The California legislature is discussing a bill, AB 740 [Gabriel] Drone cybersecurity, that would limit the use of drones by all government agencies in California that fail to meet certain cybersecurity standards or originate from countries identified by the Federal Government as a cybersecurity concern . DJI, who makes most of the drones that are used in the US, would be limited under this bill. As a result, no government in California agency would be allowed to fly DJI drones under this bill unless they qualify for a limited discretionary exemption.
The current bill would bring this change into effect on January 1, 2026. MVCAC is seeking to motivate an extension to this deadline to 2028, but is not currently opposing the bill. Very recently, the bill was put on a two-year cycle, so there may be a further extension of the deadline, but this is not guaranteed. MVCAC will continue to engage on this issue as the bill progresses.
Please keep this in mind as you consider purchasing drones. Contact the Chair of the MVCAC ad hoc Drone Committee if you wish to discuss further (Eric Haas-Stapleton,