By MOVE Ministries National Director Aaron Keller and Senior Pastor of Sunshine Open Bible Church in Des Moines, Iowa. | |
"For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building."
1 Corinthians 3:9 (ESV)
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MOVE Ministries is a men's ministry of Open Bible Churches that builds buildings for ministry around the world. In January 2024, we will begin our 49th project! Every project we take on is unique. We believe that God provides the exact men we need for every challenge we will face. There are many men's ministries in the world, but few can replicate what I have found in this ministry. Most of our team joins a project without knowing each other but when they leave, they leave brothers. They sign up to travel to an unfamiliar place, with other men they don't know. Vulnerability is created where emotions come to the surface that would not otherwise come to the surface in our work environment comfort.
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MOVE is not only building structures for ministry around the world, but also building men. I ask Pastors to join us and/or send their men. There have been countless men who have returned to their churches changed from who they were before they went on a mission trip. Trust us with your men and I believe you will see someone who is actively seeking to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. | |
On January 22, 2024, we will take a team of 64-men to Nakon Pathom, Thailand, for our largest project to date! We will build a 10m x 20m church, renovating an old building that will become a school, and build a concrete wall along the back of the property. As with all winter construction projects we take on, everything will be completed in 11 workdays. There is a tremendous amount of coordination and effort to make all of this happen. We ask for your prayers for health and safety during our project. | |
This team consists of 16 pastors, 27 newcomers, and two ladies! Our Missionary in Thailand, Dara Rasavanh, asked for help with such a large crew. That’s why we are excited to bring on our fellow missionary Heather Hunsaker, and Pam Drake, wife of a member of our leadership team. Twelve states are represented on the team, and Pastor Chad Greaves of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines will also fly to the United States to travel to Thailand with the crew. | |
Please pray for the MOVE leadership and our team coming together as we tackle our largest project to date. | |
To learn more about MOVE's ministry or to become a one-time or monthly donor and would like to donate to:
To donate by check, please mail it to:
Open Bible Churches
2020 Bell Ave
Des Moines, IA 50315
Note/Memo: MOVE Building Materials
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Pursuing the Goal
By Field Director Daniel Adams and his wife Noemi in Spain.
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"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:14 (NIV)
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The Federation of Open Bible Churches celebrated its 50th anniversary by doing missions in Spain. The Gandía Palace hotel, in the city of Gandía, Spain, received more than 600 people from different cities in this country and the rest of Europe. They met November 3-5, 2023, to give glory to the Lord for His faithfulness in allowing the establishment and growth of the Federation of Open Bible Churches (FIBA) in this nation for half a century. The anniversary motto was based on the verse found in Philippians 3:14, thus giving its name to the convention called: “50 Years Doing Missions: Pursuing the Goal.” The three days were filled with the presence of God. | |
During the general conferences there were other specific activities for youth and children. There were very special and emotional moments such as the delivery of recognitions and commemorations, and the beautiful participation of Margaret Smith, who together with her husband Don, who is now with the Lord, founded this federation in Spain. The keynote speaker at the convention was Pastor Harris Holsapple IV, of First Church of the Open Bible, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Also attending the event were Revs. Vince and Lois McCarty; Drs. Nicolás and Leona Venditti, founders of INSTE; missionary Tammy Swailes; as well as the directors of Open Bible in Hungary, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. It should be noted that during the celebration the memory of the pioneers and founders Rodolfo and Raquel Loyola was honored, who although they are no longer with us, with their lives they left a legacy that still endures.
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Without a doubt, this meeting affirmed in the hearts of those attending the desire to fulfill the Great Commission, continue towards the goal and continue with the missionary vision that characterizes the Federation. The words of Pastor Daniel Adams, director of Bible Open Spain, perfectly summarize this truth: “If a church does not do missions, it is not a church, it is something else. The command of the Lord Jesus Christ is to go preach the gospel to the lost.” | |
These were the first 50 years, but FIBA continues the quest for 50 more years. The vision will continue in Spain and the rest of Europe. There are many projects to be carried out, many places and many souls to reach. Therefore, today and always the flag will be to continue towards the goal. | |
Margaret Smith and daughter Cheri.
Tammy Swailes
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Nicholas and Leona Venditti
Vince and Lois McCarty
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Our Global Harvest offering for 2023-24, is to help Acropolis Medical Centre in Trinidad. Please partner with us to help purchase special medical equipment. This will help save lives physically and spiritually. To find out more and learn how you can participate in this special offering, please click here. | |
Open Bible Churches | 2020 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50315-1096 | | | | |