Dear Mountain Plains NAHRO Members, Partners and Stakeholders,

As we mark the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, and approach the first day of spring, we are certainly feeling a collective sense of "renewal" as we advance our work in affordable housing across the region.

2020, perhaps more than ever, made us realize how important our homes are to our safety, our ability to work, and our health. Over the past year, we have been focused on:
  • Advocating at the local, state, and federal levels for emergency rental assistance and effective policies to keep people housed;
  • Ensuring that diversity, equity and inclusion remained at the forefront of housing; and
  • Working with our residents to keep our communities healthy and safe.

Moving forward, we will continue to focus on advocating for affordable housing, advancing NAHRO initiatives and priorities, and identifying opportunities to convene leaders from across our region to network and learn from each other.

Please read below about upcoming opportunities to engage with Mountain Plains NAHRO, and don't hesitate to reach out with your thoughts and ideas on how we can best support you in the coming year.

Thank you for your partnership!
While excitement builds as vaccines become more widely available, due to the ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19, we are taking our conference (originally planned to take place in Park City, Utah) to a VIRTUAL format!

Please Save the Date for the Mountain Plains NAHRO Annual Conference, hosted by Utah NAHRO, which will take place June 8 - 10, 2021.

Additional details will be made available via email and on our website in April!
When it comes to affordable housing, we often say, “If it were easy or simple, everyone would be doing it!” And as we collectively know - it’s not easy, nor simple, and we cannot do it alone.

As organizations that support affordable housing as a critical lifeline in our communities, we hope we can count on you for your financial support of our mission both for this virtual conference and year-round, as it is through our collective efforts that we will ensure affordable housing remains a public health priority in the Mountain West and beyond.
2021 Poster Contest and Scholarship Program
Be sure to check in with your state chapters about local deadlines for the 2021 Poster Contest and Educational Scholarship program!

These are both great opportunities to engage with your residents, and offer valuable resources to further their education.

Register Today for NAHRO Virtual Learning Opportunities

When you register for one of NAHRO's Distance Learning trainings using our region-specific code, Mountain Plains NAHRO will receive 30% of the revenue to support our regional advocacy efforts and professional development opportunities, and more.

Please use code MPRC2020 when registering for any NAHRO Distance Learning trainings, which will also earn you a $10 discount on your registration fee.

Please remember it’s very important that you use the code MPRC2020 when registering as NAHRO cannot apply the code retroactively.

This great partnership that not only supports your continued professional development, but also our regional council. If you have any questions, please contact us!

Meet the Candidates for NAHRO President and SVP

It's election year for NAHRO!

  • Patricia Wells, CEO, Oakland Housing Authority - Candidate for NAHRO President
  • George Guy, ED, Fort Wayne Housing Authority - Candidate for NAHRO SVP
  • Marsha Parham-Green, ED, Baltimore County Office of Housing - Candidate for NAHRO SVP

We are working on opportunities for you to "meet" the candidates in advance of the election!

MPNAHRO is now on Twitter! Give us a follow: @mpnahro

Thank YOU for your commitment to our communities!