MPTs: Articles
from the Field

Issue #50 - 15 June 2018


The field of multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs) is steadily evolving and expanding. Below are links to recent publications, media articles, and other resources relevant to MPTs in order to keep you informed. Note that contents are neither endorsed by nor necessarily represent the views of the IMPT, and that due to publication copyright and permissions restrictions, full-text versions of resources may not be publicly available.
If you have a resource to include in our next issue, please send to Kathreen Daria . Previous issues are available in our archives and other MPT-related materials are accessible in our resource center

Secretariat Staff
Journal Articles
In the Blogosphere
Contraceptive technology innovation: It's everyone's business Bunting, J. & Dorflinger, L. (2018, 5 June). CTI Exchange.

Secretariat launches IMPT Advisory Council . (2018, 25 May). IMPT Secretariat.

Vaginal rings: The future is now . RamaRao, S. & Villamide-Herrera, L. (2018, 14 May). CTI Exchange.

Which birth control method suits me?  Ng'Ang'a, M. (2018, 31 May). Business Daily.


A workshop session entitled, " MPTs: contraception, STI prevention and/or HIV prevention (PrEP) throughout the world!" is being organized at the  64th International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation World Congress (IPSF) to be held in Mendoza, Argentina (30 July to 8 August). This interactive workshop, endorsed by the IMPT, will engage participant discussion regarding considerations for developing ideal MPT products as well as discuss how contraception and the prevention of HIV and other STIs are managed globally. While the workshop is tailored to pharmacy students and young pharmacists, anyone interested in the MPT field is encouraged to participate. A session date and time is to be announced. Stay tuned for more information or contact workshop organizer  Clement Haeck, PhD student at Queen's University Belfast.


CTI Exchange will be launching a summer-long #NextGenContraception Twitter campaign soon. Participate in the conversation by presenting the reasons why and how MPTs can help address the global need for new contraceptive technologies as well as their potential for HIV and/or other STI prevention.

Career Opportunities
Ibis Reproductive Health is an international nonprofit organization working to improve women's reproductive autonomy, choices, and health. Ibis is seeking applicants for several job openings based in the United States. 

FHI 360 is seeking a full time Chief of Party to manage all activity interventions and staff, and a Technical Advisor-PWID for Burma's HIV-AIDS Program Planning to ensure the technical accuracy and quality of the PWID component of the HIV activity, identifying and adapting state-of-the-art and innovative approaches to HIV interventions among this population. 
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IMPT Secretariat

1825 Bell Street, Suite 102 
Sacramento, CA 95825