Abstract Expressionism, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Catalogue Raisonnes, Cubism, Dada & Surrealism, Fauvism, Impressionism, Op-Art, Painting, Photography. Prints
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1. Augusti, Anna.
Tapies Catalogue raisonne: Vols.1-4, 1943-1981.
Paris & Barcelona: Editions Cercle D'Art & Ediciones Poligrafa, 1996. First edition. Square folio: Vol.1. 1943-1960, 545pp, 133 plates in color, and 850 illustrations in black and white. Vol.2. 1961-1968, 512pp, 189 plates in color, and 1027 illustrations in black and white. Vol.3. 1969-1975, 576pp, 233 plates in color and 1303 illustrations in black and white. Vol.4. 1976-1981, 483pp, 193 plates in color and 1144 illustrations in black and white. Chronology by Miquel Tapies. Bibliography and Index in each volume. Vols. 1-3 text in French; Vol. 4 text in English (Editiones Polifgrafa). Color and black and white plates of excellent quality. Orig. illustrated gray cloth. Fine in fine dust wrappers. 4 vols. $695.00
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2. Baigell, Matthew.
Thomas Hart Benton.
New York: Abrams, 1973. First edition. 279 pages. 30 x 35 cm. Large, landscape 4to, Limited edition, copy 272 of 350 signed by Thomas Hart Benton. The artist celebrates the American experience; his father, a Tennessean served in the Confederate Army before removing to Missouri, where Benton recalls politics formed the core of his family life -- the elder Benton was a member of the US House of Representatives, 1897-1905. 229 illustrations, including 101 plates in color. Bibliography. Index. Prominently featured in this book are Benton's murals many of which are gate-folds. FREITAG 607. Very bright, clean and fresh copy, marbled endpapers, a few minor front cover scratches. Orig. full beige leather. Front cover image of Benson embossed in gilt. Near fine. $375.00
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3. Brangwyn, Frank.
Catalogue Of The Etched Work of Frank Brangwyn.
London: Fine Art Society, 1912. Enlarged edition. 139 pages. 34 x 27 cm. 200 plates with descriptive text: edition size and dimensions. First published 1908 in a limited edtion of 150, this edition expanded. Index. Interior very bright and clean. binding firm and tight, spine slightly darkened. Orig two-toned cloth, tan leather spine label printed in gilt. Teg. Very good. $320.00
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4 _____.
The Etchings of Frank Brangwyn, R.A. A Catalogue Raisonne by W. Gaunt.
London: The Studio, 1926. First edition. 235 pages. 29 1/2 x 23 cm. Limited edition, copy 95 of 125 with an etching signed by Brangwyn, "A Londoner (Type Cockney)" with lettered tissue guard. 331 black and white illustrations. Catalogue of Etchings. A List of Plates in Chronological Order with Corresponding Numbers in the Fine Art Society's' and Newbolt's Catalogues Respectively. List of Public Galleries and Museums. Index. Bibliography. Important reference work -- clean, very fresh copy, beveled edges, gilt front cover lettering bright. FREITAG 1022. Orig. full vellum, black leather spine label lettered in gilt. Fine in slipcase moderately worn. $550.00
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5. _____.
Bookplates By Frank Brangwyn R. A.
London: Moreland Press, 1920. First edition. 69 pages. 26 x 20. Portfolio of Brangwyn's bookplates, some in color. Forward by Eden Phillpotts and with a Technical Note by E. Hesketh Hubbard. Bibliography. Decorated endpapers, slight rubbing to backstrip extremities, upper corners rubbed. Orig. beige cloth, decorated and lettered in brown. Very good. $295.00
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6. Brassai.
