five years have been pretty exciting for Maine PTAC. We’ve expanded into more areas of support, like cyber security and Federal research grants. We’ve moved into the online world with gusto, presenting more than a dozen online training webinars since May. Most important though, is we have dramatically increased our staffing levels, adding three full-time Counselors. More Counselors mean more of you that we can help, in more ways. And we are about to grow again, adding a new Counselor in Southern Maine.

Like all of our Counselors, this new position will provide counseling, training and technical assistance to clients, advising them how to identify potential contracting opportunities and obtain contracts with the Department of Defense, other federal agencies, state and/or local governments and prime government contractors. While we welcome candidates with government experience, we do not require it. This position is for and foremost a counselor, someone that enjoys talking with people, building relationships, helping them solve problems and be successful in the government marketplace. If you can be a teacher, advisor and partner to businesses, we can educate you on the government stuff.

The position is open now and we are actively looking for candidates for the York and southern Cumberland County area. If you or someone that you know is interested, please click here or go to EMDC.org, find the Careers tab and look for the Procurement Counselor.

Oh, and stay safe and wash your hands!