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Jesus told his followers that he only speaks that which he hears from His Father in heaven. How did that work?
First, we must realize that Jesus did not operate as God while he was on earth, although he was God in the flesh. He laid down his glory when he came to earth. [Philippians 2:6-7] This is why he spent so much time alone in prayer in the wee hours of the morning.
Remember, that just as Jehovah God is triune [a trinity – Father, Spirit, Son] so also are we a trinity having spirit, soul, and body. How do you and I hear from the Father or know the Father’s thoughts towards us? Jesus tells us how in his own words in John 15:26 which says, “But when the Comforter [the Holy Spirit] is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of me.”
The Father is the mastermind of all things and the planner and decider of everything. The human equivalent of the human trinity is our soul [our mind] which is also the planner and decider of what we think and do.
The Holy Spirit knows the Father’s thoughts, plans, and decisions. So, likewise our human spirit knows our thoughts and plans.
The Holy Spirit communicates the Father’s thoughts and plans to the Son, Jesus. Then as Jesus hears from the Holy Spirit, he acts upon it in the natural [physical] world to carry out the Father’s plans. Likewise, we act upon our thoughts received in our spirit then act them out in the flesh.
This is how Jesus, in his earthly ministry, would hear from His Father. During his private prayer times of the night the Holy Spirit revealed the mind, thoughts, and instructions of the Father to Him. Jesus would then enter each new day, having heard from His Father by the Holy Spirit.
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I was raised in a small town in West Central lower Michigan. There wasn’t a year that I lived there that I did not remember a “Memorial Day” parade. The soldiers from all wars would be in the parade, dressed in full uniform. They were from WWI, WWII, The Korean War, the Viet Nam War. Many people had American flags in their hands and waved and saluted the soldiers as they passed by. I always had tears when I saw this, because I knew there were many that “never came home.”
I consider myself a patriot. I love my country. My father was in WWI as a young man that went in underage because he wanted to serve. He was not in long before WWI ended. His brother, my uncle, was in WWII. I am the wife of a Navy veteran, and the sister to two brothers that also are retired Navy veterans. They served our country during the Viet Nam war and came home. Our granddaughter was part of the National Guard, and a great granddaughter is currently serving in the Navy along with several nephews that served in the Coast Guard, and in other facets of the military.
Many of my classmates did not come home and others came home missing limbs. I honor all of them today for the service they gave.
There are others that I honor today too. Those that have been on the Front Line for Jesus. Those that have given their all to get the gospel out to nations and bring truth to the body of Christ. I could list many, but I do not like to drop names. These men and women of God changed my life, and thousands of others. Some were just lay people that loved Jesus and loved to share his love and light.
As we celebrate Memorial Day, let us not forgot those that paid the price with their lives for God, and for country!
Have a blessed day!
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Of those that responded
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Yes, I have and am doing this daily
33.3% answered with:
I do not do this as much as I should
These polls/quizzes are only for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results.
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to see some of the prophetic words
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This word was given over 18 years ago, but someone needs to read it now and be encouraged.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
You would say to me, how Lord, how, and when Lord when, and why, Lord, why, but I would say unto you do not look at the how’s or when’s, or whys, for I will perfect that which concerneth you, saith the Lord. I will be the viaduct to bring the flow unto you. I will cause the time you spend preparing to be of much value. Do not wonder in your soul as to how this will come about. Do not lean to your own understanding and try to figure it out, for as the wave crashes onto the shore, and goes back to sea, and continues to come again over and over without man’s help, so I too will cause a mighty rush to come upon the work of your hands. You will surely see what I have promised. And you will see it with your own eyes, saith the Lord, you will surely see it. I have spoken to you in the wee hours of the night. I have given you an urge in the daytimes. You have inquired of me, and I have responded. Surely, it shall spring forth. Surely it shall come. A great, fresh anointing shall come upon you saith the Lord. You shall stand and see the glory of God. As you lift up my name, I shall draw the people. Yes, I shall draw the people out of their darkness, out of their sorrow, out of their condemnations, out of their convictions, and shall draw them unto me. There will be many that curse you and laugh, and call you nothing but a lunatic, but you are none of the things that they say, saith the Lord. For you have sought me with your whole heart, and have been attentive to my Word, and I shall surely bring it to pass. You shall see it with your own eyes saith the Lord. It shall happen. I shall shake loose of my spirit upon you, and many shall run to the alter and repent. The time is coming, and now is saith the Lord. It shall surely spring forth.
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Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regret. Therefore love and honor those who loves you and treats you right; But don’t waste your time worrying about the ones who don’t or won’t. Just pray for them and keep them in your heart…For everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance to be a witness…Take it; And if it ends up changing you…Let it. Just remember that no one said everything would be easy; But it was promised you that it would be worth it. After all this life is preparing you for where you’ll spend eternity; And that depends on your heart being right with God, how you live, how you act and how you treat your family, your friends and your fellow man. Bottom line we none really know what tomorrow holds; So remember these words from the Bible in James 4:14…”How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? You don’t…For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away”. With that said…Ask yourself the all important question; Am I ready to face tomorrow and whatever it may bring? Now being that your life is only a vapor it can disappear just as quickly as it appeared on the scene of life. So make every minute count; For we none know when the breath we are now breathing…Will be our very last. Just trust God through it all and live each day to the fullest and always be ready to stand before Him…For in the hour that you think not…Jesus will come. (Matthew 24:44) Now be sure to have yourself a blessed day.
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Thought For Today
I don’t know who wrote this however it seems fitting to end the week with this! Have a blessed and safe weekend!!
Repeat as needed:
"No evil will befall me, neither shall any plague come near me, my house or family. For You have given angels charge over me. They keep me in all my ways. They go before me to clear a path through this day. Remove all evil plots and plans and replace them with life, healing, abundance and health in Jesus name!"
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.”
1 Corinthians 16:23 NLT
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Tough Times! HCC
Even if it’s hard, you do what is right.
Tough times teach you to grow and to persevere.
What seed can we sow today?
Who can we put a bow on and celebrate?
Will it be someone you know,
Or someone you do not?
Maybe a homeless person,
Or someone that’s lonely, or maybe,
Someone in prison. Tough times befall us all.
But look ahead, look to what is coming.
Look to the Heavens and what’s,
Waiting for you and I. Tell others,
Pray they listen. Listen and believe,
The truth about life and Eternity.
The risen Christ, follow him today!
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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