Paris: Editions Neuf, 1952. First edition. Unpaginated. Approx. 72 pages. 27 1/2 x 21 1/2 cm. Illustrated with a host of reproductions of Brassai photographs -- including drawings and sculptures. French text: by Henry Miller and an autobiographical essay by Brassai on his early years. Rubbing to back cover at center fore-edge, otherwise, a bright and fresh copy. Orig.gilt lettered red cloth with mounted front cover photograph of Brassai. Near fine. $450.00
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7. Carroll, Lewis [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson] & Marie Laurencin.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Paris: Black Sun Press, 1930. 114 pages. Landscape 29.5 x 24.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 94 of 350 on Rives paper of the American issue from a total edition of 790. Six full page chromolithographs (all with tissue guards) by Marie Laurencin, lithographs executed by Desjobert of Paris. Title page printed in red and black, wide text margins -- a brilliant, fresh copy with interior almost as new. Marie Laurencin (1883-1956) was born in Paris and was an integral part of that city's wide literary and artistic circles that included Picasso and Apollinaire. AVERY 27. MINKOFF A39. Orig. beige stiff wrappers, clear cover glassine intact. Fine in board chemise lacking backstrip, in original worn slipcase. $1,950.00
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8. Ciranna, Alfonso.
Giacomo Manzu Catalogo Delle Opere Grafische [Incisione E Lithografie] 1929-1968.
Milan: Alfonso Cirrana, 1968. First edition. 295 pages. Folio, 36 x 26 cm. 195 plates of engravings and lithographs, plus Appendix of books illustrated by Manzu. Catalogue raisonne. Index and Bibliography. Limited edition, one of 1000 copies, plus 200 roman numeral copies reserved for the artist and author -- this being copy XXVIII of the special edition. Text in Italian. FREITAG 7657. Orig. gray cloth lettered in gilt. Fine in near fine, slightly nicked dust wrapper in very good, gray cloth slipcase. $295.00
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8A. Caponigro, Paul.
Boston: New York Graphic Society, 1986. First edition. 208 pages. 28 x 30.5 cm. Signed by Caponigro in ink on half title. 143 duotone illustrations. Text by Marriane Fulton. Caponigro explores the various configurations of these prehistoric monuments. Selected Bibliography. Owner inscription. Clean, bright copy. Orig. beige linen cloth. Fine in fine dust wrapper. $200.00
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8B. Cartier-Bresson, Henri.
The Europeans Photographs By Henri Cartier Bresson.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1955. First edition. Unpaginated. 37 x 27 cm. Original cover design by Joan Miro. Separate Caption booklet laid-in. The more than 100 photographs herein taken by Cartier-Bresson from 1950-1955, and the production printed in France by Draeger. This, the companion' book to Cartier-Bresson's 'The Decisive Moment'. Slight rubbing to backstrip head and foot. Lacks clear acetate dust wrapper, Orig. illustrated boards. Near fine. $575.00
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9. Dahlberg, Edward & Ben Shahn.
The Sorrows of Priapus.
New York: New Directions, 1957. First edition. 119 pages. 27 x 18.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 8 of 150 on mould-made Arches paper, signed by Edward Dahlberg and Ben Shahn -- with a full-page lithograph by Shahn laid-in, and forty drawing in the text. The author calls this work "a fable and not natural history......the polestar of the writer is a legendary work....." Orig. gilt vellum lettered in gilt. Fine in fine slipcase. $190.00
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10. Erni, Hans.
Schritte in Reich de Mitte [aquarelles et dessins].
Genf: Promedi, SA, 1986. First edition. Unpaginated. 24 x 32 cm. Limited edition Luxe, copy 46 of 145 (total edition of 165) signed by Erni. Text in German. Erni steps into the Middle Kingdom of China presenting color and black and white drawings. Plus an original pencil drawing by Erni inscribed and signed on the title page. The latter reflects his image on the front cover. Orig. red/brown velvet, front cover decorated in blind. Fine. $250.00
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11. _____ (Illustrator).
Peintures En Relief De Hans Erni by Walter Ruegg.
Geneve: Pierre Cailler, 1963. First edition. 23 pages in text. 68 illustrations, three in color, all printed recto only. Limited edition, copy 25 of 50 with an original numbered etching 25/50 signed by Erni laid-in. Text translated from the German by P. Lafue. Orig. illustrated stiff wrappers. Near fine. $250.00
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12. _____. (Illustrator).
