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Thursday, June 13, 2024

AMA Annual Meeting Adjourns

Similar Resolution on Collective Bargaining Adopted in Lieu of Delaware's

Another Annual Meeting can be officially recorded for the American Medical Association (AMA), as Delaware's Delegation Representatives return from Chicago this week. For Delaware, it saw another success in a resolution being considered at the national level in support of physicians pursuing collective bargaining and unionization. Evolving from a resolution adopted by the MSD Council at the April 2024 Interim Meeting, the resolution directs the AMA to investigate avenues for the AMA and other physician associations to aid physicians in initiating and navigating collective bargaining efforts, encompassing but not limited to unionization. The Oregon American College of Physicians submitted a very similar resolution. There was significant testimony heard in the reference committee indicating that collective bargaining is an important and timely issue given that physicians are increasingly becoming employed by large hospitals and health systems. While there was testimony that opposed the formation of unions, significant testimony stressed that collective bargaining or unionization can help employed physicians overcome a lack of individual bargaining power and negotiate with employers for improved working conditions and to safeguard quality patient care. The AMA House of Delegates voted to adopt the Oregon resolution in lieu of MSD's with a directive to take action that reads: "RESOLVED, that our American Medical Association study opportunities for the AMA or physician associations to support physicians initiating and navigating a collective bargaining process, including but not limited to unionization."

The AMA installed Bruce A. Scott, MD as the 179th President of the organization. In his inaugural address, he spoke to the challenges contributing to the problem of physician burnout and proclaimed he will take on the issues of annual Medicare payment cuts, growing administrative burdens, and continued threats to the patient-physician relationship.

Bobby Mukkamala, MD, an otolaryngologist from Flint, Michigan, was voted President-Elect of the AMA. Following a year-long term as President-Elect, Dr. Mukkamala will be inaugurated as AMA president in June 2025.

Days before his term as the AMA’s 178th president came to a close, outgoing AMA President Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH offered reasons why physicians fight on behalf of their patients and their profession. (Read the complete remarks.)

After helping cement the AMA as a powerful, mission-driven organization during his time as CEO, James L. Madara, MD will step down in 2025. His focus now shifts to ensuring a smooth and effective transition to the next CEO. Michael Suk, MD, JD, MPH, MBA, the incoming chair of the AMA Board of Trustees, will organize the search for Dr. Madara’s successor.

The AMA House of Delegates tackled a long list of business to include issues such as unsustainable Medicare payment rates; modifying existing AMA principles for strengthening the physician-hospital relationship; lack of information included in prior authorization denial letters; defending the practice of medicine against scope of practice expansions that threaten patient safety; supporting removal of the Dec. 31, 2024, "sunset" date currently set for Medicare to cease reimbursement for services provided via telemedicine; developing model legislation to protect patients managed by out-of-network physicians; changing the USMLE Step 3 and COMLEX-USA Level 3 from numerically scored examinations to pass-fail; and so much more! Read the highlights. Watch a short video, from 2019, to learn more about the nuts and bolts of how AMA policy is made.

Learn More about AMA Sections and Special Groups:

Delaware Delegation members (L to R): Shalini Shah, MD; Robert Varipapa, MD; Nancy Fan, MD; Dakota Degenstein, DO; Mark Thompson; Janice Tildon-Burton, MD; Cedric Barnes, DO; and Matthew Burday, DO.

Janice E. Tildon-Burton, MD, Delaware's lone AMA Delegate, addresses the Southeastern Delegation at its annual breakfast event.

Delaware physicians and staff attend the Inauguration of AMA President Bruce Scott, MD. Pictured: Siri Holton, MD (ACOG rep); Robert Varipapa, MD; Nancy Fan, MD; Cedric Barnes, DO; Janice Tildon-Burton, MD; Mark Thompson; and Matthew Burday, DO.

Juneteenth Federal Holiday

MSD Office Closed in Observance of the Holiday

June 19th, or Juneteenth, is a federal holiday commemorating the official end of slavery in the US, established by President Biden in 2021. It was on June 19, 1865, when the last enslaved people in the country received word from Union soldiers arriving in Galveston, Texas that the Civil War had ended and that all slaves were free - two and half years after President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. Juneteenth today celebrates African American freedom and achievement while encouraging continuous self-development and respect for all cultures. Observance of Juneteenth is about the journey and achievement of African Americans, from a horrific period of sanctioned enslavement to the pinnacle of human endeavors. In honor of the Juneteenth holiday, MSD offices will be closed on Wednesday, June 19th.

Time is Running Out to Submit Nominations for Tilton Award

Nominate a Member Who Reflects the Qualities of MSD's Founding Father

James Tilton, MD, MSD’s first President, is one of the most important physicians not only to MSD, but in our nation’s history. Saving countless lives during the Revolutionary War, he shaped the future of medicine in ways unknown to those times. His legacy is one of many firsts, both as a physician and historical figure. After a long hiatus, in 2017 MSD reimagined the Tilton recognition and began an annual event to pay tribute to outstanding physician members via the presentation of the Tilton Award.

