I offer you these Eco-Tips as a resource for those you serve.
My own faith tradition is Catholic and thus Pope Francis' teaching in Laudato Si' inspired these ways of Living Laudato Si'. Of course caring for creation transcends religions and is indeed a universal undertaking. It cannot be done alone.
You are welcome to reprint these in bulletins, newsletters, and on your website with the credit, "By Susan Vogt,"
For related articles go to my Living Lightly Blog:
Since those we reach may be in many different places regarding environmental efforts, I offer 2 options each week:
EASY: Some of us are just starting to awaken to the need to care for creation, or have been busy with jobs, raising a family, or other social justice commitments. We may not have much discretionary time. OR, it may simply be a relief to note, “Hey, I’m already doing this one!” Good.
CHALLENGING: Others have been engaged in the environmental movement for awhile and are ready to take a bigger step. To multiply our efforts, we are called to go beyond our own personal lifestyle, and to make bigger, systemic changes. Consider how to impact change in our neighborhoods, cities, country, the world.
© 2024 Susan Vogt
PHONE: (859) 291-6197, FAX: (859) 291-4742
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