Vie et Mythologie 7 avril au Mai 1989.
Martigny: Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 1989. First edition. 159 pages. 24 x 22 cm. Text by Pierre-Francis Schneeberger. Commentary by Leonard Gianadda, Claude Richoz and Jura Bruschweiter. 140 illustrations mostly in color of his paintings and lithographs, plus his sculptures. Black and white photographs in the text (French). With an original pencil drawing on a horse on the half-title and signed by Erni. Orig. pictorial stiff black wrappers decorated in blue, red and white. Fine. $250.00
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13. Erben, Walter.
Marc Chagall.
Munich: Prestel Verlag, 1957. First edition. 160 pages in text. 25 x 21 cm. Twelve full-color plates, and sixty four plates in black and white. Signed by Chagall in blue pencil on title page. Text in German. By exploring the scenes of his life, his personal experiences, the author demonstrates how the artist developed, adapting and rejecting styles, but always retaining his own inner world of truth. Owner inscription and stamp. Back cover of dust wrapper lacks a few pieces. FREITAG 1570. LUCAS p133. Orig. cloth. Very good. $300.00
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14. Ernst, Max.
Journal D'Un Astronaute Millenaire.
Paris: Alexandre Tolas, 1969. First edition. 59 pages. 22 x 25 cm. Limited edition, copy 798 of 1215, one color tipped-in plate and more than 50 black and white illustrations. French leaved, clean, bright copy. Orig. illustrated stiff wrappers in slightly nicked original glassine overwrapper. Near fine. $225.00
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14A. Gilpin, Laura.
The Enduring Navaho.
Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1968. First edition. 263 pages. 28 x 21 1/2 cm. Profusely illustrated: photographs in black and white and color. Bibliography. Index. Pictures of the Navaho, the inter-raltionship of their life and land. Orig. green cloth. Fine in fine dust wrapper. (#17496) $140.00
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15. Gasquet, Joachim.
Editions Bernheim-Jeune, 1921. First edition. 125 pages. Folio, 39 x 29.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 214 of 250 on papier d'Arches. Black and white and tipped-in color plates, Original brown stiff wrappers laid-in. French text very bright and fresh as is the entire production. The author, also a poet and art critic is best known for his writing about the artists of his era, particularly Cezanne whom he befriended during an 1895 exhibition at Aix-en-Provence. Bookplate from the Library of Mari Lyons. Text in French. FREITAG 1525. Black cloth, lettered in gilt. Fine. $350.00
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16. Glaser, Curt.
Edvard Munch.
Berlin: Bruno Cassirer, 1917. First edition. 191 pages. 26 x 19 cm. With original etched frontispiece, seventy-eight plates in duotone plus text illustrations. His well known work , "The Scream" sold for $119.9 million in 2012, currently the second most expensive artwork ever sold at an open auction. Text in German. FREITAG 6880. Half centimeter dampstain bottom of front cover. Orig. pictorial tan cloth lettered in black, top edge stained tan. Near fine. $950.00
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17. Godefroy, Louis.
L'Oeuvre Grave De Adriaen Van Ostade.
Paris: Chez L'Auteur, 1930. First edition. 87 pages in text. Profusely illustrated in black and white this edition preceded the American edition by 60 years. Van Ostade, a painter and etcher was a pupil of Frans Hals. Best known for his scenes of peasant life, depicting their carousing and brawling. Chipping to backstrip extremities, wrappers and glassine, interior solid and clean. Orig. decorated tan printed wrappers in original glassine overwrapper. Very good. $220.00
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18. Goodrich, Lloyd.
Raphael Soyer.
New York: Abrams, 1972. First edition. 349 pages. Folio, 39 x 31 cm. With an original drawing by Soyer on half title, 24 x 19 cm signed by Soyer, inscribed in Russian to Maria Solomon -- drawing in blue ink depicting male and female heads with the latter nude from the waist up. 290 illustrations including 77 in full color -- many plates tipped-in. Bibliography. Index. Fresh, clean copy. Orig. beige cloth lettered in dark red. Fine in fine dust wrapper. $700.00
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19. Hasler, Alfred A.