Do you know a member physician whose personal sacrifice and performance is beyond expectation, who is advancing medicine, or is changing the lives of patients in extraordinary ways? We want to hear from you! MSD is seeking nominations from medical professionals, as well as members of the community to recognize an exceptional physician member. Please complete the Tilton Awards Nomination Form indicating why your nominee should be chosen to receive this prestigious award. Submission deadline is July 1st. Email the completed form to Lisa Gruss. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Gruss, External Affairs and Development Officer at Lisa.Gruss@medsocdel.org or (302) 893-3907.

If you would like more information about sponsoring this event, please contact Lisa Gruss.

Physician Emeritus Section Holds Another Lunch & Learn

"James Parkinson RE Publishing in the 1870s"

MSD's Physician Emeritus Section members enjoyed a beautiful spring afternoon at the University and Whist Club in Wilmington on Tuesday this week, catching up with their friends and colleagues and enjoying a served lunch and educational presentation by MSD member, Brian W. Little, MD, PhD. Dr. Little provided an intriguing and historically significant account of Dr. James Parkinson, an English surgeon, apothecary, geologist, paleontologist, and political activist, who is credited with documenting the condition of "shaking palsy" that is now referred to as Parkinson's disease. Dr. Little is presently an independent consultant in Wilmington, Delaware. He retired from ChristianaCare Health System in May 2011, after twelve years as Vice President for Academic Affairs & Research, and Chief Academic Officer.

The next Physician Emeritus Section luncheon will be held on Tuesday, October 8th at the University and Whist Club in Wilmington. Ali Z. Hameli, MD will present "My Lifetime Observation and Long-Time Forensic Investigation."

If you are interested in sharing your experiences or knowledge of a subject with the Physician Emeritus Section, please contact Michelle Seymour. You don't need to be a Physician Emeritus Section member to take part in telling your story. MSD is currently scheduling presentations for the 2025 lecture series, which will take place in all three counties in the state.

Ali Z. Hameli, MD, Chair of the Physician Emeritus Section, provides welcome remarks.

Anna Marie D'Amico, MD, Physician Emeritus Section Representative on the Executive Board, provides an MSD update.

Brian W. Little, MD gives his presentation on James Parkinson.

Severe Illness Associated with Consumption of Diamond Shruumz Brand Items

CDC Issues Health Advisory

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a health advisory indicating the CDC, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), America’s Poison Centers, and state and local partners are investigating reports of severe acute illnesses potentially associated with consuming Diamond Shruumz brand chocolate bars, cones, and gummies marketed as containing a proprietary blend of mushroom. As of June 11, 2024, 12 total illnesses and 10 hospitalizations have been reported in eight U.S. states with ongoing efforts to identify other potential cases. The cause of the reported illnesses is not known at this time. Individuals should not eat, sell, or serve any flavors of Diamond Shruumz brand chocolate bars, cones, or gummies, and should discard products that have been purchased. CDC and FDA are working to determine whether other products from this company are associated with adverse health effects. Among other things to consider, clinicians should obtain early consultation with a medical toxicologist with expertise in managing patients with acute unknown ingestions. Contact your local poison center (800/222-1222) for advice on medical management of these patients.

Disrupted Access to Prescription Stimulant Meds Could Increase Risk of Injury and Overdose

CDC Issues Health Advisory

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory to inform public health officials, clinicians, and affected patients, their families, and caregivers about potential disrupted access to care among individuals taking prescription stimulant medications and possible increased risks for injury and overdose. On June 13, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice announced a federal health care fraud indictment against a large subscription-based telehealth company that provides attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) treatment to patients ages 18 years and older across the United States. Patients who rely on prescription stimulant medications to treat their ADHD and have been using this or other similar subscription-based telehealth platforms could experience a disruption to their treatment and disrupted access to care. A disruption involving this large telehealth company could impact as many as 30,000 to 50,000 patients ages 18 years and older across all 50 U.S. states. This potential disruption coincides with an ongoing prescription drug shortage involving several stimulant medications commonly prescribed to treat ADHD, including immediate-release formulation of amphetamine mixed salts (brand name Adderall®). 

Patients whose care or access to prescription stimulant medications is disrupted, and who seek medication outside of the regulated healthcare system, might significantly increase their risk of overdose due to the prevalence of counterfeit pills in the illegal drug market that could contain unexpected substances, including fentanyl. Given the national drug overdose crisis and threats associated with the illegal drug market, individuals struggling to access prescription stimulant medications are urged to avoid using medication obtained from anyone other than a licensed clinician and licensed pharmacy. Untreated ADHD is associated with adverse outcomes, including social and emotional impairment, increased risk of drug or alcohol use disorder, unintentional injuries, such as motor vehicle crashes, and suicide. Health officials and healthcare providers may need to assist affected patients seeking treatment for ADHD and should communicate overdose risks associated with the current illegal drug market as well as provide overdose prevention education and mental health support. 

Supreme Court Upholds Abortion Pill Access

Unanimously Rejects Challenge to Mailed Abortion Pills

A group of antiabortion doctors challenged the FDA’s approval of the use of mifepristone, used in more than 60 percent of U.S. abortions. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that the anti-abortion doctors lacked the standing to challenge the FDA’s regulation of the abortion pill. The decision in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine reverses an appeals court order to require in-person prescribing of mifepristone, which had been available though telehealth and mail orders since 2021. 

