May 2013
In This Issue
New Success Stories
World Oceans Day Countdown
New Products

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Welcome to the May issue of the Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Education and Outreach newsletter!

In this issue:
  • Share new stories of success from MPAs around the world. 
  • We highlight a countdown leading up to World Oceans Day in June.
  • And share some exciting new projects that are in the works for MPAs outreach!
Happy Memorial Day!

Danielle Brown
Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation


New Success Stories from Around the World 

At the State of the California Central Coast Symposium earlier this year, results of several scientific studies indicate that these marine protected areas are working to protect and revitalize California's marine life. From kelp forests to rocky intertidal areas, species are showing signs of recovery including larger sizes and greater abundances. 


These promising results along with countless other studies from marine protected areas around the world indicate that while there's still more to be done, we're on the right track for ocean protection. New success stories from marine protected areas, or underwater parks, around the globe have been added to the website, to read more, please visit:

Countdown to World Oceans Day

The ocean provides much of the oxygen we breathe, the food we eat, regulates our climate, and is a place many of us will vacation this summer. On June 8th, aquariums and zoos across the nation will celebrate our world ocean and the personal connection that each of us has to the sea.
World Oceans Day began in 1992 and was officially recognized by the United Nations in 2008. Now in its 21st year, the event has grown to include an international network of participating organizations and institutions. It is a way each of us around the planet can celebrate and honor the one body of water that connects us all, the world's ocean.
This year, NOAA's National Ocean Service is hosting a 30-day countdown to World Oceans Day. Check back daily for new photos and fun facts about the ocean and its marine life!


Celebrate World Oceans Day! -- June 8th
Celebrate World Oceans Day! -- June 8th
New MPAs Education and Outreach Product Development 

Last month a group of talented docents, volunteers, state park staff, teachers, and recreational ocean users attended a 2-day workshop in Monterey to form a group now known as the Underwater Parks Ambassadors. This group was tasked with developing new educational and outreach products and programs to reach and engage new audiences in marine protected areas.


The group hit the ground running and several projects are already well underway. These include:

  • An online tour of the Central Coast marine protected areas
  • A speakers bureau to deliver presentations to community groups, elected officials, chambers of commerce and various recreational user groups
  • Mobile beach carts that will be filled with marine protected areas outreach materials and deployed throughout the central coast by volunteers
  • A geocaching tour of the central coast MPAs
  • Interpretive walks of MPAs that are adaptable to several different locations
  • A printed scavenger hunt for kids
  • And plans for next year's Underwater Parks Day, January 18, 2014
We believe there are many opportunities for collaboration among organizations on these projects. If you're interested in learning more about any of these and possibly exploring ways to work together, please email Rikki Dunsmore at
MBSF new logo 
Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation 
99 Pacific Street, Suite 455 
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 647 - 4209