Hans Erni Lebendige Zeitgenossenschaft Werke 1979-1987.
Zurich: ABC Verlag, 1987. First edition. 212 pages. 26.5 x 22 cm. With an original drawing, inscribed and signed by Erni on the half title. More than 200 reproductions, mostly in color. The tinted pages contain a summary in English of the author's essay who was a lifelong friend of Erni. Also provided, an English translation of the biographical notes. General text in German. Orig. beige basket weave cloth lettered in brown. Fine in fine dust wrapper. $220.00
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20. Inness, George.
Fifty Paintings By George Inness.
New York: Privately Printed, 1913. First edition. 14 pages in text. 26 x 19 cm. Fifty black and white plates. Introduction by Elliott Daingerfield. Beautifully printed on handmade paper, Limited Edition, one of 300, illustrations in photogravure with lettered tissue guards. FREITAG 4564. KARPEL I980. "This book is both an intimate and critical appreciation of Inness... This is the earliest monograph on Inness and is interesting for its quaint blend of memoir and critical analysis." Fresh, clean copy, ding to front cover head at fore-edge. Orig. thick brown boards, maroon cloth spine. Teg. Very good. $200.00
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21. Kallir, Otto.
Egon Schiele Oeuvre Catalogue of The Paintings With Essays By Otto Benesch and Thomas M. Messer.
New York: Crown, 1966. 1st English edition. 561 pages. 29 x 23 cm. First edition published 1930, Vienna. 245 plates in color and black and white with the former tipped-in, plus a host of black and white illustrations in the text. Text in English and German. Backstrip slightly darkened, interior contents clean and fresh. LUCAS p.190. Orig. beige linen cloth. Near fine in publisher's slipcase. $450.00
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22. Kent, Rockwell.
To Thee! A Toast in Celebration of a Century of Opportunity and Accomplishment in America 1847-1947.
Manitowoc: Rahr Malting Company, 1946. First edition. 59 pages. 30 x 23 cm. Copiously illustrated and written by Rockwell Kent. A tribute to American immigrants, and a special acknowledgment to the Rahr family from Germany who migrated to the Wisconsin Territory, erected a brewery and malthouse. Book designed by Kent and printed by A. Colish. Fresh, bright copy. Orig. navy cloth spine and decorated, dark salmon boards. Fine in chipped slipcase lacking a portion of bottom panel. $215.00
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23. _____.
Tuberculosis Christmas Seals 1939.
Np: Np, 1939. 16 1/2 x 14 1/2 inch framed and matted complete sheet of 100 Tuberculosis Christmas Seals for the Year 1939 by Rockwell Kent. Stamp of a female head with halo against a blue background with 1939 lettered in white. Two inch white mat, black frame is three quarters of an inch, glass enclosed, complete for mounting. Fine. $250.00
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24. Kinney, Troy.
The Etchings Of Troy Kinney.
Garden City: Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1929. First edition. 80 pages. 30.5 x 23.5 cm. Limited edition, one of 990 signed by Troy Kinney.This is a Catalogue Raisonne of the etchings and drypoints of Kinney, a total of 50 are described in detail. Kinney was noted for his portrayal of dancers and classic nudes. He also maintained a long friendship with the American poet and collector, Louis V. Ledoux. The latter was a noted authority on Japanese prints. Laid-in are two hand written letters to Ledoux (two and three paged) dated 1926 and 1930 respectively and include the envelopes. Also enclosed, are nine New Year's cards from "Margaret & Troy Kinney" hand-drawn by him, three are inscribed to Ledoux. The dates are 1928, 1930, 1932 - 1936. 1938 (one undated). All the cards present dancers in various costumes and positions. Kinney died in January 1938. Orig.. thick white boards, leather spine label printed in gilt. Fine in near fine plain dust wrapper, in near fine black board slipcase.) $250.00
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25. Leger, Fernand (Illustrator).
Fernand Leger Peintures Anterieures A 1940 by Jean Bazaine.