CMS Releases National Health Expenditure Projections

Average Annual Growth in Health Spending Over Next Decade Projected to be 5.6%

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Office of the Actuary has released projections of National Health Expenditures (NHE) and health insurance enrollment for the years 2023-2032. The Office of the Actuary projects that over 2023-2032, average annual growth in NHE (5.6%) will outpace average annual growth in gross domestic product (GDP) (4.3%), resulting in an increase in the health spending share of GDP from 17.3% in 2022 to 19.7% in 2032. The NHE estimates discussed in the report contain expected effects from the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), including anticipated effects associated with the law’s provisions regarding the redesign of Medicare’s Part D drug benefit, negotiations on certain high-cost drugs under Medicare Parts B and D, and expected enrollment and spending trends related to its temporary extension of enhanced subsidies for Marketplace plans. NHE growth is projected to average 5.6% over 2023-32. This is lower than in 2023 when NHE growth was projected to have been 7.5%, faster than GDP growth of 6.1%, reflecting broad increases in the use of care associated with an insured share of the population of 93.1% (an unprecedented high). The high enrollment share in 2023 was related to record-high Medicaid enrollment and gains in direct-purchase insurance enrollment. Health care price growth remained modest during 2023 at 2.5% (as measured by the Personal Health Care Price Deflator). However, it was faster than the period immediately prior to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). Read more.

End of Life Options Bill Voted Out of Committee, Moves to Senate for Vote

Final Step for HB 140 Vote; Expected to Pass the Senate

Testimony was heard in the Senate Executive Committee on Wednesday this week, following which House Bill 140, the End of Life Options bill, was reported out of committee and now goes to the Senate for a floor vote. Public comment was very polarized, with a broad range of individuals and organizations providing comment on both sides of the issue. The House of Representatives passed the bill in April. Should the Senate pass the bill, it would go to the Governor for action. MSD's position on the topic is "engaged neutrality."

Governor Carney Signs House Bill 350

Legislation Creates Diamond State Hospital Review Board

Governor John Carney today signed House Substitute 2 for House Bill 350, creating the Diamond State Hospital Review Board. The review board is a group of seven health care quality experts – appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate plus the head of the Delaware Healthcare Association – tasked with ensuring that Delaware’s largest hospitals align their pricing within annual benchmarks set by the state. A hospital that exceeds the benchmark will be required to submit a performance improvement plan that details specific strategies, adjustments and next steps proposed by the hospital to rein in costs, along with a timetable for implementation, allowing hospitals to adjust their own costs without additional state intervention.

Improving Seniors Timely Access to Care Act of 2024

Call to Action: Contact Federal Representative and Senators

Prior authorization is not only an administrative nightmare; it's a barrier to providing timely, patient-centered care. Contact your Representative and Senators today and ask them to support the "Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2024" (S. 4518/H.R. 8702)! Last Congress lawmakers introduced bipartisan legislation, specifically the "Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2021. Thanks to a sustained grassroots lobbying campaign, this legislation garnered massive bipartisan support, including 378 total cosponsors in the House and Senate. The bill even passed the full House of Representatives before getting bogged down in the Senate due to a substantial score from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that predicted the policy changes within the legislation would increase the federal deficit. The good news is that recently, the bill was reintroduced as the "Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2024" (S. 4518/H.R. 8702). The current legislation has been moderately amended to ensure it would not increase the federal deficit. Read more on what specifically the legislation would do. The time to act is NOW - contact your Representative and Senators and ask them to cosponsor the Improving Seniors' Timely Access to Care Act of 2024 today!

AI Model for Pathology Slides

Newly Designed Model Produces Pathology Report Draft

STAT Health Tech (6/13) reports, in a new Nature paper, researchers describe a new AI model that can ingest pathology images, converse with a clinician about a slide, take in additional information about the case, or produce a pathology report draft. Called PathChat, the model was designed by researchers at Mass General Brigham and other institutes. In benchmark tests, PathChat outperformed existing AI models on several tasks related to describing and interpreting images. In the future, researcher Faisal Mahmood suggested a Food and Drug Administration regulated version could help triage cases and suggest to human pathologists where they ought to focus their attention. Read more on PathChat's development and abilities here.

An Alternative to BMI to Measure Obesity

New Study Points to Body Roundness Index As a More Precise Estimate

Obesity, especially visceral obesity, is an established risk factor associated with all-cause mortality. Body mass index (BMI) measuring doesn't account for how much of a person's weight is fat and where fat is distributed in the body. It also doesn't account for muscle, bone, water, and organs. The inadequacy of conventional anthropometric measures in assessing fat distribution necessitates a more comprehensive indicator to decipher its population-based characteristics and potential association with mortality risk. In a study published last week in JAMA Network Open, researchers showed that a different measurement, called the body roundness index (BRI), is a more precise way to estimate obesity. According to the researchers, the findings from a national cohort study provide evidence for proposing BRI as a noninvasive screening tool for mortality risk estimation, an innovative concept that could be incorporated into public health practice pending consistent validation in other independent cohorts.

New COVID Variant Showing Dominance in US

KP.3 Variant Surpassing JN.1 Variant

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses Nowcast data tracker to project the COVID variants over a two-week period. The tool is used to help estimate current prevalence of variants, but does not predict future spread of the virus. According to CDC data for the two week period May 26 to June 8, the new KP.3 COVID variant accounts for 25% of COVID cases in the US and is now the dominant variant, surpassing the previous dominant variant, JN.1, which was the global front runner last winter. KP.2 follows KP.3 and makes up 22.5% of cases.

