MPTs: Articles
from the Field

Issue #55 - 15 November 2018

Dear Colleagues,

The field of multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs) is steadily evolving and expanding. Below are links to recent publications, media articles, and other resources relevant to MPTs in order to keep you informed. Note that contents are neither endorsed by nor necessarily represent the views of the IMPT, and that due to publication copyright and permissions restrictions, full-text versions of resources may not be publicly available.
Visit our archives and resource center to access previous issues and other MPT-related materials Please send to  Kathreen Daria any resources you'd like included in our next issue.  

IMPT Secretariat Staff
Journal Articles
Media Articles
A buffet of choices for HIV prevention . Nassaka, F. (2018, 24 October). The Independent .   

Beyond Truvada - what is the future of PrEP? Pebody, R. (2018, 31 October). NAM Aidsmap.  

First trial of dapivirine ring with both ARV and contraceptive finds no safety concerns . Microbicide  Trials Network (2018, 24 October). Medical Express.
New vaginal ring holds promise to reduce HIV risk . Shukla, S. (2018, 7 November). Asia Sentinel.
New vaginal ring to prevent HIV, pregnancy safe in study . HealthDay News. (2018, 26 October). UPI.
Vaginal rings, films, inserts or gels - it's all about choice . Pebody, R. (2018, 26 October). NAM Aidsmap .  

We want the ring... Shukla, S. (2018, 27 October). Citizen News Service.
In the Blogosphere

Monoclonal antibodies as future MPT products . (2018, 17 October). Initiative for MPTs.
Young people are leading the charge of the HIV prevention movement . (2018, 16 October). Initiative for MPTs.
Yaso Therapeutics Yaso-GEL promises to prevent pregnancy and STIs and fill an unmet need in the market . Weitzel, M. & North, B. (2018, 5 November). Initiative for MPTs.
Our "From the Pipeline" product developer blog series is continuing to expand. Contact us if you are interested in guest blogging this 2019 or have content suggestions for this series, or the blog more generally.

Women Leaders in Global Health Conference . (2018). Women Leaders in Global Health.
Press Releases
CIFF announces over $15 million in funding for contraception access and innovation . (2018, 14 November). Children's Investment Fund Foundation.
Career Opportunities
Female Health Company is seeking a Business Development Manager - North America to be the main liaison for all female condom stakeholders in respective states and countries like Ministries and Departments of Health, and large international donors. The individual in this role will research and develop new client relationships and markets, plan and implement female condom supply chains and programs, as well as promote products and services to customers. View the link for more details.
FHI 360 is accepting applications for several openings including, a Senior Technical Advisor for the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH&N) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program to be based in Lusaka.  View the links for more information.

Women Deliver 2019 to be held in Vancouver, Canada (3-6 June) has extended the submission deadline for digital poster abstracts until 30 November. Content must include innovative work in gender equality, as well as the health, rights, and wellbeing of women and girls. Submit today !
YTH Live 2019 will be held in 5-6 May in San Francisco, CA to feature the latest trends in health, innovation, and technology. Register today to save !
Contact us if you and/or your colleagues are attending any upcoming meetings where MPTs will be featured. We would be happy to provide you with materials to help enhance your presentations. We would also love to include in our Resource Center any materials from recent events that were related to MPTs and the MPT field.
Visit and , or click below
for more resources on MPTs.

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IMPT Secretariat

1825 Bell Street, Suite 102 
Sacramento, CA 95825