Paris: Louis Carre, 1945. First edition. 52 pages. 26 x 19 cm. Limited edition, copy 510 of 950 printed by Mourlot with original color lithograph covers (wraparound) plus full color lithograph frontispiece, and 32 black and white plates. This exhibition catalogue of Leger's paintings prior to 1940 written by Bazaine in 1942 during the German occupation had to await the Leger exhibition at the Galerie Louis Carre shortly after the Liberation, but before the formal end of the war, from January 15 to February 4, 1945. Nicks to backstrip with one centimeter loss at head. Orig. illustrated wrappers. Very good. $350.00
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26. Lemoisne, Paul A.
Degas Et Son Oeuvre.
Paris: Arts et Metiers Graphiques, 1946. First edition. 33 x 25 cm. More than 1500 illustrations, plus photos and two facsimile pages. Comprehensive Catalogue Raisonne, the standard work on Degas. Limited edition, copy 665 of 980. The first volume presents biographical data, and critical reviews. Volumes 2-3 are annotated catalogues of his oeuvre, a total of 1466 works. The last volume, "Tables," printed in red and black is a compilation of indices covering subject themes and illustrations. Internally very fresh, clean and bright. Text in French. Ex-library with stamps inside front, rear covers, and top edges. FREITAG 2165. Orig. blue gray boards in matching portfolios. Fine in near fine slipcases, one slightly chipped and bruised. 4 vols. $1,650.00
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27. Lifar, Serge.
pensees sur la DANSE illustre par Aristide Maillol avec un avant-propos de Paul Valery.
Paris: Bordas, 1947. First edition. 61 pages. 32.5 x 29 cm. Limited edition, copy 458 of 720 on Rives a la cuve B.F.K. paper, signed by the publisher, Bordas. Introduction by Valery. Seven full page drawings, printed recto only, lithographs in black and white and sepia by Maillol. Clean, very fresh copy, the only flaw a slight nick to glassine at backstrip. Orig. cream colored stiff wrappers, contents loose as issued and laid-in. Fine in original glassine in fine board slipcase.. $200.00
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28. Masereel, Frans.
Die Sonne.
Munich: Kurt Wolff, 1927. First trade edition. 19 pages in text. 16 x 12 cm. Forward by Carl Georg Heise.Sixty full-page wood-cuts by Masereel. Orig. white boards titled in black. Near fine. $195.00
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29. Mouron, Henri.
A.M. Cassandre.
New York: Rizzoli, 1985. First edition. 314 pages. 28 x 25 cm. 398 illustrations, ninety in color. Written by his son, this monograph presents Cassandre's manipulation of typography and image -- including work for the theater, the great typsetters of the time, as well as the posters. Orig. brick cloth. Fine in fine dust wrapper in clear acetate wrapper. $250.00
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29A. Mulas, Ugo.
New York: The New Art Scene Photographs by Ugo Mulas * Text by Alan Solomon * Design By Michele Pronvinciali.
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967. First edition. 337 (4) pages. 33 x 24 cm. Profusion of black and white photographs printed in Italy on semi-glossy stock. An attempt to create a photographic record at a moment in history of the contemporary art scene in New York. With more than 500 photographs Mulas attempts to capture the spirit of the time. Orig. beige cloth backstrip lettered in black. Fine in worn dust wrapper.. $425.00
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30. Nolhac, Pierre de.
J.-M. Nattier Peintre De La Cour De Louis XV.
Paris: Goupil, 1905. First edition. 103 pages. 33 x 24.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 25 of 75 on Japan imperial paper, approx. 90 plates in three states, the two supplementary sets of plates are engraved "sur papier Whatman," all are tinted, all with lettered tissue guards. Nattier's graceful and charming portraits of court ladies in this mode were very fashionable, partly because he could beautify a sitter while also retaining her likeness. Many of his pictures are in the public collections of France. BRYAN Vol. IV, p. 7. " He distinguished himself as a portrait painter, in which capacity he was much employed." The author, a noted French art historian noted for his substantial body of work on Renaissance humanism. Elegantly bound, raised bands, panels richly gilt, cover gilt border in elaborate gilt frame of fleurons, curls and fleur-de-lis motifs, inner dentelles, marbled endpapers. Orig. dark green morocco. Aeg. Fine. $450.00
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31. Picasso, Pablo.