Ferret Studies Using H5N1 Bird Flu Virus

CDC Completes Initial Study of Effects of A(H5N1) From Human Case in Texas

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spotlight summarizes the findings of a study of the effects of A/Texas/37/2024 H5N1 virus on ferrets, often used as a model for humans. The virus was lethal in ferrets and spread efficiently between ferrets in direct contact but did not spread efficiently via respiratory droplets. These findings suggest this virus could cause serious illness in people but would need to undergo genetic changes to spread more easily via respiratory droplets, like seasonal flu does. The findings are not surprising and do not change CDC‘s risk assessment for most people, which remains low.

CDC’s bird flu communication resources now include info in English, Spanish and K’iche’ aimed at farmworkers and others with exposure to infected or potentially infected cows. The materials include social media posts and print ready posters illustrating what is known about how the virus spreads, how to put on and safely remove personal protective equipment, and more. Read more.

Combination Vaccine Against Influenza and COVID-19

Moderna Announces Positive Phase 3 Data

Moderna, Inc. on Monday announced that its Phase 3 trial of mRNA-1083, an investigational combination vaccine against influenza and COVID-19, has met its primary endpoints, eliciting a higher immune response than the licensed comparator vaccines used in the trial. "Combination vaccines have the potential to reduce the burden of respiratory viruses on health systems and pharmacies, as well as offer people more convenient vaccination options that could improve compliance and provide stronger protection from seasonal illnesses," said Stéphane Bancel, Chief Executive Officer of Moderna. "Moderna is the only company with a positive Phase 3 flu and COVID combination vaccine. Building on the momentum of positive Phase 3 data across our respiratory portfolio, we continue to address significant unmet medical needs and advance public health." mRNA-1083 comprises components of mRNA-1010, Moderna's vaccine candidate for seasonal influenza, and mRNA-1283, Moderna's next-generation COVID-19 vaccine candidate. Each investigational vaccine has independently demonstrated positive Phase 3 clinical trial results. The immune responses from a single dose of mRNA-1083 were found to be non-inferior versus the co-administered, routinely recommended, licensed comparators. In two age cohorts (one consisting of adults 65 years and older and the other cohort of adults 50 to 64 years of age), mRNA-1083 also elicited statistically significantly higher immune responses against three influenza virus strains (H1N1, H3N2, and B/Victoria) and against SARS-CoV-2.

FDA Advisors Recommend Donanemab

Benefits of the Experimental Drug for Alzheimer's Disease Outweigh the Risks

In a unanimous vote on Monday this week, a committee of independent advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicated the modest benefits of the treatment donanemab, made by Eli Lilly, outweighed the risks. Clinical trials showed the drug modestly slowed cognitive decline in patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. There were significant safety risks associated, such as swelling and bleeding in the brain, however, the consequences of Alzheimer's disease are so dire that even a modest benefit can be worthwhile. The FDA usually follows the advice of the advisory committee and will make a final decision on approval later this year. Leqembi (lecanemab), a similar drug from Japanese drugmaker Eisai, has already been approved.

Briefing on Reproductive Health Care Privacy

OCR & ONC Joint Briefing Taking Place on June 20th

On April 22, 2024, OCR issued a Final Rule, entitled HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy. The Final Rule strengthens the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule by prohibiting the disclosure of protected health information related to lawful reproductive health care in certain circumstances. HHS issued this Final Rule after hearing from communities that changes were needed to better protect patient confidentiality and prevent medical records from being used against people for providing or obtaining lawful reproductive health care.

On Thursday June 20, 2024, at 2:00 pm EST, HHS Office for Civil Rights’ policy team will join the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology to deliver a briefing on the HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy. Following welcomes from Micky Tripathi, the team will provide an overview of the Rule and a Q&A session. Register in advance for this webinar here: https://capconcorp.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QI76yKQnT4Gki15Kf5p0og

To learn more about the Final Rule check out these resources:

Press Release

Fact Sheet (en Español)

Director’s message on YouTube (en Español)

Quality Insights Seeking Suppliers for DEMDF

Learn More About the Delaware Emergency Medical Diabetes Fund

Quality Insights is currently seeking those who are interested in learning more about becoming suppliers for the Delaware Emergency Medical Diabetes Fund (DEMDF). The DEMDF can be used by Delawareans who have diabetes and are without immediately accessible resources to meet their health needs. The individual must not have other insurance that provides for diabetes services, medications, and/or supplies. The goal is to increase the number of clinicians enrolled to expand the fund's usage in order to assist patients who are struggling to pay diabetes related bills. Health care professionals enrolled as suppliers with the state can then be compensated directly from the State of Delaware when providing supplies, medication, or services (refer to supplies, medications and services list) for a qualified patient. To provide more information and assistance in the application process to become a supplier with the Division of State Services Centers, Quality Insights is offering a virtual lunch & learn session. This session will educate physicians and practices on the DEMDF process and guidance through the application steps. A lunch food delivery of up to $100 will be provided. For questions or to schedule a lunch & learn session, contact Brittany McCauley at bmccauley@qualityinsights.org or Courtney Masterson at cmasterson@qualityinsights.org. Learn more about the DEMDF at https://dhss.delaware.gov/dph/dpc/diabetesfund.html.

