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Madaktari Africa Partners with Barrow Neurological Institute in Tanzania

KCMC Chief of Neurosurgery Dr. Happiness Rabiel performing her hospital's first-ever microscope case. Also pictured are Franke Global Neurosurgery Fellow Dr. Kerry Vaughan and Barrow Global student-scholar Habib Rafka.

Madaktari Africa and the Barrow Neurological Institute have partnered to bring Madaktari Africa's train-forward mission to Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) in Tanzania.

Barrow Neurological Institute staff members and volunteers are working at KCMC to train local staff in neurosurgery. We hope you enjoy the pictures below of this partnership at KCMC in action!

Meeting of neurosurgery and neuroradiology.

KCMC's second microscope case, performed by Dr. Rabiel, with Habib Rafka observing.

Dr. Rabiel lectures local and visiting medical students before a big case.

Barrow PGY-7 Neuroradiology Fellow Dr. Dane Hellwig giving a lecture to KCMC radiologists and visiting students.

Dr. John Karis, director of MRI and brain imaging in our Department of Neuroradiology, and Dr. Jeremy Hughes, director of our Neuroradiology Fellowship Program, (right) with Habib Rafka.

Dr. Vaughan (left) and Dr. Rabiel (center) leading teaching rounds.

Habib Rafka receiving burr-hole instruction from KCMC neurosurgery resident

Dr. Goodluck Ndibalema.

Dr. Dilan Ellegala (CoFounder of Madaktari Africa and Professor of Neurosurgery at the Barrow Neurological Institute) with Dr. Kerry Vaughan (Global Neurosurgery Fellow) teaching a surgical registrar and the team at KCMC.

Dr. Rabiel (left) and Dr. Vaughan operating on a child with encephalocele, a rare congenital condition.

Dr. Ellegala and Dr. Rabiel performing a brain tumor resection at KCMC.

Dr. Vaughan providing instruction on endoscopic third ventriculostomy with choroid plexus cauterization (ETV/CPC), an alternative to shunt placement, for treating a child with hydrocephalus.

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"Improving African Health Care & Medical Autonomy through the Train-Forward Method"

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