Weekly Announcements
Elementary Office (541) 822-3315, elemoffice@mckenziesd.org
Middle/High Office (541) 822-3313, hsoffice@mckenziesd.org
>>>>>>>>>>>> Go Eagles! <<<<<<<<<<<<
Used Electronics Drive
Do you have any old electronics at home that could be recycled? Our ASB is partnering with Mr. Day to host a used electronics drive.
Bring them into us! 

  • Elementary classes will have a drop spot in the office.
  • Middle and High school classes will compete to bring in the most items!
  •  We are competing with other schools in the county for a chance to get a grant from Lane County Waste Management!
  • The drive will last until March. Keep an eye out for a specific deadline.
Free Transit Pass for Students Grades K-12
Please contact the HS office after you have downloaded the app if this is something you would like to set up. Phone: (541) 822-3313 or email lorinda.marcy@mckenziesd.org

Click here for more information
Helping kids and families get free, high-speed internet.

Millions of families can now get free, high-speed internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program by signing up at GetInternet.gov.
>>>>>>>>> Upcoming Events <<<<<<<<<
March 6th- 9th
Monday, 3/6 -
  • Garden Club @ 4:00 pm
  • Chess Club @ 4:00 pm
  • Homework Club @ 4:00 pm

Tuesday, 3/7 -
  • Smokey the Bear Visits the Elementary @ 9:30 am
  • Robotics @ 4:00 pm
  • Chess Club @ 4:00 pm
  • Homework Club @ 4:00 pm

Wednesday, 3/8 -
  • Robotics @ 4:00 pm
  • Homework Club @ 4:00 pm
  • Winter Sports Awards @ 6:00 in the New Gym
  • 5th-12th grade athletes

Thursday, 3/9 - Early Release
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sports Schedules <<<<<<<<<<<<<
Links below for season schedules
vs. = home game and @ = away game

>>>>>>>>>>>> After School Activities <<<<<<<<<<<
Students Must be Supervised!
Any student staying after school must have a supervisor from the time school gets out until their parents arrive or they leave campus. If this is not in place before school gets out, the student must go home and return later.
Please call the offices by 3:00 Monday - Wednesday and 2:00 on Thursdays with any transportation changes.
Homework Club
7th-12th Grade
After School
Chess Club

4th-12th Grade
Mondays & Tuesdays
After School
5th -12th Grade
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
After School
Garden Club
7th - 12th Grade
Every two weeks on Monday
Sign up in the office or ask Mr. Day for details.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cafeteria Information <<<<<<<<<<<<<
Click below to see our special breakfast menu for National School Breakfast Week!
Click below to see what's on the menu!
Students Eat for Free!
MRCS is on a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This allows all of our students from Pre-K through 12th grade to eat Breakfast and Lunch for free!
Follow this link to learn more.
>>>>> C.A.T.C.H Tip of the Month <<<<<
Keep Trying New Foods

Research shows that most babies and young children need to try something new seven to ten times before they like it. So don’t be afraid to introduce children to new or more exotic tastes.
A good tactic to get kids to eat a wide variety of foods is to tell them that tasting new things is a sign they’re growing up. Or, take them shopping and let them choose a new, healthy food to serve at home with something they already like.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lost & Found <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Click below to check it out
>>>>>>>> More Important Information <<<<<<<<
2022-23 School Calendar
>>>>>>>> Help us help our school! <<<<<<<<<
Click on the picture above or grab a volunteer packet from either office to get started!
Your participation will make a difference for our school and teachers! Click here to check it out.
>>>>>>>> Employment Opportunities <<<<<<<<
Apply Below
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McKenzie School District text notifications!