Screening for Osteoporosis to Prevent Fractures

USPSTF Seeks Public Comment on Draft Recommendation Statement

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) seeks comments on a draft recommendation statement and draft evidence review on screening for osteoporosis to prevent fractures. The Task Force determined that screening for osteoporosis can help prevent fractures in women 65 years and older and in younger women who have gone through menopause and are at increased risk. The draft recommendation statement and draft evidence review are available for review and public comment from June 11, 2024 to July 8, 2024 here.

Welcome New MSD Members!

Hania Ahmer, MD - General Surgery Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)

Jacqueline N. King, MD - Emergency Med Residency, ChristianaCare (July 2024)

Stephanie A. Martinez, MD - Emerg Med Residency, ChristianaCare (July 2024)

Kevin D. McLane, DO - Internal Medicine Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)

Mona Moshet, MD - Emergency Medicine Residency, ChristianaCare (July 2024)

Jason M. Orciuolo, DO - Internal Medicine Residency, Bayhealth (July 2024)

William J.M. Rinaldi, DO - Emergency Med Residency, ChristianaCare (July 2024)

Please join MSD in welcoming the newest member(s) of the Medical Society of Delaware. As the third oldest medical society in the country, MSD has an amazing history. Thank you for taking part in our continued success!

Pending Members

Madihah Alam, MD - Internal Medicine Residency, Bayhealth

S. Charles Bean, MD - Ped Neurology, Nemours, Mentoring Fellows Part-Time

Michael S. Katz, MD - Pediatric Anesthesiology, Retired, Candidate for US Senate

MSD members are afforded a seven-day review period from the date of this publication to comment regarding applicants for membership. Please contact Michelle Seymour at (302) 224-4905 or Michelle.Seymour@medsocdel.org with any comments on the current pending member(s) listed above or if you know of someone interested in joining MSD. You could be eligible for a membership referral discount on your dues!

DPH's 2nd Annual Advancing Healthy Lifestyle Conference

Olympic Athlete Jackie Joyner-Kersee Keynote Speaker

The Delaware Division of Public Health’s (DPH) Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention (PANO) Program hosted its second annual Advancing Healthy Lifestyles Conference today. At Delaware State University's (DSU) Martin Luther King Jr. Conference Center, approximately 300 participants came together to learn, discuss, network, and share best practices and strategies to improve health equity statewide. With a shared mission of improving Delawareans' health, well-being, and quality of life, participants explored a wide range of topics relating to the conference theme, Engaging Communities to Live Healthy Lifestyles. Throughout the day, participants were inspired by remarks from local dignitaries and healthy lifestyle advocates, including Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long, DPH Director Steven Blessing, DSU President Tony Allen, PhD, and keynote presenter and six-time Olympic champion Jackie Joyner-Kersee. In addition to plenary sessions, participants engaged in concurrent breakout sessions offering discussions on various topics. The Advancing Healthy Lifestyles Conference was originally created to build on Governor John Carney’s policy objectives for launching a statewide effort to reduce the impact of obesity and chronic disease, and to evaluate and implement the recommendations of the Delaware Cancer Consortium. 

MSD My Green Doctor Office Challenge

You May Win a Cash Prize!

The Medical Society of Delaware has launched the 2024 MSD Green Office Challenge to encourage members to try the My Green Doctor environmental sustainability practice management program. MSD will give a $200 cash prize to each of the first 5 member practices that qualify for the Green Office Recognition Certificate in 2024. All practices that earn the Certificate will receive a special plaque and recognition by MSD for participating. My Green Doctor is a free money-saving membership benefit from the Medical Society of Delaware. Members use My Green Doctor’s “Meeting-by-Meeting Guide” in their office practices to learn how to adopt environmental sustainability, save resources, mitigate climate change, and help create healthier communities. The program adds just five minutes to each regular office staff meeting or weekly office “huddle,” making small changes at each meeting that really add up. Everyone in your practice can register as Partner Society members at www.MyGreenDoctor.org. Use the discount code MGDMSD to get full free access to My Green Doctor, save $60 instantly, and save $1,000s in the first year. Register today and watch the “Three Minute Video” that explains how easy it is to add My Green Doctor to your next agenda, to qualify for the Green Office Recognition Certificate, and to win $200. You can do this! Questions? Contact Michelle Seymour and she will direct you to Dr. Todd Sack, Executive Director, My Green Doctor Foundation. Thank you to the Delaware Medical Education Foundation (DMEF) for awarding a grant for this program!

MSD Year Round Charity - Consider a Donation

Kind to Kids Charity Foundation: A Future for Every Child, All Year Round

As a year-round charity fundraising effort, MSD continues to support the Kind to Kids Foundation to make an impact in the lives of children and teens in foster care. You can donate items throughout the year from the "My Blue Duffel" Amazon Wish List. Your donation will provide direct support for a child in foster care. "My Blue Duffels" are emergency care kits given to children entering the foster care system. From the wish list, donors purchase items that are then sent to Kind to Kids to distribute. The children are victims of child abuse and neglect and are coping with trauma. Your gift will bring hope, love, and kindness to a vulnerable child. Kind to Kids Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit charity and your donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your support.

