MOHC Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2024-2025

Dear MOHC Members and Partners,

As the Michigan State Legislature continues to craft its Fiscal Year 2024-2025 (FY 25) budget recommendations, we are asking our membership to engage with their elected officials, advocate for MOHC’s FY 25 budget priorities, and discuss what you and your organization are doing to benefit the community.


Engaging with your legislative officials can be done in one of two ways: scheduling a site visit and having the legislator meet you where you are or attending a local event or coffee hour. To schedule a site visit, please find an email template below that you may use to contact the office. For a local event or coffee hour, legislators typically post the date/time/location on their social media platforms or websites. Be sure to bring copies of the following documents for your legislator when discussing budget priorities for this year: MOHC FY 25 Budget One-Pager and Supplemental One-Pager on Anesthesia Rate Increase.


Before engaging, make sure you have identified your legislators – a representative and a senator – who can be found by clicking the hyperlinks and entering your address. It is recommended that you email the offices and ask to meet on a Monday or Friday (when they are not in Lansing) or over the legislative spring break if they are in town (March 25 – April 5). Please see the email template below that can be used when reaching out to offices.


Email Template: 

Dear [Senator/Representative Last Name]


I am reaching out on behalf of [your organization] with the Michigan Oral Health Coalition. We would like to schedule a site visit at [location name/address] to discuss MOHC’s priorities and show you the work our organization does in your community. Is there any upcoming availability on a Monday or Friday when [legislator’s name] is in district, or is there availability over the legislative spring break period?


Thank you for the opportunity to connect, and I look forward to hearing from you.




Should you need any assistance scheduling meetings or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Emily


Michigan Oral Health Coalition

The Michigan Oral Health Coalition (MOHC) works to create a large, interconnected network of national, state and local advocates dedicated to working collaboratively on advocacy, education and awareness of oral health. We strive to keep our members informed on topics relevant to today's oral health advocates. The mission of MOHC is to equitably optimize oral health for all Michiganders.