Media Statement
MPPOA statement on Darrius Strong video and police detainment

(St. Paul, Minn.) – Today Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association Executive Director Brian Peters made the following statement in regard to the July 10 Facebook video made by Darrius Strong discussing his police detainment in Bloomington:

“There are clear differences between Mr. Strong’s earlier Facebook video - and both the officer report and today’s released dash camera video - of the law enforcement detainment on July 10.

Based on the video evidence released, Mr. Strong was treated with respect and the officers followed all of their trainings and procedures. The law enforcement officers who serve their communities conducted the traffic and felony-level warrant stop to keep the public safe, and should be commended for their service and integrity.

Misstatements about police behavior are particularly unfortunate during this time of heightened sensitivities. We urge decency, civility, and honesty at the forefront of interactions between police and the public. I hope the cities and department recognize the professionalism shown in this interaction.”

Officers did not have “all their guns out” or “guns still drawn,” and Mr. Strong was lawfully pulled over for speeding, despite his earlier assertion otherwise. The officers did not ticket him for speeding or his suspended license.


The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association (MPPOA) has represented Minnesota’s public safety officers for nearly 100 years and currently has 10,000+ members who hold active law enforcement licenses in the state of Minnesota. Our members include police officers, correctional officers, dispatchers, and firefighters. The MPPOA is the largest association representing public safety professionals in the State of Minnesota.