Promoting the economic vitality of workers and employers in the Merrimack Valley


November 2015 
MVWIB Annual Meeting
Dignitaries Mayor Dan Rivera, Sec. Ron Walker and Rep. Marcos Devers, join MVWIB members
Ronald L. Walker II, Secretary of the MA Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, set the tone for the MVWIB FY16 Annual Meeting on OCT 27th, 2015.  He emphasized that the public sector has responsibility for promoting both economic growth and the public good.  The Baker administration is doing so by aligning workforce skills training, education, and business development.  

Held at the Greater Lawrence Technical School, our annual meeting was led by Chairman Peter Matthews, who presented fascinating, Social Security-derived information on today's wage earners. It was attended by Mayors Rivera and Fiorentini, as well as the Vice-chair of the MA House Labor Committee, Representative Marcus Devers. New MVWIB members were introduced and sitting officers were reelected. 
Former Chairman Joe Bevilacqua is recognized for his service by Secretary Walker, Chairman Matthews and ED Abislaiman.
Executive Director Rafael Abislaiman's report supported Secretary Walker's remarks.  He described MVWIB 2016 plans to implement new WIOA mandates to strengthen the workforce system by being more responsive to employer needs, reinforcing partnership with complementary service providers and by assisting all job seekers become employed.  Committee chairs delivered their annual reports on progress made and goals for this upcoming year; career center performance data was also reviewed.

The MVWIB Connecting Activities program arranged two student tours to local advanced manufacturing plants on October 2nd, 2015.  The tours were in celebration of Manufacturing Day, which is a national campaign to promote careers in the field.  Business are invited to open their doors and show what today's manufacturing is - and isn't.  The hope is that interested youth will help address the labor shortage area manufacturers' face, and help insure ongoing industry growth.

Top management at both Magellan and Casa Systems hosted an engaged group of students.  The Site Manager, the Engineering Manager, and the Human Resources Manager at Magellan, and the Vice President of Manufacturing and the Engineering Manager at Casa turned out to lead tours that demonstrated their interests in connecting with our local schools and students.   One of the Casa founders even took the time to drop in to say hello!  

Nineteen students from Haverhill High School's IT Pathways Academy toured Magellan Aerospace in Haverhill and CASA Systems in Andover and Lawrence. The students were excited to learn about the different career opportunities as was evidence by their reactions to the shop floor and questions posed to the manufacturers.

Upcoming Events

MVWIB Youth Committee Meeting
Thurs., Nov. 12th, 2015 11:30 a.m.
MVWIB Conference Room
439 S. Union St, Ste, 102,  Lawrence, MA 

MVWIB Planning Committee Meeting
Tues., Nov. 17th, 2015 8:00 a.m.
MVWIB Conference Room
439 S. Union St, Ste, 102,  Lawrence, MA 

On this NewsFlash : MVWIB's Monthly NewsFlash! hopes to keep you up-to-date on our events via an easy-to-read email. Give us your feedback!  
For more information contact Susan Almono at 

 Merrimack Valley Workforce Investment Board |  (978) 682-7099 |