AMA Pearl of the Week

A Smooth Process for Maximizing Payment

Physicians generally don’t need to be experts in every facet of the practice’s revenue cycle, but it’s critical to understand and monitor the process. Develop smooth workflows for each step, from patient registration through collections. Certain preventable errors, such as failing to verify patient information or insurance benefits, can lead to your practice losing significant revenue.





AMA STEPS Forward® offers a collection of engaging and interactive educational content designed to help put the joy back into medicine. Access the archive of previous Pearl email topics.

Safety Information and Adverse Reporting Notices

Information on Recent Product Recalls and Safety Announcements

Diamond Shruumz-Brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies

The FDA and CDC, in collaboration with America’s Poison Centers and state and local partners, are investigating a series of illnesses associated with eating Diamond Shruumz-brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies. As of June 10, 2024, additional Diamond Shruumz-brand products have been reported by people who became ill, including the Diamond Shruumz-brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies. A total of 12 illnesses have been reported from eight states including AL (1), AZ (4), IN (2), KY (1), MO (1), NV (1), PA (1), and SC (1). All 12 people have reported seeking medical care; 10 have been hospitalized. No deaths have been reported. FDA is working to determine the cause of these illnesses and is considering the appropriate next steps. More information will be provided as it becomes available. People who became ill reported a variety of severe symptoms including seizures, central nervous system depression (loss of consciousness, confusion, sleepiness), agitation, abnormal heart rates, hyper/hypotension, nausea, and vomiting. Read the alert. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Health Advisory on this matter on June 12, 2024, and a summary is included above in this issue of the newsletter.

Suntegrity Impeccable Skin Sunscreen Foundation

Suntegrity Skincare is recalling nine lots of Suntegrity Impeccable Skin Sunscreen Foundation (Multiple Shades) based on its discovery of a higher than acceptable microbiological mold count (Species: Aspergillus sydowii) in some tubes of Lot 115BU that developed post-release and over time in a recent test. Out of an abundance of caution while investigating the situation, the company has decided to voluntarily recall these additional lots: 107IV, 107NU, 109NU, 117BU, 113SA, 114SA, 106BR, and 101MO even though all original and recent test results received have come back clear. A topical product that is found to be contaminated with Aspergillus sydowii could potentially cause an allergic skin reaction and related symptoms. It could also cause a primary fungal skin infection if used on open wounds or sunburned skin. If it is introduced into the eye, eye infections may occur. A primary skin infection due to Aspergillus species in an immunocompromised individual should be treated medically. To date, no adverse event reports had been received at the time of the recall.

Arrow FiberOptix/UltraFlex Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheter Kits

Teleflex, and their subsidiary Arrow International, are recalling the Arrow FiberOptix Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheter Kit and Arrow UltraFlex Intra-Aortic Balloon Catheter Kits after finding that a manufacturing error may cause the catheter’s balloon to become overtwisted. This issue may: prevent the balloon from fully inflating, cause blood to back up in the tubing, allow helium to leak, and lead to catheter damage or insertion difficulty during use. The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Please be aware, this recall is a correction, not a product removal. Use of these devices without correction may cause serious injuries, serious health consequences, or death.

MEGADYNE MEGA SOFT Pediatric Patient Return Electrodes

Megadyne is recalling MEGADYNE MEGA SOFT Pediatric Patient Return Electrodes after receiving reports of patient burn injuries in procedures where the MEGA SOFT Pediatric Patient Return Electrodes were used. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Please be aware, this recall involves removing devices from where they are used or sold. Use of these affected devices may cause serious injuries, serious health consequences, or death. 

Vaporizer Sevoflurane Maquet Filling

Getinge is recalling the Vaporizer Sevoflurane Maquet Filling after receiving reports of discoloration and/or corrosion within the vaporizer. This was reported after low water content sevoflurane manufactured by Piramal or Baxter was used in Vaporizer Sevoflurane Maquet Fill. Sevoflurane with low water content may partially degrade to hydrogen fluoride when used in this vaporizer. This toxic and hazardous acid may present a risk to both patients and health care professionals if it is inhaled or comes into contact with the skin or eyes. The FDA has identified this as a Class I recall, the most serious type of recall. Please be aware, this recall is a correction, not a product removal. Use of these affected devices without correction, may cause serious injuries, serious health consequences, or death.

Hospital News


Bayhealth recently appointed two new members to its Board of Directors. Scott R. Brown, CPA/PFS, has been involved in the financial services industry since 1985. He was the managing member of Wealth Management Group, LLC from 2001 until it joined with Savant in 2023. Prior to that, Brown spent many years as managing partner for R.F. Book & Associates, PA CPAs, which joined with Savant Tax and Consulting. He is a certified public accountant and holds the personal financial specialist credential issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Scott is also a member of Bayhealth’s Business and Investment Committee and is a member of the Delaware Board of Accountancy. MSD member Stephen G. Manifold, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon who has been practicing in the central Delaware region for the past 25 years. After completing medical school at Temple University and finishing his orthopedic surgery residency program at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, he completed a fellowship in knee reconstruction and sports medicine at the Insall Scott Kelly Institute in New York. Dr. Manifold specializes in knee and shoulder reconstruction and replacement in the practice of First State Orthopaedics, where he is a partner. Dr. Manifold serves on the medical staff of both the Bayhealth Kent Campus and Sussex Campus. He has served as the director of Orthopedic Surgery at Bayhealth since 2010 and has initiated the implementation of evidence-based protocols and standardization across the division to improve patient outcomes. During his tenure, the Bayhealth Division of Orthopedics achieved Joint Commission Accreditation in total hip and knee replacement, as well as Premier certification by the International Geriatric Fracture Society for management of hip fractures. 


