Second Leg of the

152nd General Assembly

April 3, 2024

Update on HB 350

"Diamond State Hospital Cost Review Board"

The Medical Society of Delaware continues to monitor HB 350, which creates the “Diamond State Hospital Cost Review Board." Speaker Longhurst introduced a Substitute for HB 350, which provides additional detail regarding the operation of the Board, budget modifications, and provides an appeal right to the Superior Court. It changes the application of the definition of hospital to exclude psychiatric facilities. Because hospitals may have different fiscal years, the deadline for the Board to issue a final decision on a budget is changed to 90 days before the start of a hospital’s fiscal year rather than a fixed date.  Additional details on the original bill can be found on MSD’s March Legislative e-Update on the topic 

The bill was voted out of the House Administration Committee on March 27, 2024. It is currently assigned to the House Appropriations Committee. Legislative Session is on break until April 16, 2024.

MSD would like to better understand the impacts on our employed member physicians, those affiliated with hospitals, as well as community physicians. The MSD Government Affairs Committee will be meeting on Monday, April 8th to discuss SS1 for HB 350, along with other advocacy issues impacting health care in Delaware.

A full Legislative e-Update summarizing advocacy activities in March was released last week

Please refer to the bill chart for bills of interest. 

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