1097. June 3: “In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find grounds for marriage." (Robert Anderson, Solitaire/Double Solitaire) Today, discuss a significant value or belief that holds you and your spouse together.
1098. June 10: Kid’s notes to God: “Dear God, instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don’t you just keep the ones you got now.” (Jane) Have you and your spouse talked about death? Go beyond finances and a funeral. Talk about how you will feel if your spouse dies first.
1099. June 17: Do you sometimes feel like a hamster racing around a wheel? Are you very busy but never caught up? STOP for one minute. Be silent. Turn off the TV, radio, computer, etc., and turn toward your spouse. Silently thank God for your life companion.
1100. June 24: For some people, prayer comes easily. For others it's a challenge. For many couples praying together is even harder. If couple prayer is new to you, experiment today. Maybe start with a written prayer and eventually transition to heartfelt spontaneous prayer.
*Marriage Moments go out to individuals on Mondays. For Sunday bulletins use the Sunday immediately before the above date.