Young Great Horned Owl Finds a Home
at Biosolids Management Facility
The Cascade Raptor Center in collaboration with Eugene’s Urban Forestry Program staff recently requested assistance to rehome an orphaned juvenile Great Horned Owl. The request was made because there was an active nest in the poplar trees at our Biocycle Farm . The nest was occupied by an adult Great Horned Owl and two juveniles. Because the orphaned juvenile would likely die on its own, staff at the Raptor Center requested to try to introduce the orphaned juvenile to the occupied nest to be cared for by the adult.

The orphaned owl was released near the nest. Initially, instead of remaining in the nest vicinity, it flew to an adjacent grove of trees where it remained until dark.
Great Horned Owl
Concerned staff from the Raptor Center came out daily to see if the parent owl would take in the orphaned juvenile. After several days they verified that the adult took in the orphaned owl and all three juveniles were active in the nest. Success!
Recent Community Events
Poplar harvesting workshop
On June 13, businesses and community members attended a Poplar Tree Harvesting Workshop held at our Biocycle Farm . They saw firsthand poplar growing practices, harvesting techniques, and poplar uses and product potential. Thanks to partners OSU Extension Service, 9Wood , GreenWood Resources , Lane Forest Products , and OSU Oregon Wood Innovation Center !
Willamette Riverkeeper tour
This month, staff and volunteers from Willamette Riverkeeper took a tour of our wastewater treatment plant. They learned what we do to clean water and protect the Willamette River, in line with their organization's mission. If your group is interested in a tour of our facilities, visit our website for details.
Successful Winter Season at Wastewater Treatment Plant
Wastewater treatment plant
The Eugene-Springfield Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) provides wastewater treatment to Federal and State standards before discharging to the Willamette River. Treatment is divided into two seasons: May to October is the summer permit season, and November to April is the winter permit season.

This past winter the WPCF processed an average of 42 million gallons each day, for a total of 7.6 billion gallons of wastewater cleaned during the past winter season. The treatment plant removed an average of 96% of the pollutants from the wastewater.

April was a busy month with higher than normal flow due to record rainfall. The plant treated 1.88 billion gallons of water which was more flow than the months of August, September, and October combined. The plant also removed over 2 million pounds of pollutants from the water coming into the facility. Now we're looking forward to the summer season!
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