MSA Offers Noise Level Testing

When was the last time you had your facility tested to measure sound and noise levels?

This free service offered by MSA is essential as it identifies areas/equipment that emit high noise levels and provides you with the opportunity to reduce, relocate and remove these noise levels at the source.

MSA also offers personal noise dosimeter testing. This involves your staff having them wear a small noise dosimeter in their pocket to measure their daily noise level exposure.

With our free noise level and dosimeter testing services, you will be able to determine if your worker’s noise exposures require audiometric testing. 

WorkSafe Sask has an informative publication on audiometric testing, Click Here To Download!

MSA also offers a hearing conservation program sample that can be made to meet your needs. Why is all of this important? Identifying noise hazards early and protecting your hearing will aid in preventing permanent hearing loss.

For more information on getting your facility noise levels tested, noise dosimeter measurement or hearing conservation program click here:

MSA Services

We Are Hiring

MSA is looking to add another Safety Consultant for our Saskatoon location.

The key functions of a Safety Consultant are to promote, educate, advise, and assist the Motor Safety Association’s member employers and employees on injury prevention techniques, Safety Management Systems, and return-to-work strategies.

For more information click here: Safety Consultant Saskatoon

Summer Training Dates

Register now and receive free essential industry safety training this summer! This provincially recognized training prepares Occupational Health Committee members, Supervisors and Managers for their required safety roles in the workplace. 

Upcoming live virtual training:

August 1 OHC Level 1

August 22 OHC Level 2

For more course dates: Live Virtual Training

Upcoming Classroom Workshops:

September 12 OHC Level 1 - Saskatoon

September 19 OHC Level 1 - Regina

Classroom options: MSA Classroom Training Calendar

MSA also offers in-house training at members site: In-House Training Request

MSA Member Discounts

As an MSA member, you are eligible for a 10% discount on wall-mounted first aid cabinets and special pricing on Phillips OnSite AEDs, including free delivery, installation, and setup anywhere in Saskatchewan.

Click here to learn more:

Zee Medical


MSA directs all discount savings to its members. We do not receive any income from these discounts, ensuring you get the full benefit.

Discover additional MSA member discounts and exclusive offers here.

MSA Online Clothing Store

MSA members can now order MSA branded clothing and high visibility safety garments here: MSA Online Clothing

Upcoming Travel and Collaboration Opportunities

MSA Safety Consultants will be in the Battleford and Estevan areas soon. If your business is interested in having a MSA Consultant come out at no additional charge to provide consulting onsite safety services, contact us at: or at 306-721-0688.


If you have any further safety information that you feel should be communicated to our industry and membership, please email:

Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to complete a short survey to help us improve our services.

Member Survey Link

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.



Ryan J. Bast, CRSP

Executive Director

Visit our Website

673 Henderson Drive

Regina, SK
