Congratulations to new MSFCA Board Members
Career Section
Chief Jeremy Jones
Great Falls Fire Rescue
Combination Section
Chief Ron Lindroth
Central Valley Fire District
Volunteer Section
Chief Lyn Stimpson
Montana City Vol. Fire Dept.
Thank you to our outgoing Board Members
Chief Jeff Brandt
Missoula Fire Department
Chief Rodney Dresbach
 Rosebud County
Chief Rick Abraham
Montana City Vol Fire Dept.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual General Meeting last evening! And thank you to the vendors who donated raffle prizes.
What to get more involved?
We would like to give our membership an opportunity to become more involved in the association activities and programs. We have 2 immediate opportunities:

1 - Join the Planning Committee for the Convention (Missoula, October 14-16 2021.)

To participate in the Convention Planning Committee, we ask that members commit to a monthly hourly phone call and up to 1 additional hour per month of work, which is anticipated to be “lumpy”—some months no effort; other months more effort—as we work toward our goals of convention success.

2 - Join the SAFER Grant Advisory Sub-Committee/Focus Group.

To participate we ask that members commit to a quarterly phone call and periodically review materials via email. They will also occasionally act as our focus group for marketing materials and training ideas. This is ideal for individuals who work at combination or volunteer fire departments, however, career departments are not excluded.

Depending on the level of interest, we may not be able to include everyone. We will continue to add other opportunities in the future.
MSFCA Membership Database
We have acquired an online system - Wild Apricot - to help us better manage your membership data. We will begin using the online member management system for your 2021 membership. In early December we will be sending invoices via email. If you do not recieve an email from us in early December, please contact us to ensure we have your correct information. An email is required to use the system, however, we will work with our members who do not prefer to use email.
21st Century Fire and Emergency Services Report
By Chief John M. Buckman III (Retired)

The Center for Public Safety Excellence in collaboration with the International City/County Management Association, recently released a report on the expected future challenges for the fire and emergency services organizations.

The future delivery of fire and medical services is very cloudy at this time. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant organizational, operational, security and financial issues to local, regional, state, and federal governments. The report lists different area that local, regional, state, and the federal government need to evaluate, and develop solutions, as part of their strategic planning in respect to how their organization plans to address the issues outlined in the report. Change in this turbulent world is a necessity. Leaders should address the issues that require change before the turbulence demands rapid and unplanned changes. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken us out of our comfort zone. The way it was, is not the way it is and it is not the way it will be in the future. Innovative thinking in conjunction with community stakeholders can help to define the future role of the fire department. Read More

Montana State Fire Chiefs Association