ChristianaCare has received a $1 million gift from The Rocco A. and Mary Abessinio Foundation Inc. in support of ChristianaCare’s Wilmington Campus. The funds will support areas of greatest need, including the expansion of patient care initiatives aimed at reducing disparities in screening and treatment for cancer and cardiovascular disease in the city of Wilmington.

MSD "Hot Topic CME"

Maternal Substance Use Disorder: Challenges in Care and Access

MSD in conjunction with the Delaware Division of Public Health presents the "Hot Topic CME" event, Maternal Substance Use Disorder: Challenges in Care and Access. This virtual event will take place on Thursday, July 18th beginning at 6 p.m. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Click to register. Download clickable flyer.

Highlight on Events

Climate & Health Equity Webinar Series by the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health. Healthy and nutritious food has a pivotal impact on health; therefore, understanding the connection between soil, plant, and human health and exploring ways to improve food quality and equitable access is crucial in discussions about climate and health equity. Join virtually on Friday, June 14th from 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. for Harvesting Justice: Bridging the Gap Between Soil, Plant, Human Health & Environmental Sustainability. This activity has been approved for 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Register.

"Don't Play With Your Health." Neighbor Good Partners in conjunction with Our Vision For Vitality and the Delaware Division of Public Health are holding their annual Men's Health Fair on Saturday, June 15th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Solid Rock Community Center, 109 N. West St. in Dover. The event provides education and awareness to men of all ages to prevent illness and early death by providing preventive services and resources. To volunteer or provide support, visit https://www.neighborgoodpartners.org/menshealthfair.

Join members of the Wilmington City Council and the Dr. Richard Allen Williams Legacy Committee to celebrate and recognize the achievements of Richard Allen Williams, MD, Wilmington native, first African American from Delaware to attend and graduate from Harvard University, Founder of the National Association of Black Cardiologists, and former President of the National Medical Association. A ceremonial Street Renaming event will take place on Thursday, June 20th beginning at 11 a.m. For information contact: tonya@thekamdigroup.com (770/380-0053).

Reserve your seat for the latest webinar. Precision Education in Medical Education: On-the-Ground Initiatives and Learnings will be held from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET on Monday, June 24. As part of the AMA's ChangeMedEd® initiative’s new strategic focus on precision education, the American Medical Association supported a supplement in the April 2024 issue of Academic Medicine entitled, “The Next Era of Assessment: Advancing Precision Education for Learners to Ensure High-Quality, Equitable Care for Patients.” In the supplement, authors compel readers to consider a next era of assessment that places the focus of assessment to ensure high-quality, equitable care for patients. The system of precision education in assessment is an approach that meets learners where they are in their development and helps them take the specific next steps needed to continue their development. This webinar features authors, Brian T. Garibaldi, MD MEHP and Eric Warm, MD from the ChangeMedEd® supplement in Academic Medicine who are taking novel approaches to apply precision education and use data and technology for effective assessment of learners at their own institutions. Register now.

The Regional One Health Consortium’s biannual meeting, hosted by the First State, Partnership for One Health Delaware and sponsored by Delaware Public Health Office of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness Section will take place on Monday, June 24 from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. You are cordially invited to attend what may be a breakthrough in the One Health paradigm as we discuss CLIMATE and its impact on HEALTH. There are no fees to attend. The conference is a hybrid event being held at the STAR Campus with space on site for around 100 attendees. To register for this event please click the link below, click the register button, and then select the ticket that represents your intended participation method (on-site vs. virtual): https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/u3n7577/lp/78567505-77b0-4572-9ddd-edc360e5a5c7. For any questions or issues with the registration please contact Michael Owens, MPH, Delta Development Group, Inc., Email: mowens@deltaone.com.

2024 AMPAC Campaign School: July 25-28, 2024. Recognized as one of the top programs in the country, this comprehensive program will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful campaign. Space is limited and registration closes July 1 (or sooner if maximum capacity is reached). Save your spot now.

The Disparities Solutions Center at Massachusetts General Hospital announces its Disparities Leadership Program (DLP) is now taking applications for the 2024-2025 class. Letters of intent are due Friday, July 12, 2024, and applications are due Friday, August 2, 2024. The DLP is a year-long executive education program designed for leaders from health care organizations who want to implement practical strategies to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health care, particularly through quality improvement. To date, over 569 participants from 236 organizations representing 35 states, Washington D.C., the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Canada, and Switzerland have participated in the program. To read more about the program, visit:

https://www.mghdisparitiessolutions.org/disparities-leadership-program. Limited scholarships are available for public hospitals, Medicaid-managed health plans, and community health centers. 

