Below are the titles of recent publications and conference presentations from our faculty members, along with links to the articles, abstracts or posters. If you have a recent publication or presentation you would like to share in our future quarterly issues, please send that information to Sami McCabe via our Google form.
The Office of Basic Sciences
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Deborah Barany, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience & Regenerative
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PUBLICATION: Stroke lesion volume and injury to motor cortex output determines extent of contralesional motor cortex reorganization.
Buetefisch, C. M., Haut, M. W., Revill, K. P., Shaeffer, S., Edwards, L., Barany, D. A., ... & Easley, K. (2023).Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 37(2-3), 119-130.
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PUBLICATION:Object motion influences feedforward motor responses during mechanical stopping of virtual projectiles: A preliminary study
GĂłmez-Granados, A., Kurtzer, I., Gordon, S., Barany, D. A., & Singh, T. (2023). Experimental Brain Research, 241(4), 1077-1087. *joint senior authorship
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PRESENTATION: Bidirectional effects of eye movements on manual interception and motion perception
McCurdy, J.R., & Barany, D.A. (April 2023). Poster presented at the Neural Control of Movement Annual Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
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PRESENTATION: Effects of contralesional motor cortex LF-rTMS on learning a skilled hand task in the subacute phase post stroke
Buetefisch, C.M., Revill, K.P., Barany, D.A., Shaeffer, S., Nahab, F., & Belagaje, S.R. (March 2023). Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neurorehabilitation, Charleston, SC.
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Amy Baldwin, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
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PRESENTATION: Solutions and Challenges to Creating and Strengthening Health Equity Curricula
Cunningham H, Alves-Bradford JM, Baldwin A, Mullins D, Pai S, and Williams AL. AAMC Northeast Group on Educational Affairs (NEGEA) Annual Conference in Burlington, VT, April 2023
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PRESENTATION: Let’s Eliminate Cancer Caused by HPV in GA!
Baldwin, A. University of Georgia Archway Partnership Professionals Unit Meeting, virtual conference, June 29, 2023
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PRESENTATION: Prevention of Cervical Cancer and Associated HPV Disease
Baldwin A. Conference at the Hospital OncolĂłgico / Ateneo MĂ©dico. Santa Cruz, Bolivia, April 26, 2023
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PRESENTATION: Conversation with teachers of the Faculty of Health: Prevalence of Dengue
Baldwin A. Universidad Evangelical Boliviana, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, April 25, 2023
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PRESENTATION: The Importance of Social Determinants of Health
Baldwin, A. Conference for Faculty and Students. Universidad Evangelical Boliviana, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, April 25, 2023
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PRESENTATION: Cervical Cancer
Baldwin, A. Conference for students of the Faculty of Health. Universidad Evangelical Boliviana, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, April 24, 2023
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WORKSHOP: Workshop with teachers and researchers of the Faculty of Health, Topic: Research
Baldwin, A. Universidad Evangelical Boliviana, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, April 24, 2023
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Lia Bruner, MD
Associate Professor of Family & Community Medicine
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PUBLICATION: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Bruner LP, White AW, Proksell S. In Perumareddi P, et al. eds. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice (Gastroenterology issue). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Inc.; corrected proof published online 5/10/23, print edition in press. DOI:
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Leslie Petch Lee, PhD
Associate Dean for Campus Integration & Academic Enhancement
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PUBLICATION: Residency Program Directors' Views on Research Conducted During Medical School: A National Survey
Wolfson RK, Fairchild PC, Bahner I, Baxa DM, Birnbaum DR, Chaudhry SI, Chretien KC, DeFranco DB, Deptola AZ, LaConte LEW, Lin JJ, Petch Lee L, Powers MA, Ropson IJ, Sankaran SM, Sawarynski KE, Sozio SM. Academic Medicine. 2023 Apr 21. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005256. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37099328
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Andrew Sobering, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
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PRESENTATION: Biallelic inactivating variants in DMAP1 underlie a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder
Li D, Wang Q, Applegate C, Alkuraya FS, Bhoj EJ, Couque N, Giesbertz NAA, Hakonarson H, Hamosh A, Hjortshøj TD, Mori M, Platzer K, Redler S, Sulaiman RA, Tirrito C, Verloes A, Sobering AK, Song Y. European Society of Human Genetics, June 10, 2023
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Collaborative Presentations | |
Co-creating a culture of well-being with medical learners
Hickox T, Metcalf D, McCarty A, Snapp C, Bassett C, Baldwin A, Hill JR
Poster presentation. 2023 AAMC Regional Medical Campus Conference, Savannah, GA, June 5-7, 2023
Metcalf D, Hickox T, McCarty A, Snapp C, Bassett C, Baldwin A, Hill JR
Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, Cancun, Mexico. June 2023
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A Homozygous Novel Pathogenic Variant in SYNJ1 and its Clinical Presentation
Taylor CL, Maj M, Landau K, Li D, Bhoj EJ, Toriello HV, Nelson B, Gluschitz S, Walker RH, Sobering AK
The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. March 15, 2023
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Presentation of an individual who had developmental and epileptic encephalopathy caused by a novel homozygous SYNJ1 variant
Taylor CL, Maj M, Landau K, Li D, Bhoj EJ, Toriello HV, Nelson B, Gluschitz S, Walker RH, Sobering AK
The 2023 American Medical Women’s Association, LEADS 108, Philadelphia, PA. March 23, 2023
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Expanding the Phenotypic Description and Allelic Heterogeneity of the KAT6B-Related Disorder
Daniels K, Board SG, Brown C, Qu’d D, Nelson B, Li D, Bhoj EJ, Simpson BN, Sobering AK
The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. March 15, 2023
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WORKSHOP: Improvisation for Communication Skills
Sperr E, Baldwin A
PCOM Georgia Physician Assistant Club, Suwanee, GA. February 13, 2023
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Do you have a recent publication, presentation, or scholarship
you would like featured in our next issue?
Submit your information via our Google Form or
email Sami McCabe with any questions.

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This Faculty Research Newsletter is brought to you by the
AU/UGA Medical Partnership Office of Basic Sciences
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