We are pleased to provide our students, parents, staff and community with the latest information about our Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District community through this newsletter. Please join us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to connect with us daily! | |
Dear Mt. Pleasant Community,
Reflecting on our journey this year, I am proud and grateful for all we have accomplished as a school district. From planning events to diligently addressing student attendance to fostering a sense of unity within our community, each milestone we have reached stands as a testament to our collective dedication and commitment.
As we enter the final part of the school year, I want to remind our community about our commitment to excellence. Our students deserve nothing less than our very best, and our responsibility is to ensure they have every opportunity to succeed.
With statewide assessments approaching, I urge families to prioritize student attendance and engagement. These assessments represent a crucial opportunity for our students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, and they deserve the support and encouragement they need to excel.
Together, let us take this opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our students. By fostering a culture of academic excellence and commitment to their success, we can empower our students to realize their fullest potential and embark on a journey of lifelong learning.
Thank you for your continued dedication and support. We will continue to inspire, empower, and unite as we work collaboratively towards our shared goals of academic excellence and student success.
Dr. Elida MacArthur
Please watch a special message from Dr. MacArthur.
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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the New
Mt. Pleasant/ IJA ALAS Administrative Office
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On Wednesday, February 28th, MPESD held a ribbon cutting to celebrate the new and improved Mt. Pleasant/ IJA ALAS administrative office! Staff and students are excited about this new facility improvement, the two new kindergarten classrooms, and the newly remodeled parking lot. Thank you to everyone who attended, including Superintendent Elida MacArthur and MPESD board members Melissa Got-Lopez and Derek Grasty. We would also like to thank Council Member Peter Ortiz for attending and joining our MPESD community for such an important event! The new Mt. Pleasant/ IJA ALAS administrative office is at 14275 Candler Ave., San Jose, CA, 95127.
Watch the following video from the Mt. Pleasant/ IJA ALAS
Ribbon Cutting Event!
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Registration on MPAS and Sunrise Club | |
Mt. Pleasant After School (MPAS) is free and open to all students. It operates Monday through Friday from the time school is out until 6:00 pm. MPAS is built around three central components: Homework Center, Enrichment Classes, and Physical Activity & Sports Programs.
Homework Center
Every student is required to participate in one hour of academic programming at least four days a week. During the homework period, students receive assistance from MPAS staff at a 20:1 ratio. Instructional supplies are provided to assist with homework completion. For students who finish their homework early, Mount Pleasant After School provides academically enriching activities and a self-paced supplemental curriculum for students to further improve their core academic skills.
Enrichment Classes
Enrichment classes are offered in six-to-eight-week sessions and are similar to electives. At our elementary sites, students rotate through all the staff’s courses. At the middle school site, “showcasing” happens the week prior to the new session where staff members present their classes to groups of students, and students sign up for the classes that most interest them. The Site Supervisor ultimately places students based on their attendance and behavior. At the end of each session, there is a Culminating Event where school faculty, family, and friends can see what students learned throughout the session in the form of performances and/or a recognition ceremony. Each class aligns with at least one California Academic Standard, addresses multiple intelligences, and the 41 Developmental Assets.
Physical Activity & Sports Programs
In addition to completing the Healthy Life curriculum that teaches healthy eating and living habits, each student participates in regular, structured physical activity throughout the week. We also offer beginner sports leagues for elementary school students and competitive sports leagues for middle school students. Participation in sports programs is voluntary. We see these activities as vital to our program model, providing participants with the recommended amount of exercise they need each day while reinforcing their listening skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, and self-confidence.
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Registration for Sunrise Club for the 2023-2024 school year is ongoing. MPESD provides FREE before school care at each of our school sites beginning at 7:00 am. We surveyed the families and know there is a need for many of our working parents and guardians. We focus on the social emotional needs of our students so they start their day on a positive note. Please complete this Google Form if you are interested, and our Sunrise staff will reach out when/if we have space. We will be open every day school is in session, starting the first day of school.
Contact the Sunrise Site Supervisors if you need further information.
August Boeger & IJA/VV sites: Vanessa Luna Ruiz (vlruiz@mpesd.org or 669-312-1186)
Robert Sanders & MP/IJA sites: Stella Paiz (spaiz@mpesd.org or 669-312-1187)
In the late Spring, all families will be asked to complete an interest and registration Google Form for the 2024-2025 school year. We will use this information to plan staffing in order to begin the Sunrise Club on the first day of the 2024-2025 school year.
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Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences | |
Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held from March 20th through the 22nd. Teachers will be reaching out to identified parents regarding the meeting in March. Translation will be available.
The spring conferences are geared more for the following students:
- New students enrolled after the Fall Conference
- Students struggling with Attendance
- Grades 6-8: Any student with a grade of D or F (or multiple)
- Grades TK-5: Any student at risk (far below grade level) in ELA and/or Math (there is concern with their progress)
Parent-teacher conferences are a chance for parents/guardians and teachers to meet and create a supportive learning environment for the students to thrive academically and socially. It is a time to address any concerns or questions, as teachers will be present to listen, provide guidance, and collaborate with parents. Teachers and parents can set goals and maintain open communication. While formal parent-teacher conferences are scheduled, parents can request a conference anytime. If parents have concerns or questions that cannot wait, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher to arrange a meeting.