MSD in conjunction with the Delaware Division of Public Health presents the "Hot Topic CME" event, Maternal Substance Use Disorder: Challenges in Care and Access. This virtual event will take place on Thursday, July 18th beginning at 6 p.m. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Click to register. Download clickable flyer.

The MSD Young Physician Section Social scheduled for June 6th at the Riverfront's Constitution Yards in Wilmington was postponed due to weather and is now rescheduled for Thursday, August 1st from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. There will be complementary food and drink. Please register to attend.

MSD Night at the Wilmington Blue Rocks! As a member of MSD, you are invited to attend the game on Friday, August 9 when the Wilmington Blue Rocks take on the Jersey Shore BlueClaws. Game time is 6:35 p.m. at Frawley Stadium in Wilmington. Following the game, a fireworks show will be presented. By registering for this event, you are reserving an entrance ticket for yourself and one $10 gift card that can be used at any concession stand at the stadium. Tickets for this event are offered at no charge to MSD members. Additional tickets may be purchased for $16 each, which can be purchased using the "Self-Pay Tickets" registration option. MSD members registering must be current with their 2024 membership renewal. Please contact MSD to renew your membership if needed. Click to register.


Election season is fast upon us! Want to learn more about the candidates and their positions on health care? MSD members are invited to attend two Candidates' Night events in 2024. For questions, contact Lisa.Gruss@medsocdel.org.

  • For the first time: Primary Election Candidates' Night - August 13, 2024 at the Smyrna Opera House
  • General Election Candidates' Night - October 7, 2024 at the Smyrna Opera House

SAVE THE DATE! For the third year in a row, MSD is joining DNREC's Coastal Clean Up at Herring Point, Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes, taking place on Saturday, September 14th beginning at 10 a.m. (rain date September 21st). In 2023, our efforts netted over 75 pounds of trash collected from the beach. Join us this year to beat the 2024 goal. Watch the clip from the September 16, 2023, Coastal Clean Up event.

Join MSD for the 7th Annual Superhero for Hope Run/Walk 5K on Saturday, October 5th at Rockford Park, 19th St & Tower Rd, Wilmington. Check-in starts at 8:00 a.m., with the race beginning at 9 a.m. Register early! Registration fee until September 2nd is $25. Pricing goes up starting September 3rd. Racers will receive a t-shirt and refreshments and music will be provided. Top awards will be given. Register at: https://raceroster.com/events/2024/87034/superhero-for-hope-7th-annual-runwalk-5k

Upcoming AMA Webinars:

  • Reducing Barriers to Physician PTO - June 18, 1 p.m. Register.
  • How Integrated Behavioral Health Can Strengthen Value-Based Care - June 20, 11 a.m. Register.
  • Digital Empathy: Navigating Asynchronous Communication - July 9, 11 a.m. Register.

Physician Employment Contract Negotiation Self-Paced, Online Program. Equip yourself with the vital business skills needed to negotiate fair and sustainable physician contracts. Enroll now to level the playing field and secure favorable outcomes for your professional partnership. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credit. Discounted registration fee for MSD members and residents/fellows. For more information and to register, visit https://reg.planetreg.com/PhysicianContractNegotiation. Download the flyer.

On December 29, 2022, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 enacted a new one-time requirement which went into effect on June 27, 2023, for any Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-registered practitioner to complete eight hours of training “on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders.” You can satisfy this training requirement to meet the conditions of the MATE Act through courses offered online by the American Medical Association. If you have not met this specific eight-hour training requirement yet, the deadline to do so is the date of a practitioner’s next scheduled DEA registration submission.

Other Upcoming Events

July 18 - MSD Hot Topic CME - Maternal Substance Use Disorder: Challenges in Care and Access, 6:00-7:00 p.m., virtual. This activity has been approved for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 credit.

October 29 - SAVE THE DATE! 28th Annual Delaware Healthcare Forum, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Bally's Dover Casino Resort, Rollins Center, Dover.

September 19 - SAVE THE DATE! DAFP Geriatric Medicine Symposium, ChristianaCare, Newark.

October 19 - DAFP Research & Education Foundation Healthcare Heroes 5k, Cape Henlopen State Park.

November 23 - SAVE THE DATE! MSD Annual Meeting and Presidential Reception, Christiana Hilton and White Clay Creek Country Club, Newark.

February 28-March 4, 2025 - SAVE THE DATE! Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health 2025 Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA (In-person congressional visits will be held in Washington, DC).

"Rerum Cognoscere"

The Latin phrase Rerum Cognoscere translates to learn, examine, or become aware of facts or things. In this section, we highlight measurable items of interest in health care from MSD, Delaware, the US, and the world.


Percent increase in obesity among Delaware adults from 2021 to 2022.

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System


Percent of Delaware adults who were obese or overweight in 2022.

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System


Percent of Delawareans considered food insecure and unable to provide adequate food for one or more household members due to lack of resources.

America's Health Rankings 2023 Ann. Report

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The information contained herein is solely informational, planned in accordance for a diverse membership audience. This communication reflects news and announcements that have been made available to MSD and is not intended to exclude other pertinent material. The content published is proposed to represent facts of interest and provide awareness to the members. MSD reserves the right to determine what information is relevant to its membership.

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