Marriage Moments & Parenting Pointers

JUNE 2024

Family heart

Dear Susan,

Below are your Marriage Moments and Parenting Pointers for June, 2024

BONUS: Help your families sort out how to teach their children about wanting and buying stuff. Check out Children, Money, and Lifestyles - 10 Principles.


I offer you these tidbits of wisdom as prayer prompts to remind you (and your constituents) of the sacredness of marriage vows and the value of every child. The commitment to love a spouse forever, and the generous gift of life parents offer a child are indeed spiritual under-takings and cannot be done alone. May the God of Love be with you and your work.

You are welcome to reprint these MM's and PP's in bulletins, newsletters, and on your website with the credit - 

"By Susan Vogt,"

When used on a website, please also link to my website: 

*FOR MORE extended marriage and parenting articles, plus archived Marriage Moments and Parenting Pointers, go to:


1097. June 3: “In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find grounds for marriage." (Robert Anderson, Solitaire/Double Solitaire) Today, discuss a significant value or belief that holds you and your spouse together.


1098. June 10: Kid’s notes to God: “Dear God, instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don’t you just keep the ones you got now.” (Jane) Have you and your spouse talked about death? Go beyond finances and a funeral. Talk about how you will feel if your spouse dies first.


1099. June 17: Do you sometimes feel like a hamster racing around a wheel? Are you very busy but never caught up? STOP for one minute. Be silent. Turn off the TV, radio, computer, etc., and turn toward your spouse. Silently thank God for your life companion.


1100. June 24: For some people, prayer comes easily. For others it's a challenge. For many couples praying together is even harder. If couple prayer is new to you, experiment today. Maybe start with a written prayer and eventually transition to heartfelt spontaneous prayer.

*Marriage Moments go out to individuals on Mondays. For Sunday bulletins use the Sunday immediately before the above date. 


1098. June 7: As summer starts do you have any vacation plans? It doesn’t have to involve a trip. Try a family meeting to discuss one new, fun experience each of you hopes to do this summer. Make a plan.


1099. June 14: June 16 is Father’s Day and June 19 is Juneteenth which celebrates the end of slavery in the USA. Do these days have anything in common? Perhaps free a father of heavy work on June 16 by becoming his “slave for a day.” Then reflect on how freely serving one another regardless of gender or race can strengthen society.


1100. June 21: Where in your home are the TV, computer, cell phones…hopefully not where you eat meals. Consider the placement and time of day that you allow your children to use technology. Make room for enough direct parent/child interaction.


1101. June 28: Don't argue with anyone today ‑ even if you're right. Whether it’s your spouse, child, or a stranger, training yourself to pause and consider another’s point of view can deepen your maturity and relationships.

*Parenting Pointers go out to individuals on Fridays. For Sunday bulletins, use the closest Friday.

© 2024 Susan Vogt

Additional Resources:

*Check out my Living Lightly BLOG:, Living Laudato Si' ECO-TIPS,

or Family Matters WEBSITE:


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