Je Suis Le Cahier The Sketchbooks of Picasso.
Boston: Atlantic Monthly, 1986. First edition. 349 pages. 30 1/2 x 23 1/2 cm. Edited by Arnold Glimcher and Marc Glimcher. Bound by the Harcourt Bindery (with their ticket at backcover paste-down) in full orange morocco decorated in blind in a Picasso motif, a line drawing of male/female faces intertwined with this design motif replicated on the cover of the solander case. Copiously illustrated in black and white and color, including samples from each of 175 different sketchbooks. Features essays by Claude Picasso, Robert Rosenblum, Sam Hunter, Francoise Gilot, and others. The monograph presents for the first time the personal sketchbooks of Picasso, and contains a catalogue raisonne, which fully describes all 175 extant sketchbooks. This book was produced in conjunction with an accompanying exhibition at the Pace Gallery in New York in 1986. Full orange morocco. Fine in near fine solander case of quarter orange morocco with two spine inlays in gray morocco (spine lightly sunned), and beige basket weave cloth. $600.00
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32. Riviere, Georges.
Renoir et ses Amis.
Paris: H. Floury, 1921. 273 pages. 26 x 20 cm. With the original dry point etching (Delteil 8, third state) "Jeune Filles Fleurissant leurs Chapeaux," hors-texte drypoint etching " and with lithograph "Tête de Jeune Fille". 95 heliogravure illustrations and 56 plates (12 in color). Table Des Gravures Hors Texte and Table Des Gravures Dans Le Texte. Crisp very clean interior, binding tight, head and foot of spine reinforced. Orig. pictorial wrappers. Near fine. $1,250.00
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33. Rouault, Georges. (Illustrator).
Carnets De Gilbert By Marcel Arland.
Paris: NRF [Nouvelle Revue Francaise], 1931. First edition. 61 pages. 28.5 x 19.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 99 of 180 (from a total edition of 216) on velin d'Arches. Frontispiece, a black and white lithograph is signed by Rouault at lower right. In addition there are eight original etchings, five are full page and in color. All plates with tissue guards. THE ARTIST AND THE BOOK p.181. "Despite frequent descriptions of these color plates as reproductions, they are original etchings, as recorded in the colophon. The single black lithograph and the etching on the title-page demonstrate Rouault's mastery of black as a positive color value." Interior contents crisp and bright. Orig. cream stiff wrapper lettered in black. Very good in original glassine wrapper, wear at backstrip extremities. $1,575.00
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34. Ruzicka, Rudolph.
Catalogue Of An Exhibition Of Wood-Engravings, Etchings And Drawings.
New York: Anderson Galleries, November 28 to December 10, 1921. First edition. 8 leaves. 22 x 16 cm. Limited edition, on of 125 copies printed by D.B. Updike at the Merrymount Press. Signed presentation copy to Billie (Drinis?) in pencil front free endpaper. Three engravings, one in color and one full color engraving, "An East River Night; In Memorium F.R.S." was printed by Rudolph Ruzicka and signed by him at foot. Interior clean and fresh. Printed invitation to the exhibition laid-in. There are sixty-six titled works, some noted "Exhibition Exhausted," or "Not for Sale." or "Printed in Water Colors" noted in the Wood Engravings section. There are six Etchings, one marked "Aquatint," followed by Drawings and Water Colors with No. 63 "Loaned by Mrs. A.R.L. Dull." Orig. peach paper covered boards printed in black. Near fine. $700.00
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35. Sava.
Twenty-Five Caricatures With an Introduction by Edmund Gosse.