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Evaluating our students’ progress is important in developing and planning for their academic experience. The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is intended to provide parents, teachers, administrators, and students with accurate and actionable information about what students are learning. MPESD is scheduled for two important state assessments from February to May. The testing schedules may vary per school site, so please contact your site for detailed information. The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (SBAC) is for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics in grades three through eight and grade eleven. Depending on the grade, some students may also be taking the Physical Education and Science test. |
English Learner Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
The ELPAC, or English Language Proficiency Assessments for California, is the state’s required English language proficiency test for students who have a primary language other than English in their household. The ELPAC helps identify students who need help learning English so they can get the language support they need to do well in school and access the full curriculum. State and federal law requires that school districts administer the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPAC) to eligible kindergarten through grade twelve students. The test is also administered to students in the first year of a two-year kindergarten program better known as "Transitional Kindergarten" (TK).
The ELPAC is aligned with the 2012 California English Language Development Standards and consists of four parts: Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.
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How to Support Your Child During Testing
- Ensure children receive plenty of rest.
- Children should sleep at their usual bedtime routine (and any other routines that will provide a sense of comfort and stability).
- Avoid excessive screen time.
- Provide children with a protein-rich breakfast in the morning, like oatmeal or eggs.
- Keep conversations positive, encouraging, and lighthearted.
- Share laughter and sing favorite songs on the way to school.
- Leave your child with a big hug and words of encouragement.
It is natural to feel intimidated by end-of-year tests, but these strategies will help your child cope, feel confident and calm, and perform their best.
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MPESD New Wellness Center | |
MPESD will receive a grant to build a Wellness Center at August Boeger, which will serve our entire school district. This facility will provide a wide range of services and offer peer-to-peer interactions through support groups, conflict resolution, and restorative practices with a professional facilitator.
A Clinical Group Support will provide therapeutic support with a licensed clinician who is equipped to care for students who may be dealing with clinical issues such as depression and anxiety.
The Wellness Center will be a multilingual behavioral health and teletherapy resource hub with computers and privacy space. The district nurse will provide workshops for students regarding asthma management, healthy eating, smoking/vaping cessation, and other areas identified by the school community. The district nurse will also provide parent education and one-on-one consultation.
We will have furnishings and materials for stress reduction, de-escalation, and self-regulation, such as massage chairs, beanbags, rocking chairs, and yoga mats, allowing students to decrease stress and increase mindfulness. Thank you to everyone for your support as we work together to provide a safe and inspiring learning environment.
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Valle Vista and Surplus Site | |
Funding to maintain our schools in good repair and provide programs to support our student's academic, physical, and emotional needs is a priority. Generating revenue is an important component of our financial strategy. In that light, we are sharing an overview and update on our school district’s efforts to lease the old Valle Vista Elementary School site located on 2400 Flint Avenue. |
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- On 3/9/2022, The MPESD Board of Trustees created the Surplus Facilities Advisory "7-11" Committee.
- On 6/8/2022, the Board accepted the recommendation of the 7-11 Committee to declare the Valle Vista Elementary School site located at 2400 Flint Avenue, San Jose, CA, to be surplus property (Surplus Site). This site was closed on 6/30/2022.
- On August 10, 2022, the Board approved the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Public School Building for Lease.
- On 1/18/2023, the Board approved The Lease Agreement of The Kinship Academy. The leased property includes approximately 7,200 square feet of portable facilities and a playground in the asphalt area adjacent to the portable structure. This Lease shall be ten (10) years, commencing on March 1, 2023, and ending on May 30, 2033. The annual gross rental revenue starts from $172,800 in the first year and increases to $293,603 in the tenth year. The District expects gross revenues from this ten-year lease term, a total of $2,477,177, an average of $247,718 per year.
- On 2/14/2024, the Board approved The Lease Agreement of The Rising Star Sped Academy. The leased property includes approximately 20,660 square feet, four pod facilities (the Main Building). This Lease Term shall be five (5) years, commencing on April 1, 2024, and ending on June 30, 2029. The annual gross rental revenue starts from $396,672 in the first year and increases to $595,008 in the fifth year. The District expects gross revenues from this five-year lease term to be $2,479,200, an average of $495,840 per year. Rising Star agrees to provide the District with the priority opportunity to fill the available spots with special needs students from the District, referred to as the "District Student Priority Program."
- The 4,005 square feet Kindergarten Building POD E is used by Santa Clara County Office of Education to serve K-12 students from Santa Clara and surrounding counties.
It is important to note that the Board approved the establishment of the Deferred Maintenance Fund 140 on 3/8/2023. This fund will be used to set aside the net revenue from the Valle Vista Facility Lease and support the renovation, repair, upgrade, and maintenance of all sites at Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District. We thank our school community for your support in these efforts to maintain the District’s fiscal health.
