Today's Mission - Build a worm farm!
Materials needed:
  • 1 recycled container such as a soda bottle.
  • Dirt (2-3 cups per worm)
  • Composting items (link)
  • Measuring spoons
  • Water (less than 1/2 cup)
Skills to practice:
  • For younger children a parent may have to make the worm farm, but the child can dig for the worms
  • Older children can record their worm observations over a 2 week period
Step 1- Find a suitable container and place holes in. Soda bottles work best WITHOUT the cap. Again, worms must be able to get air.
Step 2- rip up small pieces of newspaper or printer paper to cover the bottom of the container (absorbs extra water)
Step 3- Measure a 1-2" layer of moist dirt and add it to the container. Next add a fine layer of shredded leaves, grass or cardboard. Cover this with another 2-3" of dirt. *Note: works can eat rocks so leave those out.
Step 4- Add some small compositing items such as fruit or vegetable peels. Worms love crushed egg shells or tea bags too. Cover this will another 1-2".
Step 5- Make sure your soil is moist by adding some water. Not too much, just enough to help soften the soil. It will be your responsibility to check the soil each day to observe if more water and compostable worm food is needed.
Step 6- Add 1 to 2 worms. They like darkness so store them someplace dark, but remember they need air! Check your worms every day to see if their soil needs to be moistened or to add more worm food. After 2 weeks, release your worms into a park or garden. You're a worm farmer now!
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