London: Elkin Mathews, 1926. First edition. xi text. 30 x 25 cm. Limited edition, one of 250 signed by Sava. Sava Botzaritch, a Serbian painter and sculptor born in Belgrade influenced by Ivan Mestrovic, landed in London in 1922. Caricatures of G.K.Chesterton, Arthur Conan Doyle, Sinclair Lewis (image), ivan Mestrovic, Benito Mussolini, George Bernard Shaw et al -- all with lettered tissue guards. Clean fresh copy. Orig. beige cloth, gray boards. Very good. $200.00
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36. Seligman, Germain.
Roger De La Fresnaye with a catalogue raisonne.
London: Thames & Hudson, 1969. 1st English edition. 284 pages. Folio, 32 1/2 x 26 1/2 cm. 731 illustrations, thirty-two in color. Limited edition, copy A252 of 900. La Fresnaye joined the Cubist in about 1911. "Roger de La Fresnaye was the most considerable artist in the group of adherents to the Cubist movement......." [see: COOPER p.134]. FREITAG 5087. Orig. brown basked weave cloth. Fine in fine dust wrapper in slightly nicked brown cloth slipcase. $220.00
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36A. Shook, Melissa.
My Suffolk Downs Poems and Photographs.
Boston & Cambridge: Pressed Wafer & Kat Ran Press, 2012. First edition. 30 pages. 18.5 x 23 cm. Limited edition, one of 45 copies signed in pencil by Melissa Shook, and hand bound by Sarah Creighton and designed by the author. Design and typography by Michael Russem. An inside look at the every day hands that work at a racetrack. Printed on high gloss stock. Orig. striated cloth, spine lettered in silver. Fine. $125.00
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27. Tapies, Antoni.
Antoni Tapies in Print Edited by Deborah Wye.
New York: MOMA, 1991. First edition. 128 pages. 24.5 x 27.5 cm. Limited edition, one of 150 copies with an original lithograph, 9 1/2 x 10 1/4" signed by Tapies. The latter created as a special edition for the exhibition "Antoni Tapies in Print" at MOMA, May 7 - August 9, 1992 -- printed by La Poligrafa, S.A. Barcelona. Total of 75 plates, twenty-five in color. Wye is Curator in the Department of Prints and Illustrated Books at MOMA. Orig. black cloth. Fine in matching fine slipcase. $695.00
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38. Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de.
Album De Marine Presenation de M.G. Dortu.
Paris: Berggruen & Cie, 1953. 6 text pages. 14.5 x 22.5 cm. Limited edition, copy 108 of 500, the facsimile album printed by Daniel Jacomet, containing 17 fine screen watercolors and 27 designs in crayon and black and white. A French text tribute to Toulouse-Lautrec by Dortu. Most of the illustrations printed recto only. A two part set: text in light brown printed stiff wrappers, and beige cloth bound illustrated volume with front and back cover illustrations. Both in fine condition in very good, nicked publisher's gray slipcase with front cover paper label. $400.00
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39. Vasarely, Victor.
Neuchatel: Editions du Griffon, 1965. First edition. 194 pages. 29 1/2 x 23 cm. 197 plates in color and black and white with an host of stunning overlay designs, exquisitely printed on glossy stock. Introduction by Marcel Joray. Includes the 5 loose plastic overlays. Text and Dummy by Vasarely. Translated into English by Haakon Chevalier. Series: Plastic Arts of the 20th Century. Orig. charcoal gray cloth. Near fine in fine dust wrapper. $200.00
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40. Whistler, J.A. MacNeill.
Whistler v. Ruskin Art & Art Critics.
London: Chatto & Windus, 1878. 17 pages. 20 x 15 cm. Spelling of Whistler's last name as per title page. Whistler sued Ruskin for a a critical comment made on one of his paintings. The jury reached a verdict in favor of Whistler with a nominal award of a farthing. The libel suit further imperiled Whistler's financial resources. Spine stitching intact, covers separated, housed in fine gray chemise in matching fine slipcase with leather spine label printed in gilt. Chemise book label of Kenneth A. Lohf. Orig. printed brown wrappers. Very good in fine brown cloth chemise and matching fine slipcase. $295.00
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