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Be a part of Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District’s rich history! We have been a leader of educating our students in our community since 1858. We offer a standard based innovative and comprehensive TK-8 curriculum with focus on instruction that focuses on a child’s strengths and celebrates diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Each school in our district engages its learners in a variety of unique and innovative ways, including Two-Way Dual Immersion, AVID, STEAM, Robotics, Drama/Theatre, Dance, Sports, and many more. In addition, we offer before, during, and after school enrichment and academic intervention programs.
We are welcoming students in preschool through 8th grade. We invite you to contact your school site for assistance with completing the enrollment packet!
Our ALAS Dual Language Immersion program in English and Spanish (teaching students to be fluent, read and write in two languages) nurtures the academic and social experiences for bilingual students in TK-8th grade, where they thrive under the leadership of our amazing, accredited teachers. We work towards diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in a collaborative setting.
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How to Enroll:
Preschool: Linda Marqueda, lmarqueda@mpesd.org, (408) 223-3785
TK-8th Grade Enrollment: Contact school site.
Visit us for more information at mpesd.org
Our programs include:
Early Education: Preschool (ages 3+), TK and Kinder
ALAS - Dual Language Immersion Program in Spanish
Extended Learning: Before and after school care, and summer school
Sunrise Club - Before School Care
MPAS - After School Program
Intervention/Tutoring support
Sports (indoors and outdoors)
Visual and Performing Arts/Theater
Instrumental Music (Band)
STEAM, Science and Technology
AVID - Career & College Readiness
Instruction by highly trained, experienced certificated teachers
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Early Learning starts at 3 years old!
Enrolling now for Preschool 2023-2024
There are available spaces in our Mt. Pleasant Preschool program! We offer a morning half-day program and an afternoon half-day program. Please contact Ms. Marqueda for more information and to apply.
New Preschool Enrollment for 2024-2025
In April 2024, we will be accepting new applications for our preschool programs for the 2024-2025 school year. We are offering both a full-day, full-year program and part-day, part-year programs. Please contact Ms. Marqueda for more information and to apply.
Robert Sanders Preschool
We offer a full year, full day program in support of all students and families. Our full day program operates from 8 AM to 3 PM with extended care options. The new school year will start on July 15th and will continue until the end of June 2025.
Mt. Pleasant Preschool
We offer a part year, part day program in support of all students and families. Our part day program has two options: a morning class which operates from 8 AM to 11:30 AM and an afternoon class which operates from 12 PM to 3:30 PM. The new school year will start in late August and will continue until the first week in June.
At MPESD, we believe in supporting our families with preschool programs that are developmentally appropriate to support their relationship skill building, learning social emotional skills, self-regulation and play-based learning.
Watch this video about Preschool at MPESD!
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MPESD School Sites:
August Boeger Middle School: 6th-8th grade
1944 Flint Avenue (408) 223-3770
Ida Jew Academy STEAM Program: TK-8th grade and 6th-8th grade ALAS Dual Immersion Program
1966 Flint Avenue. (408) 223-3750
Valle Vista Elementary School: TK-5th grade
1966 Flint Avenue (408) 223-3750
Mt. Pleasant STEAM Academy / IJA ALAS Dual Immersion: Pre-K-5th grade
14275 Candler Avenue (408) 258-6451
Robert Sanders Elementary School: Pre K-5th grade
3411 Rocky Mountain Drive (408) 258-7288
| Learn about early education at MPESD! | |
Supporting an Inclusive School Culture | |
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) are core values at MPESD. We are committed to creating an anti-racist, compassionate and inclusive school culture where every individual is treated with dignity in our diverse community. DEIB lessons shared in March are about Women's History Month, Irish American Heritage Month, the Suffrage Movement, International Women's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Ramadan, and Cesar Chavez Day. The character trait to be focused on is Perseverance.
In the month of April, students will learn about National Deaf History Month, National Arab American Heritage Month, National Autism Acceptance Month, Passover, and Easter. The character trait students will learn about is empathy.
If you are interested in learning more about DEIB, please reach out to your school. Thank you for supporting an inclusive school community!
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Job and Growth Opportunities | |
Are you or someone you know interested in becoming part of Mt. Pleasant Elementary School District? MPESD is hiring for a variety of roles.
Job opportunities are available to individuals interested in becoming teachers and teachers interested in obtaining additional credentials. There are also many positions available in our school district that do not require a college degree.
The school district offers a generous welfare and benefits package as well as an excellent state pension plan. We are always looking for Instructional Associates for both general and special education, and for Custodial workers.
We invite you to learn more information on EdJoin or contact our Personnel Office at (408) 233-3720.
Learn more about an Instructional Aide and Custodian career at MPESD by reading the flyers below!
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Our Next Board of Trustees Meeting | |
Our Board of Trustees will meet April 10, 2024.
The job of the Board of Trustees includes the following:
- Setting the vision and goals for the district
- Adopting policies that give the district direction to set priorities and achieve its goals
- Hiring and evaluating the superintendent
- Adopting and overseeing the annual budget
- Managing the collective bargaining process for employees of the district
To learn more about these sessions, please visit our website.
Watch our Board meeting on March 13, 2024.
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